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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 4.5 development update

>Adding Artem from Globallogic to that thread on request
>On 27/05/2014 19:06, konrad.wilk@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Below is a summary of the projects / features being worked on for the 4.5
>time frame that I had been gathering.
>* Kelly Zytaruk  Prognosis:   100 %
>   AMD Radeon PCI GPU passthrough

Due to a shift in focus on my side it looks like I am stuck in a Xen 4.2 
spiral.  I can't guarantee any Xen 4.5 support until I get my Xen 4.2 issues 
out of the way.  I know that Konrad has been working on some of the issues that 
were identified so I am not sure how much more remains to be done for 4.5.


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