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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] Backed out changeset a8d708fcb347

  • To: xen-changelog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: Xen patchbot-unstable <patchbot@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:33:23 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:33:38 +0000
  • List-id: "Change log for Mercurial \(receive only\)" <xen-changelog.lists.xen.org>

# HG changeset patch
# User Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1344252286 -3600
# Node ID ce0079dc8c52d5335d78b24c4c6e0a36d4780061
# Parent  a8d708fcb3474b7fc112de37b3064e9213d4de92
Backed out changeset a8d708fcb347

25727:a8d708fcb347 was mangled during commit.  Back it out so that we
can commit it properly.

Committed-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 docs/misc/xl-disk-configuration.txt
--- a/docs/misc/xl-disk-configuration.txt       Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/docs/misc/xl-disk-configuration.txt       Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -160,10 +160,7 @@ script=<script>
 Specifies that <target> is not a normal host path, but rather
-information to be interpreted by the executable program <script>,
-(looked for in /etc/xen/scripts, if it doesn't contain a slash).
-These scripts are normally called "block-<script>".
+information to be interpreted by /etc/xen/scripts/block-<script>.
@@ -207,7 +204,7 @@ Supported values:      iscsi:  nbd:  enb
 In xend and old versions of libxl it was necessary to specify the
 "script" (see above) with a prefix.  For compatibility, these four
 prefixes are recognised as specifying the corresponding script.  They
-are equivalent to "script=block-<script>".
+are equivalent to "script=<script>".
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/hotplug/Linux/block
--- a/tools/hotplug/Linux/block Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/hotplug/Linux/block Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -342,4 +342,4 @@ esac
 # If we've reached here, $t is neither phy nor file, so fire a helper script.
 [ -x ${XEN_SCRIPT_DIR}/block-"$t" ] && \
-  ${XEN_SCRIPT_DIR}/block-"$t" "$command"
+  ${XEN_SCRIPT_DIR}/block-"$t" "$command" $node
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/check-xl-disk-parse
--- a/tools/libxl/check-xl-disk-parse   Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/check-xl-disk-parse   Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -142,44 +142,5 @@ disk: {
 one 0 vdev=hdc,access=r,devtype=cdrom,format=empty
-one 0 vdev=hdc,access=r,devtype=cdrom
-expected <<EOF
-disk: {
-    "backend_domid": 0,
-    "pdev_path": 
-    "vdev": "xvda",
-    "backend": "unknown",
-    "format": "raw",
-    "script": "block-iscsi",
-    "removable": 0,
-    "readwrite": 1,
-    "is_cdrom": 0
-# http://backdrift.org/xen-block-iscsi-script-with-multipath-support
-one 0 
-one 0 
-expected <<EOF
-disk: {
-    "backend_domid": 0,
-    "pdev_path": "app01",
-    "vdev": "hda",
-    "backend": "unknown",
-    "format": "raw",
-    "script": "block-drbd",
-    "removable": 0,
-    "readwrite": 1,
-    "is_cdrom": 0
-# http://lists.linbit.com/pipermail/drbd-user/2008-September/010221.html
-# http://www.drbd.org/users-guide-emb/s-xen-configure-domu.html
-one 0 drbd:app01,hda,w
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/libxl.c
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl.c       Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl.c       Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -1796,9 +1796,9 @@ static void device_disk_add(libxl__egc *
     flexarray_t *front = NULL;
     flexarray_t *back = NULL;
-    char *dev, *script;
+    char *dev;
     libxl__device *device;
-    int rc;
+    int major, minor, rc;
     libxl_ctx *ctx = gc->owner;
     xs_transaction_t t = XBT_NULL;
@@ -1833,6 +1833,13 @@ static void device_disk_add(libxl__egc *
             goto out_free;
+        if (disk->script) {
+            LIBXL__LOG(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "External block scripts"
+                       " not yet supported, sorry");
+            rc = ERROR_INVAL;
+            goto out_free;
+        }
         rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, domid, disk, device);
         if (rc != 0) {
@@ -1844,16 +1851,18 @@ static void device_disk_add(libxl__egc *
         switch (disk->backend) {
             case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_PHY:
                 dev = disk->pdev_path;
-                script = libxl__abs_path(gc, disk->script ?: "block",
-                                         libxl__xen_script_dir_path());
+                libxl__device_physdisk_major_minor(dev, &major, &minor);
+                flexarray_append(back, "physical-device");
+                flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%x:%x", major, 
                 flexarray_append(back, "params");
                 flexarray_append(back, dev);
-                assert(script);
-                flexarray_append_pair(back, "script", script);
+                flexarray_append(back, "script");
+                flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%s/%s",
+                                                 libxl__xen_script_dir_path(),
+                                                 "block"));
                 assert(device->backend_kind == LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD);
@@ -1870,12 +1879,10 @@ static void device_disk_add(libxl__egc *
-                /*
-                 * tap devices do not support custom block scripts and
-                 * always use the plain block script.
