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Re: [Xen-devel] PATCH [base vtpm and libxl patches 4/6] add iomem support to libxl

On 09/26/2012 04:52 AM, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-09-25 at 17:57 +0100, Matthew Fioravante wrote:
>>>> @@ -1005,6 +1005,30 @@ static void parse_config_data(const char
>>>> *config_source,
>>>>          }
>>>>      }
>>>> +    if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "iomem", &iomem, &num_iomem, 0)) {
>>>> +        b_info->num_iomem = num_iomem;
>>>> +        b_info->iomem = calloc(num_iomem, sizeof(*b_info->iomem));
>>>> +        if (b_info->iomem == NULL) {
>>>> +            fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for iomem\n");
>>>> +            exit(-1);
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < num_iomem; i++) {
>>>> +            buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (iomem, i);
>>>> +            if (!buf) {
>>>> +                fprintf(stderr,
>>>> +                        "xl: Unable to get element %d in iomem list\n", 
>>>> i);
>>>> +                exit(1);
>>>> +            }
>>>> +            if(sscanf(buf, "%" SCNx64",%" SCNu64,
>>>> &b_info->iomem[i].start, &b_info->iomem[i].number) != 2) {
>>> This should be relatively simply to parse with strtoul (see the ioports
>>> case) which would allow people to select hex or decimal in their
>>> configuration files.
>> Do we want to support hex or decimal? Pretty much anytime people start
>> talking about physical memory addresses or page numbers they use hex.
>> Also the ioports code actually only supports hexadecimal as it sets the
>> base in strtoul to 16. It also explicitly says in the xl.cfg manpage
>> that ioports should be given in hex.
> Good point. You mix decimal (SCNu64) and hex (SCNx64) though, it would
> be better to be consistent (in hex) I think.
> Ian
It seemed natural to me that when someone thinks they want N pages they
would think in decimal. It might be better to be hex though for consistency.

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