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Re: [Xen-devel] Reporting some xen 4.1.2* and 4.0 issues like limitations to 4 VCPUs for debian squeeze HVMs etc

On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 11:05:14PM +0200, Mark Schneider wrote:
>>> The error looks like:
>>> http://www.it-infrastrukturen.com/fileadmin/linux/paste/squeeze/squeeze-xen4.1.2-issue-install-menu-pic1.png
>>> http://www.it-infrastrukturen.com/fileadmin/linux/paste/squeeze/squeeze-xen4.1.2-issue-error-pic2.png
>> So based on the "squeeze-xen4.1.2-issue-error-pic2.png" I recommend you to 
>> enable debugging options for the kernel, from the boot menu.
>> Add at least "nomodeset initcall_debug debug loglevel=10"
>> Then paste/capture the output.

Please do this:

        - start the HVM Squeeze VM with 8 vcpus
        - Use kernel options: "console=tty1 console=ttyS0 nomodeset 
initcall_debug debug loglevel=10"
        - Paste the full console output to reply-email, as inline text

> I will repeat this test on another DL385g7 server in case this one has  
> hardware troubles.

Does it also happen on Intel? Or only on AMD ?


-- Pasi

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