-                 */
-                script = libxl__abs_path(gc, "block",
-                                         libxl__xen_script_dir_path());
+                flexarray_append(back, "script");
+                flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%s/%s",
+                                                 libxl__xen_script_dir_path(),
+                                                 "blktap"));
                 /* now create a phy device to export the device to the guest */
                 goto do_backend_phy;
@@ -2575,10 +2582,13 @@ void libxl__device_nic_add(libxl__egc *e
     flexarray_append(back, "1");
     flexarray_append(back, "state");
     flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%d", 1));
-    if (nic->script)
-        flexarray_append_pair(back, "script",
-                              libxl__abs_path(gc, nic->script,
-                                              libxl__xen_script_dir_path()));
+    if (nic->script) {
+        flexarray_append(back, "script");
+        flexarray_append(back, nic->script[0]=='/' ? nic->script
+                         : libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/%s",
+                                          libxl__xen_script_dir_path(),
+                                          nic->script));
+    }
     if (nic->ifname) {
         flexarray_append(back, "vifname");
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/libxl_device.c
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_device.c        Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_device.c        Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -147,26 +147,18 @@ typedef struct {
 } disk_try_backend_args;
 static int disk_try_backend(disk_try_backend_args *a,
-                            libxl_disk_backend backend)
- {
-    libxl__gc *gc = a->gc;
+                            libxl_disk_backend backend) {
     /* returns 0 (ie, DISK_BACKEND_UNKNOWN) on failure, or
      * backend on success */
-    libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(gc);
+    libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(a->gc);
+    switch (backend) {
-    switch (backend) {
         if (!(a->disk->format == LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_RAW ||
               a->disk->format == LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY)) {
             goto bad_format;
-        if (a->disk->script) {
-            LOG(DEBUG, "Disk vdev=%s, uses script=... assuming phy backend",
-                a->disk->vdev);
-            return backend;
-        }
         if (libxl__try_phy_backend(a->stab.st_mode))
             return backend;
@@ -176,8 +168,6 @@ static int disk_try_backend(disk_try_bac
         return 0;
-        if (a->disk->script) goto bad_script;
         if (!libxl__blktap_enabled(a->gc)) {
             LIBXL__LOG(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_DEBUG, "Disk vdev=%s, backend tap"
                        " unsuitable because blktap not available",
@@ -191,7 +181,6 @@ static int disk_try_backend(disk_try_bac
         return backend;
-        if (a->disk->script) goto bad_script;
         return backend;
@@ -209,11 +198,6 @@ static int disk_try_backend(disk_try_bac
     return 0;
- bad_script:
-    LOG(DEBUG, "Disk vdev=%s, backend %s not compatible with script=...",
-        a->disk->vdev, libxl_disk_backend_to_string(backend));
-    return 0;
 int libxl__device_disk_set_backend(libxl__gc *gc, libxl_device_disk *disk) {
@@ -236,7 +220,7 @@ int libxl__device_disk_set_backend(libxl
             return ERROR_INVAL;
         memset(&a.stab, 0, sizeof(a.stab));
-    } else if (!disk->script) {
+    } else {
         if (stat(disk->pdev_path, &a.stab)) {
             LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "Disk vdev=%s "
                              "failed to stat: %s",
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_i.h
--- a/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_i.h       Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_i.h       Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #ifndef LIBXLU_DISK_I_H
 #define LIBXLU_DISK_I_H
+#include "libxl_osdeps.h" /* must come before any other headers */
 #include "libxlu_internal.h"
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.c
--- a/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.c       Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.c       Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
 #line 2 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
-#line 31 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
-#include "libxl_osdeps.h" /* must come before any other headers */
-#line 8 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
+#line 4 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
 #define  YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
@@ -383,76 +379,77 @@ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_acclist[4
      8213,   22,16405,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
        22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
-       22,   22,   24, 8193,   22, 8193,   22, 8193, 8213,   22,
-     8213,   22, 8213,   12,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
+       22,   24, 8193,   22, 8193,   22, 8193, 8213,   22, 8213,
+       22, 8213,   12,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
        22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
-       22,   22, 8213,   22, 8213,   22, 8213,   12,   22,   17,
-     8213,   22,16405,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
-     8206, 8213,   22,16398,16405,   20, 8213,   22,16405,   22,
-     8205, 8213,   22,16397,16405,   22,   22, 8208, 8213,   22,
-    16400,16405,   22,   22,   22,   22,   17, 8213,   22,   17,
-     8213,   22,   17,   22,   17, 8213,   22,    3,   22,   22,
-       19, 8213,   22,16405,   22,   22, 8206, 8213,   22, 8206,
+     8213,   22, 8213,   22, 8213,   12,   22,   17, 8213,   22,
