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[Xen-devel] issue about pic and ioapic

Hi ,
    I find in xen-3.0.4-testing. Both Pic and Ioapic are all support in
xen. But It puzzled me that which will be used in xen to start Gos.
somebody can tell me.
Thanks James.

Best Regards
 宋 伟 ( James.Song)                                           
 Senior Develop Enigneer songweia@xxxxxxxxxx                   
 Trusted Computing Lab   +86-10-58866632/1066                  
 Lenovo Corporate R&D                                          
 Post Code 100085                                              
 Post Office Box 8688                                          
 No. 6 Shangdi Di West                                         
 Haidian District,                                             
 Beijing, China                                                
 New World. New                                  image moved   
 Thinking.                                       to file:      
 http://www.lenovo.com/                          pic19187.gif) 
 (Embedded image moved   (Embedded image moved   (Embedded     
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                    source.com                         收件人:     
                    发件人:                           抄送:                          
                    xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxx        主题:  Xen-devel Digest, 
Vol 22, Issue 126                               
                    2006-12-15 12:29                                            
                    请答复 给 xen-devel                                             

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Today's Topics:

   1. [IPF] xen-3.0.4-RC1 functional test on IPF (Zhang, Jingke)
   2. VMX status report 13029:4d2ae322ef02 (Yu, Ping Y)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:24:49 +0800
From: "Zhang, Jingke" <jingke.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] [IPF] xen-3.0.4-RC1 functional test on IPF
To: <xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Content-Type: text/plain;           charset="us-ascii"

Hi all,
    Generally speaking, this xen-3.0.4 RC1 does not change a lot,
compared with xen-3.0.3.
    We did a basic functional test on the xen-3.0.4 RC1. We found three
1. SMP_VTI LTP performed slowly;
2. UPVTI booting speed is slow (150s or so);
3. The "cpus" item in the config file will not be available. (If we set
cpus="0-3", the VTI's affinity was still "any cpu" and could be vcpu-5 )
    We will go on to do a stress test on xen-3.0.4 RC1 and send the
report one or two days later.

Platform : IA64
Service OS : RHEL4u3 IA64 with 2 CPUs
Guest os: RHEL4u2/RHEL4u3 VTI
Hardware : Montecito C0/C1
PAL: 8.47
Guest firmware: Flash.fd.2006.12.01
Xen package: 12901 in xen-unstable tree (xen-3.0.4 RC1)
xen0's sched: credit

Functional test:
Case                   status   case scene
Two_UP_VTI_Co        pass     Create 2 UP_VTI domain (256M memory each)
One_UP_VTI             pass     Create 1 UP_VTI domain with 256M memory
One_UP_XenU            pass     Create 1 UP_xenU domain (256M memory)
SMPVTI_LTP            fail    Create 1 VTI (vcpus=2 mem=512M) to run LTP
                      (Note: this failure means "can't finish within 80
SMPVTI_and_SMPXenU     pass     Create 1 VTI + 1 xenU with 256M memory
Two_SMPXenU_Coexist    pass     Create 2 xenU with 256M memory each
One_SMPVTI_4096M       pass     Create 1 VTI (vcpus=2, mem=4096M)
SMPVTI_Network         pass    Create a VTI (mem=256M) and ping hostname
SMPXenU_Network       pass     Create a xenU (vcpus=2) and ping hostname
One_SMP_XenU           pass     Create a smp xenU with vcpus=2
One_SMP_VTI            pass     Create a smp VTI with vcpus=2
SMPVTI_Kernel_Build    pass     Create a VTI domain (vcpus=4) and test
Four_SMPVTI_Coexist    pass     Create four VTI domains with 256M each
SMPVTI_Windows         pass     Create SMPVTI windows
SMPWin_SMPVTI_SMPxenU_Co    pass   Create VTI, xenU and VTI_Windows
UPVTI_Kernel_Build       pass      Create UPVTI and test kernel build in



Message: 2
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:25:47 +0800
From: "Yu, Ping Y" <ping.y.yu@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] VMX status report 13029:4d2ae322ef02
To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

We have tested the latest xen on VT platform with Intel 965/5000P
Here is the test summary:

1).We add two RTM Vista test cases since yesterday. So now we have Beta
2 Vista and RTM Vista test in nightly test.
And beta2 Vista's network is OK, but IA32 RTM Vista's network doesn't

1). IA32E/PAE: 32bit Vista RTM network doesn't work.
2). IA32: IA32 UP ACPI Win2K/2K3/XP can't be created, they give a white

