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[Wg-test-framework] ARM crate Info

Ian Campbell writes ("ARM Rack info"):
> I've been keeping stuff in
> http://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=people/ianc/osstest/boards.git;a=summary and 
> have just added /docs/rack with:

FYI, that can be viewed here:

> To be include when shipping:
> In-Case-Guide.odt     -- the label for inside the box
> Installation.odt      -- installation instructions
> For later reference (but do send PG a copy now if that would be useful):
> Circuits.pdf          -- my hand drawn circuit diagrams
> Schematic.dia         -- "schematics" (FSVO)
> Layout.dia            -- the box diagram layout used in In-Case-Guide
> Notes                 -- Random bits of info

Paul, can you take a look at that and see if it makes any kind of
sense ?

The files .dia can be opened with the tool `dia'.


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