+    16405,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22, 8213,   22,
+    16405,   20, 8213,   22,16405,   22, 8205, 8213,   22,16397,
+    16405,   22,   22, 8208, 8213,   22,16400,16405,   22,   22,
+       22,   22,   17, 8213,   22,   17, 8213,   22,   17,   22,
+       17, 8213,   22,    3,   22,   22,   19, 8213,   22,16405,
+       22,   22,   22,   22,   20, 8213,   22,   20, 8213,   22,
-     8213,   22, 8206,   22, 8206, 8213,   20, 8213,   22,   20,
-     8213,   22,   20,   22,   20, 8213, 8205, 8213,   22, 8205,
-     8213,   22, 8205,   22, 8205, 8213,   22, 8208, 8213,   22,
-     8208, 8213,   22, 8208,   22, 8208, 8213,   22,   22,    9,
-       22,   17, 8213,   22,   17, 8213,   22,   17, 8213,   17,
-       22,   17,   22,    3,   22,   22,   19, 8213,   22,   19,
-     8213,   22,   19,   22,   19, 8213,   22,   18, 8213,   22,
-    16405, 8206, 8213,   22, 8206, 8213,   22, 8206, 8213, 8206,
-       22, 8206,   20, 8213,   22,   20, 8213,   22,   20, 8213,
-       20,   22,   20, 8205, 8213,   22, 8205, 8213,   22, 8205,
+       20,   22,   20, 8213, 8205, 8213,   22, 8205, 8213,   22,
+     8205,   22, 8205, 8213,   22, 8208, 8213,   22, 8208, 8213,
+       22, 8208,   22, 8208, 8213,   22,   22,    9,   22,   17,
+     8213,   22,   17, 8213,   22,   17, 8213,   17,   22,   17,
+       22,    3,   22,   22,   19, 8213,   22,   19, 8213,   22,
+       19,   22,   19, 8213,   22,   18, 8213,   22,16405, 8206,
+     8213,   22,16398,16405,   22,   20, 8213,   22,   20, 8213,
+       22,   20, 8213,   20,   22,   20, 8205, 8213,   22, 8205,
+     8213,   22, 8205, 8213, 8205,   22, 8205,   22, 8208, 8213,
+       22, 8208, 8213,   22, 8208, 8213, 8208,   22, 8208,   22,
-     8213, 8205,   22, 8205,   22, 8208, 8213,   22, 8208, 8213,
-       22, 8208, 8213, 8208,   22, 8208,   22,   22,    9,   12,
-        9,    7,   22,   22,   19, 8213,   22,   19, 8213,   22,
-       19, 8213,   19,   22,   19,    2,   18, 8213,   22,   18,
-     8213,   22,   18,   22,   18, 8213,   10,   22,   11,    9,
-        9,   12,    7,   12,    7,   22,    6,    2,   12,    2,
-       18, 8213,   22,   18, 8213,   22,   18, 8213,   18,   22,
-       18,   10,   12,   10,   15, 8213,   22,16405,   11,   12,
-       11,    7,    7,   12,   22,    6,   12,    6,    6,   12,
-        6,   12,    2,    2,   12,   10,   10,   12,   15, 8213,
+       22,    9,   12,    9,    7,   22,   22,   19, 8213,   22,
+       19, 8213,   22,   19, 8213,   19,   22,   19,    2,   18,
+     8213,   22,   18, 8213,   22,   18,   22,   18, 8213, 8206,
+     8213,   22, 8206, 8213,   22, 8206,   22, 8206, 8213,   22,
+       10,   22,   11,    9,    9,   12,    7,   12,    7,   22,
+        6,    2,   12,    2,   18, 8213,   22,   18, 8213,   22,
+       18, 8213,   18,   22,   18, 8206, 8213,   22, 8206, 8213,
+       22, 8206, 8213, 8206,   22, 8206,   22,   10,   12,   10,
+       15, 8213,   22,16405,   11,   12,   11,    7,    7,   12,
+       22,    6,   12,    6,    6,   12,    6,   12,    2,    2,
-       22,   15, 8213,   22,   15,   22,   15, 8213,   11,   12,
-       22,    6,    6,   12,    6,    6,   15, 8213,   22,   15,
-     8213,   22,   15, 8213,   15,   22,   15,   22,    6,    6,
-        8,    6,    5,    6,    8,   12,    8,    4,    6,    5,
-        6,    8,    8,   12,    4,    6
+       12, 8206,   22,16398,   10,   10,   12,   15, 8213,   22,
+       15, 8213,   22,   15,   22,   15, 8213,   11,   12,   22,
+        6,    6,   12,    6,    6,   15, 8213,   22,   15, 8213,
+       22,   15, 8213,   15,   22,   15,   22,    6,    6,    8,
+        6,    5,    6,    8,   12,    8,    4,    6,    5,    6,
+        8,    8,   12,    4,    6
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[252] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[257] =
     {   0,
         1,    1,    1,    2,    3,    4,    7,   12,   16,   19,
        21,   24,   27,   30,   33,   36,   39,   42,   45,   48,
        51,   54,   57,   60,   63,   66,   68,   69,   70,   71,
        73,   76,   78,   79,   80,   81,   84,   84,   85,   86,
        87,   88,   89,   90,   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,
-       97,   98,   99,  100,  101,  102,  103,  104,  106,  108,
-      109,  111,  113,  114,  115,  116,  117,  118,  119,  120,
+       97,   98,   99,  100,  101,  102,  103,  105,  107,  108,
+      110,  112,  113,  114,  115,  116,  117,  118,  119,  120,
       121,  122,  123,  124,  125,  126,  127,  128,  129,  130,
-      131,  132,  133,  135,  137,  138,  139,  140,  144,  145,
-      146,  147,  148,  149,  150,  151,  156,  160,  161,  166,
+      131,  133,  135,  136,  137,  138,  142,  143,  144,  145,
+      146,  147,  148,  149,  152,  156,  157,  162,  163,  164,
-      167,  168,  173,  174,  175,  176,  177,  180,  183,  185,
-      187,  188,  190,  191,  195,  196,  197,  200,  203,  205,
-      207,  210,  213,  215,  217,  220,  223,  225,  227,  228,
-      231,  234,  236,  238,  239,  240,  241,  242,  245,  248,
-      250,  252,  253,  254,  256,  257,  260,  263,  265,  267,
-      268,  272,  275,  278,  280,  282,  283,  286,  289,  291,
-      293,  294,  297,  300,  302,  304,  305,  306,  309,  312,
-      314,  316,  317,  318,  319,  321,  322,  323,  324,  325,
-      328,  331,  333,  335,  336,  337,  340,  343,  345,  347,
-      348,  349,  350,  351,  353,  355,  356,  357,  358,  360,
+      169,  170,  171,  172,  173,  176,  179,  181,  183,  184,
+      186,  187,  191,  192,  193,  194,  195,  198,  201,  203,
+      205,  208,  211,  213,  215,  216,  219,  222,  224,  226,
+      227,  228,  229,  230,  233,  236,  238,  240,  241,  242,
+      244,  245,  248,  251,  253,  255,  256,  260,  265,  266,
+      269,  272,  274,  276,  277,  280,  283,  285,  287,  288,
+      289,  292,  295,  297,  299,  300,  301,  302,  304,  305,
+      306,  307,  308,  311,  314,  316,  318,  319,  320,  323,
+      326,  328,  330,  333,  336,  338,  340,  341,  342,  343,