Bugs have been fixed:
1). The bug bringing up network causes Linux guest OS hangs has been


+ Build&Boot SMP Xen0 without problem
+ Can bootup SMP XenU with 256 M memory
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can bootup IA32 SMP Linux VMX domain & XenU with different memory size
+ Can't bootup four IA32 SMP Linux VMX domain in sequence.
+ Can boot up IA32 SMP Linux VMX domain with base kernel
+ xm-test runs well
+ A selected subset of LTP runs well in IA32 SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can build base kernel 2.6.16 in IA32 SMP Linux VMX domain
+ Can startX in Dom0
+ Network is OK in IA32 SMP VMX domain
+ Can bootup IA32 SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain with acpi enable
+ Can startX in IA32 SMP Linux VMX domain
+ Can't bootup unmodified IA32 UP noACPI Windows2K3 VMX domain
+ Can't bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI WindowsXP SP2 VMX domain
+ Can't bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI Windows2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP ACPI Win2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP ACPI WinXP VMX domain


+ Build&Boot PAE SMP xen0 without problem
+ Can bootup SMP XenU with  256 M Memory
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can bootup PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain & XenU with different memory
+ Can bootup four PAE SMP Linux VMX domain in sequence
+ Can bootup PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with base kernel
+ xm-test runs well
+ A selected subset of LTP runs well in PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can build base kenerl 2.6.16 in PAE SMP VMX domain.
+ Can startX in Dom0
+ Can bootup PAE SMP 2.6 Linux in VMX with acpi enable
+ Network is OK in PAE SMP VMX domain
+ Can startX in PAE SMP VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP nonACPI Windows2K VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI WindowXP SP2 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified PAE UP ACPI Windows2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified PAE UP ACPI Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Win2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP WinXP VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
+ Can't bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain

+ Build&Boot IA32E SMP xen0 without problem
+ Can bootup SMP XenU with  256 M Memory
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP 2.6 Linux in VMX
+ Can bootup IA32E SMP VMX domain & xenU with different memory size.
+ Can bootup four IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain in sequence
+ xm-test runs well
+ A selected subset of LTP runs well in IA32E SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain
+ Can build base kenerl 2.6.16 in IA32E SMP VMX domain.
+ Can boot up Linux VMX domain with base kernel
+ Can startX in Dom0
+ Can bootup IA32E 2.6 Linux VMX domain with acpi enable
+ Can startX in Ia32E SMP VMX domain
+ Network is OK in IA32E SMP VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI WindowXP SP2 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Win2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP WinXP VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified PAE SMP ACPI Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
+ Can't bootup unmodified PAE SMP ACPI Windows RTM Vista VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E UP WinXP VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E UP Win2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP Win2K3 VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP WinXP VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain
+ Can bootup >4G IA32E SMP Window RTM Vista VMX domain
+ Can bootup >4G IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain

For details

Platform: IA32
Service OS: FC5, IA32, SMP
Hardware: Conroe
Default guest OS: IA32,SMP, 2.6 kernel

1, one xenU domain with memory 256M
2, one IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domain with memory 256M
3, one IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domain with memory 512M
4, one VMX boot with IA32 nonPAE SMP base kernel(2.6.16)
5, one IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domain with acpi enable
6, Two IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domains and 2 xenU domains coexist
7, Four IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domains coexist
8, network in XenU domain
9, network in IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domain
10, StartX in Linux VMX domain
11, StartX in Dom0
12, xm-test
13, subset LTP test in IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domain
14, Build base kernel in IA32 nonPAE SMP VMX domain
15, one IA32 UP nonACPI Win2K3 VMX domain
16, one IA32 UP nonACPI 2K and XPsp2 Windows VMX domains coexist
17, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K VMX domain
18, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows XP sp2 VMX domain
19, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2003 VMX domain
20, one IA32 SMP Windows XP VMX domain
21, one IA32 SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain

Xm test in IA32 Xen:
Xm-test execution summary:
  PASS:  49
  FAIL:  22
  XPASS: 0
  XFAIL: 3


 FAIL: 01_create_basic_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 11_create_concurrent_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 12_create_concurrent_stress_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 13_create_multinic_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 14_create_blockroot_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 15_create_smallmem_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 01_destroy_basic_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 07_destroy_stale_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 04_list_goodparm_pos
           Unknown reason

XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 03_network_local_tcp_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 04_network_local_udp_pos
           Unknown reason

XFAIL: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 06_network_dom0_tcp_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 07_network_dom0_udp_pos
           Unknown reason

