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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Notes from Xen Project/AllNet call Mar 4th

On Wed, 4 Mar 2015 16:01:03 +0000
Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Attendees
> ---------
> Paul George
> Don Koch
> Ian Jackson
> Overall
> -------
> Don: We have 8 x86 machines outstanding.  [ By implication the other
> 16 are all fully set up. ]

That agrees with my counts.

> Ian: Pleased that we are making good progress now.
> Ian: Is now unblocked and working on software setup.
> Ian: Most worried about ARM crate, as that has most yet to do and
> therefore greatest opportunity for unexpected problems.
> ACTION: Don to send his status/checklist to the wg list.

Here it is:
+ indicates working machines released to Ian for use.

For these 3 columns, 'x' means works, - means doesn't work,
  nothing means unknown.
net - network working (ping/ssh)
serial - serial line working (bidirectional)
serialBios - serial access to BIOS

            net   serial  serialBios  todo/notes
+merlot0     x      x        x
+merlot1     x      x        x
 nocera0     x      -        x        serial ro
+nocera1     x      x        x
+baroque0    x      x        x
+baroque1    x      x        x
 oseleta0    x      -        x        serial ro
+oseleta1    x      x        x
+chardonnay0 x      x        x
+chardonnay1 x      x        x
+elbling0    x      x        x
 elbling1    x      -        x        serial ro
+fiano0      x      x        x                                                  
+fiano1      x      x        x                                                  
+pinot0      x      x        x                                                  
 pinot1      x      -        x        serial ro                                 
+godello0    x      x        x        fed20 - 64-bit only OS
+godello1    x      x        x        fed20 - 64-bit only OS
 huxelrebe0  x      x        -        serial bios issue?
 huxelrebe1                  -        needs os install, serial bios issue?
+italia0     x      x        x
+italia1     x      x        x
 rimava0                              serial bios issue
 rimava1                              serial bios issue

> Paul/Don: There are updates to the colo layout (wiring assignment)
> spreadsheet.
> ACTION: Don to send latest sheet from git to Paul for updates;


> ACTION: Paul to update it and send back to Don
> ACTION: Don to commit and push to git
> x86 machines status report
> --------------------------
> Don: We have 8 machines which are not entirely ready:
>  4 need more serial adapters
>     Paul: Chris has probably made some of these, but is not sure.
> ACTION: Paul: have Chris make more if necessary, and fit.
>  2 "rimava" outstanding AMD machine MSI serial BIOS problem
>     Last meeting: Paul was going to look for a replacment m/b
>     Paul: His supplier is looking for a suitable board, either a
>     server board with an A3 socket or a workstation board with serial
>     BIOS access.
> ACTION: Paul to continue to pursue this
>  2 "huxelrebe" do not appear to be able to do BIOS over serial
>     Don: Connected VGA console and went through the BIOS screens and
>     did not see this option
>     Paul: This is strange because Paul bench-tested each machine and
>     noticed that rimava* didn't seem to support this so would have
>     expected to notice this for another machine too.
> ACTION: Paul to (liase with Don and) investigate.
> Don: Additionally huxelrebe1 does not appear to have an OS install
> ACTION: Paul to liase with Don and install OS on huxelrebe1
> ARM crate status
> ----------------
> Paul: The crate is in the rack, but not yet connected.  The 4 needed
>     serial adapters have been made by Chris and therefore the machine
>     can be connected this afternoon.
> Ian: Gave overview of ARM crate.
> There are the following connections to make:
>      * 4 DB9 serial connectors (arndales)
>      * 9 RJ45 ethernet connectors: one for each board (to
>        test network) plus one for built-in PDU (to infra network)
>      * 1 USB connector for built-in serial for cubietrucks
>      * IEC mains power
> [ Also: 8 DC power leads looped back to boards from inside crate. ]
> ACTION: Paul to connect the ARM crate this afternoon
> Paul: will need IP address assigned for PDU
> ACTION: Paul to provide Don with git URL for installation instructions
> ACTION: Don to set up PDU MAC address with an IP address

Done (pduarm).

> ACTION: Don to allocate addresses for 8 ARM dev boards (MAC addresses
> in the ARM installation instructions git repo), ask Ian if not found

Done. (What are the "arndale" and "cubietruck" MACs for?)


> ACTION: Paul to test the ARM crate in situ according to existing test
> plan
> Paul asked about tty number assignment:
> Ian: tty number assignment is not at all stable; need to redo the grep
> each time.  (For production we will configure server specially but
> this is impractical for testing.)
> Paul: grep did not appear to work, but lines were found in logfile.
> ACTION: Don to assist Paul with this grep
> ARM crate USB serial passthrough
> --------------------------------
> Ian: We want to pass USB serial connections for cubietrucks through to
> serial0 VM.  This would be easiest by doing PCI passthrough of the
> relevant USB controller.  Ian is not convinced about stability of USB
> passthrough.
> ACTION: Don to investigate which physical USB ports on newcastle
> correspond to which USB controllers visible in lspci and lsusb, by
> using physical USB keyboard (already present in rack) and ARM crate
> cubietruck serial.
> ACTION: Don to discuss results and construct plan with Ian.
> Ian: This may involve physically labelling some of the USB ports on
> newcastle to avoid confusion in the future.
> Liason about sysadmin and hardware fiddling
> -------------------------------------------
> As between Paul (hardware) and Don/Ian (software), all physical x86
> machines now "owned" by Don/Ian, except where agreed physical work is
> taking place.
> As between Don and Ian: Will negotiate on IRC about disruptive
> activities (eg rebooting VMs, etc.).
> Thanks,
> Ian.

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