+      344,  345,  347,  349,  350,  351,  352,  354,  355,  358,
-      361,  364,  367,  369,  371,  372,  374,  375,  379,  381,
-      382,  383,  385,  386,  388,  389,  391,  393,  394,  396,
-      397,  399,  402,  405,  407,  409,  411,  412,  413,  415,
-      416,  417,  420,  423,  425,  427,  428,  429,  430,  431,
-      432,  433,  435,  437,  438,  440,  442,  443,  445,  447,
-      447
+      361,  363,  365,  366,  369,  372,  374,  376,  377,  378,
+      380,  381,  385,  387,  388,  389,  391,  392,  394,  395,
+      397,  399,  400,  402,  405,  406,  408,  411,  414,  416,
+      418,  420,  421,  422,  424,  425,  426,  429,  432,  434,
+      436,  437,  438,  439,  440,  441,  442,  444,  446,  447,
+      449,  451,  452,  454,  456,  456
     } ;
 static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_ec[256] =
@@ -495,238 +492,244 @@ static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[34] 
         1,    1,    1
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[308] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[313] =
     {   0,
-        0,    0,  546,  538,  533,  521,   32,   35,  656,  656,
-       44,   62,   30,   41,   50,   51,  507,   64,   47,   66,
-       67,  499,   68,  487,   72,    0,  656,  465,  656,   87,
-       91,    0,    0,  100,  452,  109,    0,   74,   95,   87,
-       32,   96,  105,  110,   77,   97,   40,  113,  116,  112,
-      118,  120,  121,  122,  123,  125,    0,  137,    0,    0,
-      147,    0,    0,  449,  129,  126,  134,  143,  145,  147,
-      148,  149,  151,  153,  156,  160,  155,  167,  162,  175,
-      168,  159,  188,    0,    0,  656,  166,  197,  179,  185,
-      176,  200,  435,  186,  193,  216,  225,  205,  234,  221,
+        0,    0,  572,  560,  559,  551,   32,   35,  662,  662,
+       44,   62,   30,   40,   32,   50,  533,   49,   47,   59,
+       68,  525,   69,  517,   72,    0,  662,  515,  662,   83,
+       91,    0,    0,  100,  501,  109,    0,   78,   51,   86,
+       89,   74,   96,  105,  109,  110,  111,  112,  117,   73,
+      119,  118,  121,  120,  122,    0,  134,    0,    0,  138,
+        0,    0,  495,  130,  144,  129,  143,  145,  146,  147,
+      148,  149,  153,  154,  155,  158,  161,  165,  166,  170,
+      180,    0,    0,  662,  171,  201,  176,  175,  178,  183,
+      465,  182,  190,  455,  212,  188,  221,  208,  224,  234,
-      237,  247,  204,  230,  244,  213,  254,    0,  256,    0,
-      251,  258,  254,  279,  256,  259,  267,    0,  269,    0,
-      286,    0,  288,    0,  290,    0,  297,    0,  267,  299,
-        0,  301,    0,  288,  297,  421,  302,  310,    0,    0,
-        0,    0,  305,  656,  307,  319,    0,  321,    0,  322,
-      332,  335,    0,    0,    0,    0,  339,    0,    0,    0,
-        0,  342,    0,    0,    0,    0,  340,  349,    0,    0,
-        0,    0,  337,  345,  420,  656,  419,  346,  350,  358,
-        0,    0,    0,    0,  418,  360,    0,  362,    0,  417,
-      319,  369,  416,  656,  415,  656,  276,  364,  414,  656,
+      209,  230,  236,  221,  244,    0,  247,    0,  184,  248,
+      244,  269,  231,  247,  251,  258,  272,    0,  279,    0,
+      283,    0,  286,    0,  255,  290,    0,  293,    0,  270,
+      281,  455,  254,  297,    0,    0,    0,    0,  294,  662,
+      295,  308,    0,  310,    0,  257,  319,  328,  304,  331,
+        0,    0,    0,    0,  335,    0,    0,    0,    0,  316,
+      338,    0,    0,    0,    0,  333,  336,  447,  662,  429,
+      338,  340,  348,    0,    0,    0,    0,  428,  351,    0,
+      355,    0,  359,    0,  362,    0,  357,  427,  308,  369,
+      426,  662,  425,  662,  346,  365,  423,  662,  371,    0,
-      375,    0,    0,    0,    0,  413,  656,  384,  412,    0,
-      410,  656,  370,  409,  656,  370,  378,  408,  656,  366,
-      656,  394,    0,  396,    0,    0,  380,  316,  656,  377,
-      387,  398,    0,    0,    0,    0,  399,  402,  407,  271,
-      406,  228,  200,  656,  175,  656,   77,  656,  656,  656,
-      428,  432,  435,  439,  443,  447,  451,  455,  459,  463,
-      467,  471,  475,  479,  483,  487,  491,  495,  499,  503,
-      507,  511,  515,  519,  523,  527,  531,  535,  539,  543,
-      547,  551,  555,  559,  563,  567,  571,  575,  579,  583,
-      587,  591,  595,  599,  603,  607,  611,  615,  619,  623,
+        0,    0,    0,  378,    0,    0,    0,    0,  380,  421,
+      662,  388,  420,    0,  419,  662,  373,  418,  662,  372,
+      382,  417,  662,  398,  416,  662,  400,    0,  402,    0,
+        0,  385,  415,  662,  390,  275,  409,    0,    0,    0,
+        0,  405,  404,  406,  264,  412,  224,  129,  662,   87,
+      662,   47,  662,  662,  662,  434,  438,  441,  445,  449,
+      453,  457,  461,  465,  469,  473,  477,  481,  485,  489,
+      493,  497,  501,  505,  509,  513,  517,  521,  525,  529,
+      533,  537,  541,  545,  549,  553,  557,  561,  565,  569,
+      573,  577,  581,  585,  589,  593,  597,  601,  605,  609,
-      627,  631,  635,  639,  643,  647,  651
+      613,  617,  621,  625,  629,  633,  637,  641,  645,  649,
+      653,  657
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[308] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[313] =
     {   0,
-      250,    1,  251,  251,  250,  252,  253,  253,  250,  250,
-      254,  254,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,
-       12,   12,   12,   12,   12,  255,  250,  252,  250,  256,
-      253,  257,  257,  258,   12,  252,  259,   12,   12,   12,
+      255,    1,  256,  256,  255,  257,  258,  258,  255,  255,
+      259,  259,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,
+       12,   12,   12,   12,   12,  260,  255,  257,  255,  261,
+      258,  262,  262,  263,   12,  257,  264,   12,   12,   12,
        12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,
-       12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,  255,  256,  257,  257,
-      260,  261,  261,  250,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,
