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Re: [win-pv-devel] winpv drivers update still don't works correctly and domUs unable to boot on next reboot

Il 23/10/2015 12:43, Fabio Fantoni ha scritto:
Il 23/10/2015 12:25, Paul Durrant ha scritto:
-----Original Message-----
From: win-pv-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:win-pv-devel-
bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Fabio Fantoni
Sent: 23 October 2015 11:14
To: Paul Durrant; win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [win-pv-devel] winpv drivers update still don't works correctly
and domUs unable to boot on next reboot

Il 23/10/2015 11:33, Paul Durrant ha scritto:
-----Original Message-----
From: Fabio Fantoni [mailto:fabio.fantoni@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 23 October 2015 10:15
To: win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Paul Durrant
Subject: winpv drivers update still don't works correctly and domUs
unable to
boot on next reboot

In many months I have tried numerous times with numerous winpv builds
windows update 7/8/10 but most of the time still using earlier builds
for one or more components, and often the next reboot fails to boot.
You have a driver incompatibility problem. You have a XENBUS 8.2.0 from
22nd October, but a XENVBD 8.1.0 from 11th August. So, I think what's
happing is that the old XENVBD is unable to bind to the PDO created by the
newer XENBUS, hence no FDO is being created, hence no disk PDOs are
being created, hence you have no system disk and you get a 0x7B BSOD.
Even if I updated ALL the component (so all the same build), also in
case of same "major version" ( for example 8.1.0 (1) -> 8.1.0 (2) ), the
domU uses one or more component at the older version.
For what I remember happen mainly for disks and network components.
In some case domU was still working even if it using old build of one or
more components, in many other cases network or disks was not working
(for disks the domU was unable to boot like this latest).
I already tried many tests for many hours in latest months trying to
remove the drivers, also manually remove service, files, registry keys
ecc... (after uninstall from windows control panel) but without found a
secure update procedure because also in many remove cases windows was
unable to boot.
If I understand good I suppose the mainly problems are that uninstaller
(in windows control panel) doesn't remove all effective related things,
and removing them manually if very difficult. It seems that winpv
components coinstaller have something wrong or missed which make unable
to use correctly the latest builds and/or uninstall/update the drivers.

Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.
I tend to install using dpinst so when I remove I generally do it via the 'uninstall programs' pane in control panel. I then reboot to get back to emulated devices and only then do install newer PV drivers.


I already tried the same (as I wrote) for a hundred times or more in the last year but too many times the domU was unable to boot because of winpv things still remains after uninstall (or for other window problem that I not understand exactly). I spent tens of hours to found a solution to remove remaining service, registry keys and files AFTER uninstall from windows control panel but I was always unable to found a clean and safe procedure to full removal that left windows still able to boot in any case.

I now retried with same domU when I had the latest problem reported (I returned to status before the winpv update with disk snapshot), I removed the winpv drivers from windows control panel (in this case I didn't try additional manual clean) and reboot. Next boot windows fails to boot and from qemu log winpv things are still present and used but boot fails (I suppose because partial as uninstalled).
Full qemu log with trace in attachment.
Seems very strange that similar thing happen only to me and in 80-90% of my tests with winpv, as already wrote tested on many domUs, W7/8/10, different builds of winpv, different versions of dom0 kernel, xen, qemu ecc...

If you need more informations/tests tell me and I'll post them.

Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.

In my latest test:
Wheezy (debian 7) 64 bit with xen 4.6.0 plus some small additional
kernel is custom build of 4.1.8 with .config in attachment
Qemu 2.4 with some small additional patches:
Seabios 1.8.2

windows 10 pro 64 bit
xl cfg in attachment

I updated all winpv components to latest build without saw errors but on reboot windows fails to boot, in qemu log I saw a trace about and also
the still use older build of at least one component.
Full qemu log with trace in attachment.
I had similar problem many time with different versions of xen, qemu,
seabios, winpv, windows ecc...
I also already did at least one other report about time ago if I
remember good.

If you need more informations/tests tell me and I'll post them.

Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.

Attachment: qemu-dm-W10.log
Description: Text document

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