Dear Iurii,This patch a total mess. Somewhy you check defined CONFIG_XEN to introduce the arch_fixup_fdt() function, which, as per you idea, is not needed to be built for the XEN boot. You have no patch lines to introduce CONFIG_XEN so the code works. Also arch_fixup_fdt() not only mangles memory nodes, so it is not right to drop whole the function.But the problem in that piece of code still exists: u-boot updates the first memory node in the dtb with all memory banks it found in the board code, does not take into consideration other memory nodesas a result memory banks in device tree are duplicatedunlike the kernel which tolerates that mess from u-boot, XEN does not accept memory banks are duplicated and crashes.Putting all memory banks into one memory node in the device tree is the simplest workaround.I'm not really sure where should be a proper fix. Should it be on u-boot or XEN side?Sincerely,Andrii Anisov.
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