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[Xen-devel] [xen-4.4-testing test] 53017: regressions - FAIL

flight 53017 xen-4.4-testing real [real]

Regressions :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-win7-amd64 14 guest-localmigrate.2    fail REGR. vs. 50429
 build-armhf-libvirt           5 libvirt-build    fail in 52629 REGR. vs. 50429
 build-armhf-pvops             5 kernel-build     fail in 52629 REGR. vs. 50429

Tests which are failing intermittently (not blocking):
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-sedf 17 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail in 52629 pass in 53017
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel 12 guest-start/redhat.repeat fail in 
52629 pass in 53017
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-win7-amd64 12 guest-localmigrate fail in 52629 pass in 
 test-amd64-amd64-pv   20 guest-start/debian.repeat fail in 52629 pass in 53017
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-credit2 17 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail in 52629 pass in 
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-amd 11 guest-start.2 fail in 52629 pass in 53017
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64 12 guest-localmigrate fail in 52629 pass 
in 53017
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64 15 guest-localmigrate.2     fail pass in 52629
 test-amd64-i386-pair          8 xen-install/dst_host        fail pass in 52629
 test-amd64-i386-pair          7 xen-install/src_host        fail pass in 52629

Regressions which are regarded as allowable (not blocking):
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3 15 guest-localmigrate/x10 fail in 52629 
like 50316
 test-amd64-i386-pair 21 guest-migrate/src_host/dst_host fail in 52629 like 

Tests which did not succeed, but are not blocking:
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2   1 build-check(1)            blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt      1 build-check(1)            blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-sedf-pin  1 build-check(1)            blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-sedf      1 build-check(1)            blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale   1 build-check(1)            blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu  1 build-check(1)           blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl           1 build-check(1)            blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck  1 build-check(1)          blocked in 52629 n/a
 test-amd64-i386-rumpuserxen-i386  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-rumpuserxen-amd64  1 build-check(1)               blocked n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2   6 xen-boot                     fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt     12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt     11 guest-start                  fail   never pass
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt      12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-sedf-pin 12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-sedf     12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale  12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 16 guest-stop             fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu 15 guest-start/debian.repeat    fail  never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu 12 migrate-support-check        fail  never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3-vcpus1 16 guest-stop         fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-win7-amd64 16 guest-stop                   fail  never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 16 guest-stop             fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl          12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck 12 migrate-support-check        fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 16 guest-stop              fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 16 guest-stop              fail never pass
 build-i386-rumpuserxen        6 xen-build                    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xend-winxpsp3 20 leak-check/check             fail  never pass
 build-amd64-rumpuserxen       6 xen-build                    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3 16 guest-stop               fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 16 guest-stop         fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-winxpsp3-vcpus1 16 guest-stop               fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-winxpsp3 16 guest-stop                   fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-winxpsp3 16 guest-stop               fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xend-qemut-winxpsp3 20 leak-check/check        fail never pass

version targeted for testing:
 xen                  cb296dd08587df2c59ef7ebc6d600cdace468bf2
baseline version:
 xen                  6b09a29ced2e7fc449a39f513e1d8c2b10d2af6d

People who touched revisions under test:
  Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  JeHyeon Yeon <tom.yeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Tim Deegan <tim@xxxxxxx>
  Yang Zhang <yang.z.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>

 build-amd64-xend                                             pass    
 build-i386-xend                                              pass    
 build-amd64                                                  pass    
 build-armhf                                                  pass    
 build-i386                                                   pass    
 build-amd64-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-armhf-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-i386-libvirt                                           pass    
 build-amd64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-armhf-pvops                                            pass    
 build-i386-pvops                                             pass    
 build-amd64-rumpuserxen                                      fail    
 build-i386-rumpuserxen                                       fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl                                          pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl                                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl                                           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-rhel6hvm-amd                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64                    pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64                     pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                    pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64                              fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                          pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-rumpuserxen-amd64                           blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-win7-amd64                               fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-win7-amd64                                fail    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale                                  pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2                                  fail    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-i386                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-rumpuserxen-i386                             blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-rhel6hvm-intel                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt                                     pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt                                     fail    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt                                      pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-multivcpu                                pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu                                fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-pair                                        pass    
 test-amd64-i386-pair                                         fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-sedf-pin                                 pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-sedf-pin                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-pv                                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-pv                                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-sedf                                     pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-sedf                                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1                     fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3-vcpus1                     fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-winxpsp3-vcpus1                           fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xend-qemut-winxpsp3                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-winxpsp3                           fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3                           fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xend-winxpsp3                                fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-winxpsp3                                 fail    

sg-report-flight on osstest.test-lab.xenproject.org
logs: /home/osstest/pub/logs
images: /home/osstest/pub/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Test harness code can be found at