+       12,   12,   12,   12,   12,  260,  261,  262,  262,  265,
+      266,  266,  255,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,
        12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,
-       12,   12,  260,  261,  261,  250,   12,  262,   12,   12,
-       12,   12,   12,   12,   12,  263,  264,   12,  265,   12,
+      265,  266,  266,  255,   12,  267,   12,   12,   12,   12,
+       12,   12,   12,   36,  268,   12,  269,   12,   12,  270,
-       12,  266,   12,   12,   12,   12,  267,  268,  262,  268,
-       12,   12,   12,  269,   12,   12,  270,  271,  263,  271,
-      272,  273,  264,  273,  274,  275,  265,  275,   12,  276,
-      277,  266,  277,   12,   12,  278,   12,  267,  268,  268,
-      279,  279,   12,  250,   12,  280,  281,  269,  281,   12,
-      282,  270,  271,  271,  283,  283,  272,  273,  273,  284,
-      284,  274,  275,  275,  285,  285,   12,  276,  277,  277,
-      286,  286,   12,   12,  287,  250,  288,   12,   12,  280,
-      281,  281,  289,  289,  290,  291,  292,  282,  292,  293,
-       12,  294,  287,  250,  295,  250,   12,  296,  297,  250,
+       12,   12,   12,   12,  271,  272,  267,  272,   12,   12,
+       12,  273,   12,   12,   12,  257,  274,  275,  268,  275,
+      276,  277,  269,  277,   12,  278,  279,  270,  279,   12,
+       12,  280,   12,  271,  272,  272,  281,  281,   12,  255,
+       12,  282,  283,  273,  283,   12,  284,  285,  257,  274,
+      275,  275,  286,  286,  276,  277,  277,  287,  287,   12,
+      278,  279,  279,  288,  288,   12,   12,  289,  255,  290,
+       12,   12,  282,  283,  283,  291,  291,  292,  293,  294,
+      284,  294,  295,  296,  285,  296,  257,  297,   12,  298,
+      289,  255,  299,  255,   12,  300,  301,  255,  293,  294,
-      291,  292,  292,  298,  298,  299,  250,  300,  301,  301,
-      295,  250,   12,  302,  250,  302,  302,  297,  250,  299,
-      250,  303,  304,  300,  304,  301,   12,  302,  250,  302,
-      302,  303,  304,  304,  305,  305,   12,  302,  302,  306,
-      302,  302,  307,  250,  302,  250,  307,  250,  250,    0,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
+      294,  302,  302,  295,  296,  296,  303,  303,  257,  304,
+      255,  305,  306,  306,  299,  255,   12,  307,  255,  307,
+      307,  301,  255,  285,  304,  255,  308,  309,  305,  309,
+      306,   12,  307,  255,  307,  307,  308,  309,  309,  310,
+      310,   12,  307,  307,  311,  307,  307,  312,  255,  307,
+      255,  312,  255,  255,    0,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_nxt[690] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_nxt[696] =
     {   0,
         6,    7,    8,    9,    6,    6,    6,    6,   10,   11,
        12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   17,   18,   17,   17,
        17,   17,   19,   17,   20,   21,   22,   23,   24,   17,
        25,   17,   17,   31,   31,   32,   31,   31,   32,   35,
        33,   35,   41,   33,   28,   28,   28,   29,   34,   35,
-       35,   36,   37,   73,   42,   38,   35,   49,   68,   35,
-       35,   39,   28,   28,   28,   29,   34,   43,   45,   36,
-       37,   40,   44,   35,   46,   35,   35,   35,   51,   53,
-      244,   35,   50,   35,   55,   65,   35,   47,   56,   28,
-       59,   48,   31,   31,   32,   60,   35,   71,   67,   33,
+      249,   36,   37,   42,   43,   38,   35,   48,   35,   35,
+       35,   39,   28,   28,   28,   29,   34,   44,   35,   36,
+       37,   40,   46,   45,   65,   49,   47,   35,   35,   50,
+       52,   35,   35,   35,   54,   28,   58,   35,   55,   64,
+      254,   59,   31,   31,   32,   35,   75,   66,   35,   33,
-       28,   28,   28,   29,   35,   35,   35,   28,   37,   61,
-       61,   61,   62,   61,   35,   70,   61,   63,   66,   35,
-       49,   35,   35,   72,   74,   35,   69,   35,   75,   35,
-       35,   35,   35,   88,   35,   35,   82,   78,   35,   28,
-       59,   77,   87,   35,   76,   60,   80,   79,   81,   28,
-       84,   78,   35,   89,   35,   85,   35,   35,   35,   75,
-       35,   92,   35,   96,   35,   35,   90,   97,   35,   35,
-       93,   35,   94,   91,   99,   35,   35,   35,  249,  100,
-       95,  101,  102,  104,   35,   35,   98,  103,   35,  105,
-       28,   84,  111,  106,   35,   35,   85,  107,  107,   61,
+       28,   28,   28,   29,   68,   35,   48,   28,   37,   60,
+       60,   60,   61,   60,   35,   67,   60,   62,   35,   35,
+       35,   35,   72,   71,   73,   69,   35,   35,   35,   35,
+       35,   35,  253,   80,   76,   70,   28,   58,   35,   35,
+       28,   82,   59,   85,   77,   78,   83,   79,   87,   74,
+       76,   86,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   90,
+       94,   95,   35,   35,   35,   97,   88,   35,   91,   92,
+       35,   99,  100,   89,   35,   35,   93,  101,   98,   35,
+       35,  102,   28,   82,   35,   35,   96,   35,   83,  109,
+      112,   35,   35,   35,   76,   97,  110,   35,  104,   35,
-      108,  107,   35,  248,  107,  110,  112,  114,  113,   35,
-       75,   78,   99,   35,   35,  116,  117,  117,   61,  118,
-      117,  134,   35,  117,  120,  121,  121,   61,  122,  121,
-       35,  246,  121,  124,  125,  125,   61,  126,  125,   35,
-      137,  125,  128,  135,  102,  129,   35,  130,  130,   61,
-      131,  130,  136,   35,  130,  133,   28,  139,   28,  141,
-       35,  144,  140,   35,  142,   35,  151,   35,   35,   28,
-      153,   28,  155,  143,  244,  154,   35,  156,  145,  146,
-      146,   61,  147,  146,  150,   35,  146,  149,   28,  158,
-       28,  160,   28,  163,  159,  167,  161,   35,  164,   28,
+      103,  105,  105,   60,  106,  105,  139,  115,  105,  108,
+      111,  114,  117,  117,   60,  118,  117,   35,   35,  117,
+      120,  121,  121,   60,  122,  121,  130,  251,  121,  124,
+       35,  100,  125,   35,  126,  126,   60,  127,  126,   35,
+       35,  126,  129,  131,  132,   35,   28,  135,  133,   28,
