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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Lenovo issue - Status update.


I contacted Lenovo customer support again and reopened the case or they will
reassign a new case number.  My supplier has also contacted them about these
problems.  He also contacted INTEL to see about AMT support.  While they do
not support AMT. they told him they though Lenovo had a new version other
than AMT 6.  We are following up until we get a real person to talk to.

I am expecting the replacement power supplies for rimava 0/1 to arrive
Tuesday.  We got approved power supplies as spec'd by SuperMicro so we
should not have any more problems. If we get them,  we will install them and
test them so they should be back in the rack before the end of the week.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jackson [mailto:Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 6:40 AM
To: Don Koch
Cc: Ian Campbell; Don Koch; Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk;
wg-test-framework@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Paul L. George
Subject: Re: [Wg-test-framework] Lenovo issue

Don Koch writes ("Re: [Wg-test-framework] Lenovo issue"):
> I think I have part of huxelrebe1's AMT issue sorted out.

Thanks for the update.

Unfortunately, you changed the dhcp server's `domain-name' option, with
global effect.  This broke all the tests.  See my other message.

> As for DHCP service to these two, I assume we want to use the regular 
> dhcp server on infra, yes? Preferred IP addresses and names?

You may recall that on the phone I suggested you just let them obtain an
address automatically and use the dhcp server logs to find out what it is.
So I think there was no need to make any DHCP server or hosts file changes.

The DNS and DHCP server configuration is now managed by my provisioning
makefile in the ansible playbook repo and I would prefer not to add
additional ad-hoc entries.

I trust that when I provision the AMT interfaces in the DNS and DHCP server
(changing the IP address offered by DHCP) AMT will pick up the new address ?

> Right now, I have the AMT hostname on hux1 set to huxelrebe1a. It 
> doesn't like much longer names. I suspect a 12 character limit as I 
> had tried huxelrebe1amt and it complained when I tried to exit that 
> screen. Infra's dhcp server is handing it per infra's hosts

Maybe I have misunderstood.  I don't know why AMT's idea of its own hostname
is relevant.

Perhaps we should chat on IRC because it seems evident that I don't
understand what's going on with AMT.


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