Not pushing.

commit cb296dd08587df2c59ef7ebc6d600cdace468bf2
Author: Tim Deegan <tim@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:22:56 2015 +0200

    x86_emulate: split the {reg,mem} union in struct operand
    In the hopes of making any future errors along the lines of XSA-123
    into clean crashes instead of memory corruption bugs.
    Signed-off-by: Tim Deegan <tim@xxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
    master commit: dd766684e7c97641bbaf16ee2b0e9add388199b7
    master date: 2015-03-27 16:13:07 +0100

commit 19ae8c19539159b132cd63dada4c18b17cf71a4a
Author: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:22:17 2015 +0200

    VT-d: improve fault info logging
    I got repeatedly annoyed by there not getting anything logged by
    default on VT-d faults (and hence having to tell people to add extra
    command line options), and hence I think it is time to redo this code:
    Log basic fault information at guest-warning level (rate limited by
    default), and show the page walk in verbose rather than only in debug
    mode. Break up multi-line message so that each gets a proper log level
    attached, at once splitting out the common part. Also don't log
    "unknown" faults as interrupt-remapping ones.
    As a minor cleanup fix the type of the involved "fault_type" variables.
    Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Yang Zhang <yang.z.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>
    master commit: f0250f4b4818f5f4230995407ea2501de3485934
    master date: 2015-03-27 15:23:25 +0100

commit 8f2d240fc097c519ac1b4aabf28dff706843486c
Author: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:21:41 2015 +0200

    x86/MSI: fix error handling
    __setup_msi_irq() needs to undo what it did before calling
    write_msi_msg() in case that returned an error.
    map_domain_pirq() needs to get rid of the MSI descriptor it
    (implicitly) allocated. The case of a setup_msi_irq() failure on a
    non-initial multi-vector-MSI interrupt needs special handling: While
    the initial IRQ will get freed by the caller (who also passed it to
    us), we need to undo the effect setup_msi_irq() had on it. (As a
    benefit from the added call to msi_free_irq() we no longer need to
    explicitly call destroy_irq() on the non-initial slots.)
    Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
    master commit: 29c1b7886c36d4e6aa03a779b2251b829d9689c3
    master date: 2015-03-26 11:19:57 +0100

commit ce516e8880b3fedf7a87438534e5df5fdb7613d4
Author: JeHyeon Yeon <tom.yeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:21:05 2015 +0200

    LZ4 : fix the data abort issue
    If the part of the compression data are corrupted, or the compression
    data is totally fake, the memory access over the limit is possible.
    This is the log from my system usning lz4 decompression.
       [6502]data abort, halting
       [6503]r0  0x00000000 r1  0x00000000 r2  0xdcea0ffc r3  0xdcea0ffc
       [6509]r4  0xb9ab0bfd r5  0xdcea0ffc r6  0xdcea0ff8 r7  0xdce80000
       [6515]r8  0x00000000 r9  0x00000000 r10 0x00000000 r11 0xb9a98000
       [6522]r12 0xdcea1000 usp 0x00000000 ulr 0x00000000 pc  0x820149bc
       [6528]spsr 0x400001f3
    and the memory addresses of some variables at the moment are
        ref:0xdcea0ffc, op:0xdcea0ffc, oend:0xdcea1000
    As you can see, COPYLENGH is 8bytes, so @ref and @op can access the momory
    over @oend.
    Signed-off-by: JeHyeon Yeon <tom.yeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: David Sterba <dsterba@xxxxxxx>
    [Linux commit d5e7cafd69da24e6d6cc988fab6ea313a2577efc]
    Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
    master commit: fcc17f96c2776eb220e3dee79fd0ad6a624ffcd9
    master date: 2015-03-26 11:19:10 +0100

commit 1af109570552b4f7b2aaa3a335b447c50ebb676c
Author: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:20:34 2015 +0200

    hvmloader: don't treat ROM BAR like other BARs
    Its low 11 bits have different meaning.
    Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
    master commit: 73aa7fc2926c5ae30d8ebd049beadbb48e24d6c6
    master date: 2015-03-26 11:17:51 +0100

commit 5fea6a3db9ad60e956a5182e2bd8184bdf992fa8
Author: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:19:37 2015 +0200

    QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION = master again
    Signed-off-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

commit 5365c7b98240acdaac2a332fe2070d5cc5aa596f
Author: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 09:18:39 2015 +0200

    domctl/sysctl: don't leak hypervisor stack to toolstacks
    This is CVE-2015-3340 / XSA-132.
    Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
    master commit: 4ff3449f0e9d175ceb9551d3f2aecb59273f639d
    master date: 2015-04-21 09:03:15 +0200

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