+      137,  140,  136,   35,  147,  138,   35,   35,  148,  146,
+       35,   29,  170,   35,   35,  178,   35,  249,  141,  142,
+      142,   60,  143,  142,   28,  151,  142,  145,  219,   35,
+      152,   28,  153,  160,  149,   28,  156,  154,   28,  158,
+       35,  157,   28,  162,  159,   28,  164,  166,  163,   28,
-      165,   28,  169,   28,  171,  166,   35,  170,  213,  172,
-      177,   35,   28,  139,   35,  173,   35,  178,  140,  215,
-      179,   28,  181,   28,  183,  174,  208,  182,   35,  184,
-      185,   35,  186,  186,   61,  187,  186,   28,  153,  186,
-      189,   28,  158,  154,   28,  163,   35,  159,  190,   35,
-      164,   28,  169,  192,   35,   35,  191,  170,  198,   35,
-       28,  181,   28,  202,   28,  204,  182,  215,  203,  207,
-      205,   64,  210,  229,  197,  216,  217,   28,  202,   35,
-      215,  229,  230,  203,  222,  222,   61,  223,  222,   35,
-      215,  222,  225,  237,  227,  231,   28,  233,   28,  235,
+      135,  165,  244,   35,   35,  136,  171,   29,  172,  167,
+       28,  174,   28,  176,  187,  212,  175,   35,  177,  179,
+      179,   60,  180,  179,  188,   35,  179,  182,  183,  183,
+       60,  184,  183,   28,  151,  183,  186,   28,  156,  152,
+       28,  162,   35,  157,  190,   35,  163,   35,  196,   35,
+       28,  174,  189,   28,  200,   35,  175,   28,  202,  201,
+       29,   28,  205,  203,   28,  207,  195,  206,  219,  209,
+      208,   63,  214,   28,  200,  234,  220,  221,  217,  201,
+       28,  205,   35,   29,  235,  234,  206,  224,  227,  227,
+       60,  228,  227,  219,   35,  227,  230,  232,  242,  236,
-       28,  233,  234,  238,  236,  215,  234,  240,   35,  215,
-      215,  200,  229,  196,  239,  226,  221,  219,  212,  176,
-      207,  200,  196,  194,  176,  241,  242,  245,   26,   26,
-       26,   26,   28,   28,   28,   30,   30,   30,   30,   35,
-       35,   35,   35,   57,  115,   57,   57,   58,   58,   58,
-       58,   60,   86,   60,   60,   34,   34,   34,   34,   64,
-       64,   35,   64,   83,   83,   83,   83,   85,   29,   85,
-       85,  109,  109,  109,  109,  119,  119,  119,  119,  123,
-      123,  123,  123,  127,  127,  127,  127,  132,  132,  132,
-      132,  138,  138,  138,  138,  140,   54,  140,  140,  148,
+       28,  207,   28,  238,   28,  240,  208,  219,  239,  219,
+      241,   28,  238,  245,   35,  219,  243,  239,  219,  211,
+      198,  234,  194,  231,  226,  247,  223,  246,  216,  169,
+      211,  198,  194,  250,   26,   26,   26,   26,   28,   28,
+       28,   30,   30,   30,   30,   35,   35,   35,   35,   56,
+      192,   56,   56,   57,   57,   57,   57,   59,  169,   59,
+       59,   34,   34,   34,   34,   63,   63,  116,   63,   81,
+       81,   81,   81,   83,  113,   83,   83,  107,  107,  107,
+      107,  119,  119,  119,  119,  123,  123,  123,  123,  128,
+      128,  128,  128,  134,  134,  134,  134,  136,   84,  136,
-      148,  148,  148,  152,  152,  152,  152,  154,   52,  154,
-      154,  157,  157,  157,  157,  159,   35,  159,  159,  162,
-      162,  162,  162,  164,   29,  164,  164,  168,  168,  168,
-      168,  170,  250,  170,  170,  175,  175,  175,  175,  142,
-       27,  142,  142,  180,  180,  180,  180,  182,   27,  182,
-      182,  188,  188,  188,  188,  156,  250,  156,  156,  161,
-      250,  161,  161,  166,  250,  166,  166,  172,  250,  172,
-      172,  193,  193,  193,  193,  195,  195,  195,  195,  184,
-      250,  184,  184,  199,  199,  199,  199,  201,  201,  201,
-      201,  203,  250,  203,  203,  206,  206,  206,  206,  209,
+      136,  144,  144,  144,  144,  150,  150,  150,  150,  152,
+       35,  152,  152,  155,  155,  155,  155,  157,   29,  157,
+      157,  161,  161,  161,  161,  163,   53,  163,  163,  168,
+      168,  168,  168,  138,   51,  138,  138,  173,  173,  173,
+      173,  175,   35,  175,  175,  181,  181,  181,  181,  185,
+      185,  185,  185,  154,   29,  154,  154,  159,  255,  159,
+      159,  165,   27,  165,  165,  191,  191,  191,  191,  193,
+      193,  193,  193,  177,   27,  177,  177,  197,  197,  197,
+      197,  199,  199,  199,  199,  201,  255,  201,  201,  204,
+      204,  204,  204,  206,  255,  206,  206,  210,  210,  210,
-      209,  209,  209,  211,  211,  211,  211,  214,  214,  214,
-      214,  218,  218,  218,  218,  205,  250,  205,  205,  220,
-      220,  220,  220,  224,  224,  224,  224,  210,  250,  210,
-      210,  228,  228,  228,  228,  232,  232,  232,  232,  234,
-      250,  234,  234,  236,  250,  236,  236,  243,  243,  243,
-      243,  247,  247,  247,  247,    5,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250
+      210,  213,  213,  213,  213,  215,  215,  215,  215,  218,
+      218,  218,  218,  222,  222,  222,  222,  203,  255,  203,
+      203,  208,  255,  208,  208,  225,  225,  225,  225,  229,
+      229,  229,  229,  214,  255,  214,  214,  233,  233,  233,
+      233,  237,  237,  237,  237,  239,  255,  239,  239,  241,
+      255,  241,  241,  248,  248,  248,  248,  252,  252,  252,
+      252,    5,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[690] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[696] =
     {   0,
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
         1,    1,    1,    7,    7,    7,    8,    8,    8,   13,
-        7,   41,   13,    8,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   47,
-       14,   11,   11,   47,   14,   11,   19,   19,   41,   15,
-       16,   11,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   14,   16,   12,
-       12,   12,   15,   18,   16,   20,   21,   23,   21,   23,
-      247,   25,   20,   38,   25,   38,   45,   18,   25,   30,
-       30,   18,   31,   31,   31,   30,   40,   45,   40,   31,
+        7,   15,   13,    8,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   14,
+      252,   11,   11,   14,   15,   11,   19,   19,   18,   16,
+       39,   11,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   16,   20,   12,