XFAIL: 11_network_domU_ping_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 12_network_domU_tcp_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 13_network_domU_udp_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 01_pause_basic_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 01_reboot_basic_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 01_shutdown_basic_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 01_unpause_basic_pos
           Unknown reason

Ltp test in IA32 Xen:
               Summary Test Report of Last Session
=                Total     Pass      Fail     NoResult     Crash
=ltp             194       194        0          0          0
=ltp             194       194        0          0          0
mm                21        21        0          0          0
dio               28        28        0          0          0
nptl              1         1         0          0          0
math              10        10        0          0          0
ipc               8         8         0          0          0
pty               3         3         0          0          0
quickhit         120       120        0          0          0
sched             3         3         0          0          0
=Total           194       194        0          0          0

Platform: PAE
Service OS: FC5, PAE, SMP
Hardware: Conroe
Default guest OS: PAE,SMP, 2.6 kernel

1, one xenU domain with memory 256M
2, one IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 VMX domain with memory 256M
3, one PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with memory 512M
4, one PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with memory 1500M
5, one Linux VMX domain boot with PAE SMP base kernel(2.6.16)
6, one PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with acpi enable
7, 2 PAE SMP VMX domains and 2 xenU domains coexist
8, Four PAE SMP Linux VMX domains coexist
9, network in xenu domain
10, network in PAE SMP Linux VMX domain
11, Startx in PAE SMP Linux VMX domain
12, startx in dom0
13, xm-test
14, subset LTP test in PAE SMP VMX domain
15, build Linux 2.6.16 base kernel in PAE SMP Linux VMX domain
16, one IA32 nonACPI Window VMX domain
17, IA32 UP nonACPI 2K and XPsp2 Windows VMX domains coexist
18, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K VMX domain
19, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows XP sp2 VMX domain
20, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K3 VMX domain
21, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows Beta2 Vista VMX domain
22, one IA32 SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain
23, one IA32 SMP Windows XP VMX domain
24, one IA32 SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
25, one IA32 SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain

Xm test in PAE Xen:
Xm-test execution summary:
  PASS:  63
  FAIL:  8
  XPASS: 0
  XFAIL: 3


 FAIL: 07_create_mem64_pos
            Started domain with 64MB, but it got 72 MB

 FAIL: 08_create_mem128_pos
            Started domain with 128MB, but it got 136 MB

 FAIL: 09_create_mem256_pos
            Started domain with 256MB, but it got 264 MB

 FAIL: 11_create_concurrent_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 16_create_smallmem_neg
            Starting a console with 16 MB passed, expected test to fail

XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos
            ping loopback failed for size 32767 65507. ping eth0 failed for
size 32767 65507.

XFAIL: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos
            Ping to dom0 failed for size 1500 1505 4096 65507.

XFAIL: 11_network_domU_ping_pos
            Ping failed for size 65507.

Ltp test in PAE Xen:
               Summary Test Report of Last Session
=                Total     Pass      Fail     NoResult     Crash
=ltp             194       194        0          0          0
=ltp             194       194        0          0          0
mm                21        21        0          0          0
dio               28        28        0          0          0
nptl              1         1         0          0          0
math              10        10        0          0          0
ipc               8         8         0          0          0
pty               3         3         0          0          0
quickhit         120       120        0          0          0
sched             3         3         0          0          0
=Total           194       194        0          0          0

platform: IA32E
service os: rhel4u3, IA32E, SMP
hardware: Clovertown
default guest os: IA32E,SMP, 2.6 kernel

1, one xenU domain with memory 256M
2, one IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain with memory 256M
3, one PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with 1500M
4, one PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with 5120M memory
5, one IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain with 512M memory
6, one IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain with 5120M memory
7, Two 5120 M IA32E Linux VMX domain coexist
8, one Linux VMX boot with IA32E SMP base kernel(2.6.16)
9, one IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain with acpi enable
10, 2 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domains and 2 xenU VMX domains coexist
11, Four IA32E SMP Linux VMX domains coexist
12, network in IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain
13, network in XenU domain
14, Startx in IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain
15, StartX in Dom0
16, xm-test
17, subset LTP in IA32E Linux VMX domain
18, Build base kernel in IA32E Linux VMX domain
19, one IA32 UP nonACPI Windows VMX domain
20, one IA32 UP noACPI 2K3 and XPsp2 Windows VMX domains coexist PASS
21, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K VMX domain
22, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows XP VMX domain
23, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K3 VMX domain
25, one IA32 SMP Windows XP VMX domain
26, one IA32 SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain
27, one IA32 SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
28, one IA32 SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain
29, one IA32E UP Windows XP VMX domain
30, one IA32E UP Windows 2K3 VMX domain
31, one IA32E UP Windows Vista VMX domain
32, one IA32E SMP Windows XP VMX domain
33, one IA32E SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain
34, one IA32E SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain
35, one IA32E SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain
36, one IA32E SMP Window Vista with 5120 M memory
37, Two 5120M IA32 SMP Win2K3 VMX domain and
           IA32E Linux VMX domain coexist

