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Re: [PATCH] Fix div by zero in xenvif if no queues.

On 21/03/2022 16:45, Martin Harvey wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: win-pv-devel <win-pv-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of 
Durrant, Paul

It really should not happen at all.

I also notice, with some trepidation, that FrontendSetNumQueues does:

     status = XENBUS_STORE(Read,
     if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
         BackendMaxQueues = (ULONG)strtoul(Buffer, NULL, 10);

So in the case where the contents of our xenstore buffer is not an integer, 
we'll set backend max queues (and hence frontend max queues) to zero, without 
so much of a whimper of an error, so that prob needs to be sorted too.

I really wouldn't go down that rathole. If the frontend cannot implicitly trust its backend (or the toolstack that creates it) then all bets are off IMO.





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