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Re: [Xen-devel] Running android on Dom U. on ARM Cubieboard2.

On mer, 2014-08-20 at 10:52 +0200, anshul makkar wrote:
> Android is basically a GUI/middle layer over and above Linux kernel
> with some additional, android specific, kernel level patches.
> Most of the latest androids run on Linux kernel version 3.4 while Xen
> support for ARM was made upstream from v 3.7.
> So to run Xen on Android, I will need to port android specific changes
> to kernel v3.7 or later.
If your final goal is a SAMSUNG-alike dual android system, I think
you'll run into userspace/toolstack issues also.

In fact, as long as you have Linux as Dom0 and Android as a guest, then
fine: you can build libxc, libxl and xl (or some other toolstack) for
Linux and just use it from your Linux Dom0, as everyone using Xen does.

But if Dom0 has to be Android, the toolstack needs to be built
for/within Android's userspace, which I don't think is something that
has been done before.

Actually, this is something I always wanted to try, but never got the
time to do so. Ian seems (from this message [1]) to at least have
glanced at it also, but probably nothing more than that (Ian?).

During the last Xen Hackathon, I chatted about this with Srinivas, but I
never really followed up. So, Srinivas, here we are: do you have any
help/instructions/pointers that you can share with us? :-)

I know (because you told me yourself) that the toolstack you use in the
dual-android tablet you demoed in Edinburgh and Brussels is *not* the
upstream Xen one (i.e., it's not xl), but probably some indication on
how you build your stuff can help us figure out how to build ours! :-D

Thanks and Regards,

[1] http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2014-04/msg00268.html

<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)
Dario Faggioli, Ph.D, http://about.me/dario.faggioli
Senior Software Engineer, Citrix Systems R&D Ltd., Cambridge (UK)

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