Xm test in IA32E Xen:
Xm-test execution summary:
  PASS:  64
  FAIL:  7
  XPASS: 1
  XFAIL: 2


 FAIL: 07_create_mem64_pos
            Started domain with 64MB, but it got 72 MB

 FAIL: 08_create_mem128_pos
            Started domain with 128MB, but it got 136 MB

 FAIL: 09_create_mem256_pos
            Started domain with 256MB, but it got 264 MB

 FAIL: 11_create_concurrent_pos
           Unknown reason

 FAIL: 16_create_smallmem_neg
            Starting a console with 16 MB passed, expected test to fail

XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos
            ping loopback failed for size 32767 65507. ping eth0 failed for
size 32767 65507.

XFAIL: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos
            Ping to dom0 failed for size 65507.

Ltp test in IA32E Xen:
               Summary Test Report of Last Session
=                Total     Pass      Fail     NoResult     Crash
=ltp             194       194        0          0          0
=ltp             194       194        0          0          0
mm                21        21        0          0          0
dio               28        28        0          0          0
nptl              1         1         0          0          0
math              10        10        0          0          0
ipc               8         8         0          0          0
pty               3         3         0          0          0
quickhit         120       120        0          0          0
sched             3         3         0          0          0
=Total           194       194        0          0          0

-------------- next part --------------
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block_attach_device_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block_attach_file_device_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_block_attach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 05_block_attach_and_dettach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_block_attach_baddomain_neg.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 07_block_attach_baddevice_neg.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 08_block_attach_bad_filedevice_neg.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 09_block_attach_and_dettach_device_check_data_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 11_block_attach_shared_dom0.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 12_block_attach_shared_domU.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block-destroy_btblock_pos.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block-destroy_rtblock_pos.test
PASS: 03_block-destroy_nonexist_neg.test

REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_block-destroy_nonattached_neg.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 05_block-destroy_byname_pos.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_block-destroy_check_list_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block-list_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block-list_attachbd_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_block-list_anotherbd_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_block-list_nodb_pos.test
PASS: 05_block-list_nonexist_neg.test

REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_block-list_checkremove_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block_device_read_verify.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block_device_write_verify.test
PASS: 01_console_badopt_neg.test

PASS: 02_console_baddom_neg.test

FAIL: 01_create_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_create_noparm_neg.test

PASS: 03_create_badparm_neg.test

PASS: 04_create_conflictname_neg.test

PASS: 06_create_mem_neg.test

PASS: 07_create_mem64_pos.test

PASS: 08_create_mem128_pos.test

PASS: 09_create_mem256_pos.test

PASS: 10_create_fastdestroy.test

FAIL: 11_create_concurrent_pos.test

FAIL: 12_create_concurrent_stress_pos.test

FAIL: 13_create_multinic_pos.test

FAIL: 14_create_blockroot_pos.test

FAIL: 15_create_smallmem_pos.test

PASS: 16_create_smallmem_neg.test

FAIL: 01_destroy_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_destroy_noparm_neg.test

PASS: 03_destroy_nonexist_neg.test

PASS: 04_destroy_badparm_neg.test

PASS: 05_destroy_byid_pos.test

PASS: 06_destroy_dom0_neg.test

FAIL: 07_destroy_stale_pos.test

PASS: 01_dmesg_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_dmesg_basic_neg.test

PASS: 01_domid_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_domid_basic_neg.test

PASS: 01_domname_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_domname_basic_neg.test

PASS: 01_enforce_dom0_cpus_basic_pos.test

PASS: 01_help_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_help_basic_neg.test

PASS: 03_help_badparm_neg.test

PASS: 04_help_long_pos.test

PASS: 05_help_nonroot_pos.test

PASS: 06_help_allcmds.test

PASS: 01_info_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_info_compiledata_pos.test

PASS: 01_list_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_list_badparm_neg.test

