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[Xen-devel] Latest 1.2 tools fail to create new domain

xen:~ # xc_dom_create.py -f /etc/xc/test -D vmid=1
Parsing config file '/etc/xc/test'
/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/XenoUtil.py:96: FutureWarning: x<<y losing 
bits or changing sign will return a long in Python 2.4 and up
  a = ( (string.atoi(l[0])<<24) | (string.atoi(l[1])<<16) |
VM image           : "/boot/xenolinux-new.gz"
VM ramdisk         : ""
VM memory (MB)     : "64"
VM IP address(es)  : ";"
VM block device(s) : "vd:1,sda1,w; vd:2,sda2,w"
VM cmdline         : " root=/dev/sda1 VMID=1 "
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/xc_dom_create.py", line 308, in ?
    current_id = make_domain()
  File "/usr/bin/xc_dom_create.py", line 266, in make_domain
SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call

xen:~ # xc_dom_control.py list
Dom  Name             Mem(kb)  CPU  State  Time(s)
0    Domain-0          131072   0    r-       58
1    Test domain [1]    65536   0    -s        0

xen:~ # cat /etc/xc/test

##### Edit this python file to reflect the configuration of your system

##### This example script expects a variable called 'vmid' to be set.

def config_usage ():
    print >>sys.stderr,"""
The config file '%s' requires the following variable to be defined:
 vmid             -- Numeric identifier for the new domain, used to calculate
                     the VM's IP address and root partition. E.g. -Dvmid=1
""" % config_file

    vmid=int(vmid) # convert to integer
    print >>sys.stderr,"%s: This script expects 'vmid' to be set using -D 
vmid=X" % config_file

if vmid == 0:
    print >>sys.stderr,"%s: 'vmid' must be greater than 0" % config_file

# STEP 1. Specify kernel image file and otional ramdisk. Can be gzip'ed.
image = "/boot/xenolinux.gz"
ramdisk = ""
#ramdisk = "/boot/initrd.gz"
builder_fn='linux' # this is a linux domain

# STEP 2. The initial memory allocation (in megabytes) for the new domain.
mem_size = 64

# STEP 3. A handy name for your new domain.
domain_name = "Test domain [%d]" % vmid

# STEP 4. Specify IP address(es), for the new domain.  You need to
# configure IP addrs within the domain just as you do normally.  This
# is just to let Xen know about them so it can route packets
# appropriately.

#vfr_ipaddr = ["111.222.333.444","222.333.444.555"]
vfr_ipaddr  = 

# STEP 5a. Identify any physcial partitions or virtual disks you want the
# domain to have access to, and what you want them accessible as
# e.g. vbd_list = [ ('phy:sda1','sda1', 'w'),
#        ('phy:sda%d' % (3+vmid), 'hda2', 'r'),
#        ('vd:as73gd784dh','hda1','w'),
#        ('phy:cdrom','hdd','r')

vbd_list = [ ( 'vd:1','sda1','w' ),
             ( 'vd:2','sda2','w' ) ]

# STEP 5b. Set the VBD expertise level.  Most people should leave this
# on 0, at least to begin with - this script can detect most dangerous
# disk sharing between domains and with this set to zero it will only
# allow read only sharing.

vbd_expert = 0

# STEP 6. Build the command line for the new domain. Edit as req'd.
# You only need the ip= line if you're NFS booting or the root file system
# doesn't set it later e.g. in ifcfg-eth0 or via DHCP
# You can use 'extrabit' to set the runlevel and custom environment
# variables used by custom rc scripts (e.g. VMID=, usr= )

netmask = XenoUtil.get_current_ipmask()
gateway = XenoUtil.get_current_ipgw()
nfsserv = ''

#cmdline_ip = 
cmdline_root = "root=/dev/sda1 VMID=%d" % vmid
#cmdline_root = "root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=/full/path/to/root/directory"
#cmdline_extra = "4 VMID=%d usr=/dev/sda6" % vmid

# STEP 7. Set according to whether you want the script to watch the domain
# and auto-restart it should it die or exit.

auto_restart = False
#auto_restart = True

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