I went to the COLO and checked labels on the servers Baroque 0 & 1. They were correctly labeled.
Baroque 0 was plugged into PDU-0 4, Comtrol-1-6, 48 port 7 - These are all Physical Addresses
Baroque 1 was plugged into PDU-1-4, Comtrol-1-7, 48 port 8 - These are all Physical Addresses
I have included the Chart I am working from. Please see if it is matches your cable map.
According to this information I am at a loss as to how I could have swapped out the wrong motherboard in Baroque 1
I was at the COLO at 20:30 to 20:50 EDST 06/11/2015, just in case you see a glitch in the test results.
What is the best way to get the MAC address for NIC 1. Debian 7 is loaded on both systems Root password = a
The only sure way I can think to easily see if we are on the same page is to turn off Baroque 1 and I will check it is the same system physically that you think it is logically.
Bandwidth Issue:
We are contracted at 4M BPS and that is what we are getting.
They are going to send me screen shots showing the actual usage.