PASS: 03_list_nonexist_neg.test

FAIL: 04_list_goodparm_pos.test

PASS: 05_list_long_pos.test

PASS: 06_list_nonroot.test

REASON: Mem-max not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_memmax_badparm_neg.test
REASON: Mem-set not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_memset_basic_pos.test
REASON: Mem-set not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_memset_badparm_neg.test
REASON: Mem-set not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_memset_random_pos.test
REASON: Mem-set not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_memset_smallmem_pos.test
REASON: Migrate currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_migrate_localhost_pos.test
XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos.test

FAIL: 03_network_local_tcp_pos.test

FAIL: 04_network_local_udp_pos.test

XFAIL: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos.test

FAIL: 06_network_dom0_tcp_pos.test

FAIL: 07_network_dom0_udp_pos.test

XFAIL: 11_network_domU_ping_pos.test

FAIL: 12_network_domU_tcp_pos.test

FAIL: 13_network_domU_udp_pos.test

REASON: Network-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_network_attach_pos.test
REASON: Network-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_network_attach_detach_pos.test
REASON: Network-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_network_attach_detach_multiple_pos.test
PASS: 04_network_attach_baddomain_neg.test

FAIL: 01_pause_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_pause_badopt_neg.test

PASS: 03_pause_badname_neg.test

PASS: 04_pause_badid_neg.test

FAIL: 01_reboot_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_reboot_badopt_neg.test

PASS: 03_reboot_badname_neg.test

REASON: Restore currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_restore_basic_pos.test
REASON: Restore currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_restore_badparm_neg.test
REASON: Restore currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_restore_badfilename_neg.test
REASON: Restore currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_restore_withdevices_pos.test
REASON: Save currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_save_basic_pos.test
REASON: Save currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_save_badparm_neg.test
REASON: Save currently not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_save_bogusfile_neg.test
PASS: 01_sched_credit_weight_cap_pos.test

REASON: Not running this test since ACM not enabled.
SKIP: 01_security-acm_basic.test
REASON: Not running this test since ACM not enabled.
SKIP: 02_security-acm_dom_start.test
REASON: Not running this test since ACM not enabled.
SKIP: 03_security-acm_dom_conflict.test
REASON: Not running this test since ACM not enabled.
SKIP: 04_security-acm_dom_res.test
REASON: Not running this test since ACM not enabled.
SKIP: 05_security-acm_dom_res_conf.test
REASON: Not running this test since ACM not enabled.
SKIP: 06_security-acm_dom_block_attach.test
FAIL: 01_shutdown_basic_pos.test

PASS: 02_shutdown_badparm_neg.test

PASS: 03_shutdown_nonexist_neg.test

REASON: Sysrq not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_sysrq_basic_neg.test
REASON: Sysrq not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_sysrq_sync_pos.test
REASON: Sysrq not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_sysrq_withreboot_pos.test
FAIL: 01_unpause_basic_pos.test

PASS: 01_vcpu-disable_basic_pos.test

PASS: 01_vcpu-pin_basic_pos.test

REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_vtpm-list_pos.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_vtpm-cat_pcrs.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_vtpm-susp_res.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_vtpm-loc_migr.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 05_vtpm-loc_migr.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_vtpm-susp_res_pcrs.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 07_vtpm-mig_pcrs.test
REASON: vtpm tests not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 08_vtpm-mig_pcrs.test
-------------- next part --------------
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block_attach_device_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block_attach_file_device_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_block_attach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 05_block_attach_and_dettach_device_repeatedly_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_block_attach_baddomain_neg.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 07_block_attach_baddevice_neg.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 08_block_attach_bad_filedevice_neg.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 09_block_attach_and_dettach_device_check_data_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 11_block_attach_shared_dom0.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 12_block_attach_shared_domU.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block-destroy_btblock_pos.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block-destroy_rtblock_pos.test
PASS: 03_block-destroy_nonexist_neg.test

REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_block-destroy_nonattached_neg.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 05_block-destroy_byname_pos.test
REASON: Block-detach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_block-destroy_check_list_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block-list_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block-list_attachbd_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 03_block-list_anotherbd_pos.test
REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 04_block-list_nodb_pos.test
PASS: 05_block-list_nonexist_neg.test

REASON: Block-list not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 06_block-list_checkremove_pos.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 01_block_device_read_verify.test
REASON: Block-attach not supported for HVM domains
SKIP: 02_block_device_write_verify.test
PASS: 01_console_badopt_neg.test

PASS: 02_console_baddom_neg.test

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