+       12,   12,   18,   16,   39,   20,   18,   21,   23,   21,
+       23,   25,   50,   42,   25,   30,   30,   38,   25,   38,
+      250,   30,   31,   31,   31,   40,   50,   40,   41,   31,
-       34,   34,   34,   34,   39,   42,   46,   34,   34,   36,
-       36,   36,   36,   36,   43,   43,   36,   36,   39,   44,
-       44,   50,   48,   46,   48,   49,   42,   51,   49,   52,
-       53,   54,   55,   66,   56,   66,   55,   56,   65,   58,
-       58,   51,   65,   67,   50,   58,   54,   53,   54,   61,
-       61,   52,   68,   67,   69,   61,   70,   71,   72,   70,
-       73,   71,   74,   75,   77,   75,   68,   76,   82,   76,
-       72,   79,   73,   69,   78,   87,   78,   81,  245,   79,
-       74,   80,   80,   81,   80,   91,   77,   80,   89,   82,
-       83,   83,   89,   87,   90,   94,   83,   88,   88,   88,
+       34,   34,   34,   34,   42,   43,   43,   34,   34,   36,
+       36,   36,   36,   36,   44,   41,   36,   36,   45,   46,
+       47,   48,   47,   46,   48,   44,   49,   52,   51,   54,
+       53,   55,  248,   54,   55,   45,   57,   57,   66,   64,
+       60,   60,   57,   64,   52,   53,   60,   53,   66,   49,
+       51,   65,   67,   65,   68,   69,   70,   71,   72,   69,
+       73,   74,   73,   74,   75,   76,   67,   76,   70,   71,
+       77,   78,   78,   68,   78,   79,   72,   78,   77,   80,
+       85,   79,   81,   81,   88,   87,   75,   89,   81,   87,
+       90,   92,   90,  109,   96,   96,   88,   96,   85,   93,
-       88,   88,   95,  243,   88,   88,   90,   92,   91,   92,
-       95,   98,   98,  103,   98,   94,   96,   96,   96,   96,
-       96,  103,  106,   96,   96,   97,   97,   97,   97,   97,
-      100,  242,   97,   97,   99,   99,   99,   99,   99,  104,
-      106,   99,   99,  104,  101,  100,  101,  102,  102,  102,
-      102,  102,  105,  105,  102,  102,  107,  107,  109,  109,
-      111,  112,  107,  113,  109,  115,  116,  112,  116,  117,
-      117,  119,  119,  111,  240,  117,  129,  119,  113,  114,
-      114,  114,  114,  114,  115,  197,  114,  114,  121,  121,
-      123,  123,  125,  125,  121,  129,  123,  134,  125,  127,
+       80,   86,   86,   86,   86,   86,  109,   93,   86,   86,
+       89,   92,   95,   95,   95,   95,   95,   98,  101,   95,
+       95,   97,   97,   97,   97,   97,  101,  247,   97,   97,
+      104,   99,   98,   99,  100,  100,  100,  100,  100,  102,
+      113,  100,  100,  102,  103,  103,  105,  105,  104,  107,
+      107,  110,  105,  111,  114,  107,  114,  110,  115,  113,
+      115,  116,  133,  133,  125,  146,  146,  245,  111,  112,
+      112,  112,  112,  112,  117,  117,  112,  112,  236,  130,
+      117,  119,  119,  125,  116,  121,  121,  119,  123,  123,
+      131,  121,  126,  126,  123,  128,  128,  130,  126,  134,
-      127,  130,  130,  132,  132,  127,  135,  130,  197,  132,
-      137,  137,  138,  138,  143,  134,  145,  143,  138,  228,
-      145,  146,  146,  148,  148,  135,  191,  146,  191,  148,
-      150,  150,  151,  151,  151,  151,  151,  152,  152,  151,
-      151,  157,  157,  152,  162,  162,  173,  157,  167,  167,
-      162,  168,  168,  174,  174,  178,  173,  168,  179,  179,
-      180,  180,  186,  186,  188,  188,  180,  198,  186,  220,
-      188,  192,  192,  216,  178,  198,  198,  201,  201,  213,
-      230,  217,  216,  201,  208,  208,  208,  208,  208,  227,
-      231,  208,  208,  227,  213,  217,  222,  222,  224,  224,
+      134,  128,  236,  139,  141,  134,  139,  149,  141,  131,
+      142,  142,  144,  144,  149,  189,  142,  189,  144,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  160,  160,  147,  147,  148,  148,
+      148,  148,  148,  150,  150,  148,  148,  155,  155,  150,
+      161,  161,  166,  155,  167,  167,  161,  171,  172,  172,
+      173,  173,  166,  179,  179,  195,  173,  181,  181,  179,
+      187,  183,  183,  181,  185,  185,  171,  183,  196,  187,
+      185,  190,  190,  199,  199,  220,  196,  196,  195,  199,
+      204,  204,  217,  209,  220,  221,  204,  209,  212,  212,
+      212,  212,  212,  235,  232,  212,  212,  217,  232,  221,
-      232,  232,  222,  230,  224,  238,  232,  237,  237,  241,
-      239,  218,  214,  211,  231,  209,  206,  199,  195,  193,
-      190,  185,  177,  175,  136,  238,  239,  241,  251,  251,
-      251,  251,  252,  252,  252,  253,  253,  253,  253,  254,
-      254,  254,  254,  255,   93,  255,  255,  256,  256,  256,
-      256,  257,   64,  257,  257,  258,  258,  258,  258,  259,
-      259,   35,  259,  260,  260,  260,  260,  261,   28,  261,
-      261,  262,  262,  262,  262,  263,  263,  263,  263,  264,
-      264,  264,  264,  265,  265,  265,  265,  266,  266,  266,
-      266,  267,  267,  267,  267,  268,   24,  268,  268,  269,
+      224,  224,  227,  227,  229,  229,  224,  243,  227,  244,
+      229,  237,  237,  242,  242,  246,  235,  237,  233,  225,
+      222,  218,  215,  213,  210,  244,  197,  243,  193,  191,
+      188,  178,  170,  246,  256,  256,  256,  256,  257,  257,
+      257,  258,  258,  258,  258,  259,  259,  259,  259,  260,
+      168,  260,  260,  261,  261,  261,  261,  262,  132,  262,
+      262,  263,  263,  263,  263,  264,  264,   94,  264,  265,
+      265,  265,  265,  266,   91,  266,  266,  267,  267,  267,
+      267,  268,  268,  268,  268,  269,  269,  269,  269,  270,
+      270,  270,  270,  271,  271,  271,  271,  272,   63,  272,
-      269,  269,  269,  270,  270,  270,  270,  271,   22,  271,
-      271,  272,  272,  272,  272,  273,   17,  273,  273,  274,
-      274,  274,  274,  275,    6,  275,  275,  276,  276,  276,
-      276,  277,    5,  277,  277,  278,  278,  278,  278,  279,
-        4,  279,  279,  280,  280,  280,  280,  281,    3,  281,
-      281,  282,  282,  282,  282,  283,    0,  283,  283,  284,
-        0,  284,  284,  285,    0,  285,  285,  286,    0,  286,
-      286,  287,  287,  287,  287,  288,  288,  288,  288,  289,
