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Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF (was Re: [PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)

Lars Kurth writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF (was Re: 
[PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)"):
> On 15/07/2016 11:21, "Ian Jackson" <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >Lars, you haven't specified the pathname for this.  I assume that it
> >would be `xtf', to correspond to the toplevel fit repo.
> I don't have a strong opinion. It doesn't really fit into any of the other
> categories on http://xenbits.xen.org/docs, maybe with the exception of
> Misc. 
> Or we could create a new directory under docs that contains testing,
> build, related stuff

Can you please clarify whether you meant:

 1. "Please go ahead with the git repo changes but I object to
    your suggested docs directories"

 2. "Please go ahead with the git repo changes and the change to the
    osstest docs but I object to your suggested name for the docs
    directory for XTF."

In either of which cases I'm blocked, and that's surely a -1 and you
should specify what you would like done instead, or:

 3. "Please go ahead with the git repo changes.  I do not object
    to your proposals for the docs changes and you can go ahead
    with those unless someone else objects.

    "Furthermore, here are some observations for the future or for
    other people to consider."

In which case we are unblocked, because no-one else has objected.


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