-        0,  289,  289,  290,  290,  290,  290,  291,  291,  291,
-      291,  292,    0,  292,  292,  293,  293,  293,  293,  294,
+      272,  273,  273,  273,  273,  274,  274,  274,  274,  275,
+       35,  275,  275,  276,  276,  276,  276,  277,   28,  277,
+      277,  278,  278,  278,  278,  279,   24,  279,  279,  280,
+      280,  280,  280,  281,   22,  281,  281,  282,  282,  282,
+      282,  283,   17,  283,  283,  284,  284,  284,  284,  285,
+      285,  285,  285,  286,    6,  286,  286,  287,    5,  287,
+      287,  288,    4,  288,  288,  289,  289,  289,  289,  290,
+      290,  290,  290,  291,    3,  291,  291,  292,  292,  292,
+      292,  293,  293,  293,  293,  294,    0,  294,  294,  295,
+      295,  295,  295,  296,    0,  296,  296,  297,  297,  297,
-      294,  294,  294,  295,  295,  295,  295,  296,  296,  296,
-      296,  297,  297,  297,  297,  298,    0,  298,  298,  299,
-      299,  299,  299,  300,  300,  300,  300,  301,    0,  301,
-      301,  302,  302,  302,  302,  303,  303,  303,  303,  304,
-        0,  304,  304,  305,    0,  305,  305,  306,  306,  306,
-      306,  307,  307,  307,  307,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,
-      250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250,  250
+      297,  298,  298,  298,  298,  299,  299,  299,  299,  300,
+      300,  300,  300,  301,  301,  301,  301,  302,    0,  302,
+      302,  303,    0,  303,  303,  304,  304,  304,  304,  305,
+      305,  305,  305,  306,    0,  306,  306,  307,  307,  307,
+      307,  308,  308,  308,  308,  309,    0,  309,  309,  310,
+        0,  310,  310,  311,  311,  311,  311,  312,  312,  312,
+      312,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,
+      255,  255,  255,  255,  255
     } ;
 #define YY_TRAILING_MASK 0x2000
@@ -773,8 +776,7 @@ goto find_rule; \
  * syntax; if the target string has to contain "," or ":" the new
  * syntax's "target=" should be used.
-#line 35 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 31 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
 #include "libxlu_disk_i.h"
 #define YY_NO_INPUT
@@ -883,7 +885,7 @@ static int vdev_and_devtype(DiskParseCon
 #define DPC ((DiskParseContext*)yyextra)
-#line 887 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
+#line 889 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
 #define INITIAL 0
 #define LEXERR 1
@@ -1119,12 +1121,12 @@ YY_DECL
        register int yy_act;
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-#line 155 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 151 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
  /*----- the scanner rules which do the parsing -----*/
-#line 1128 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
+#line 1130 "libxlu_disk_l.c"
        if ( !yyg->yy_init )
@@ -1318,7 +1320,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
    * matched the whole string, so these patterns take precedence */
 case 13:
-#line 189 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 185 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
                     DPC->had_depr_prefix=1; DEPRECATE("use `[format=]...,'");
@@ -1352,7 +1354,7 @@ case 17:
 yyg->yy_c_buf_p = yy_cp = yy_bp + 4;
 YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
-#line 210 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 199 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
 { DPC->had_depr_prefix=1; DEPRECATE(0); }
 case 18:
@@ -1360,7 +1362,7 @@ case 18:
 yyg->yy_c_buf_p = yy_cp = yy_bp + 6;
 YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
-#line 211 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 200 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
 { DPC->had_depr_prefix=1; DEPRECATE(0); }
 case 19:
@@ -1368,7 +1370,7 @@ case 19:
 yyg->yy_c_buf_p = yy_cp = yy_bp + 5;
 YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
-#line 212 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 201 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
 { DPC->had_depr_prefix=1; DEPRECATE(0); }
 case 20:
@@ -1392,7 +1394,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 22:
 /* rule 22 can match eol */
-#line 222 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 211 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
@@ -1421,7 +1423,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 23:
-#line 248 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 237 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
@@ -2531,4 +2533,4 @@ void xlu__disk_yyfree (void * ptr , yysc
 #define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
-#line 255 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 244 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.h
--- a/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.h       Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.h       Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -3,12 +3,8 @@
 #define xlu__disk_yyIN_HEADER 1
 #line 6 "libxlu_disk_l.h"
-#line 31 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
-#include "libxl_osdeps.h" /* must come before any other headers */
-#line 12 "libxlu_disk_l.h"
+#line 8 "libxlu_disk_l.h"
 #define  YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
@@ -344,8 +340,8 @@ extern int xlu__disk_yylex (yyscan_t yys
 #undef YY_DECL
-#line 255 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
+#line 244 "libxlu_disk_l.l"
-#line 350 "libxlu_disk_l.h"
+#line 346 "libxlu_disk_l.h"
 #undef xlu__disk_yyIN_HEADER
 #endif /* xlu__disk_yyHEADER_H */
diff -r a8d708fcb347 -r ce0079dc8c52 tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.l
--- a/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.l       Fri Aug 03 11:59:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.l       Mon Aug 06 12:24:46 2012 +0100
@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@
  * syntax's "target=" should be used.
-#include "libxl_osdeps.h" /* must come before any other headers */
 #include "libxlu_disk_i.h"

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