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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v3 07/25] x86emul: support AVX2 gather insns

Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
v3: Re-base.

--- a/tools/tests/x86_emulator/Makefile
+++ b/tools/tests/x86_emulator/Makefile
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ run: $(TARGET)
 SIMD := sse sse2 sse4 avx avx2
 FMA := fma4 fma
-TESTCASES := blowfish $(SIMD) $(FMA)
+SG := avx2-sg
+TESTCASES := blowfish $(SIMD) $(FMA) $(SG)
 blowfish-cflags := ""
 blowfish-cflags-x86_32 := "-mno-accumulate-outgoing-args -Dstatic="
@@ -39,6 +40,10 @@ fma-flts := $(avx-flts)
 avx2-vecs := $(avx-vecs)
 avx2-ints := 1 2 4 8
 avx2-flts := 4 8
+avx2-sg-vecs := $(avx2-vecs)
+avx2-sg-idxs := 4 8
+avx2-sg-ints := 4 8
+avx2-sg-flts := 4 8
 # For AVX and later, have the compiler avoid XMM0 to widen coverage of
 # the VEX.vvvv checks in the emulator.
@@ -55,8 +60,18 @@ $(1)-cflags := \
        $(foreach flt,$($(1)-flts), \
          "-D_f$(flt) -m$(1) $(call non-sse,$(1)) -mfpmath=sse -Os 
+define simd-sg-defs
+$(1)-cflags := \
+       $(foreach vec,$($(1)-vecs), \
+         $(foreach idx,$($(1)-idxs), \
+          $(foreach int,$($(1)-ints), \
+            "-D_$(vec)x$(idx)i$(int) -m$(1:-sg=) $(call non-sse,$(1)) -Os 
-DVEC_MAX=$(vec) -DIDX_SIZE=$(idx) -DINT_SIZE=$(int)") \
+          $(foreach flt,$($(1)-flts), \
+            "-D_$(vec)x$(idx)f$(flt) -m$(1:-sg=) $(call non-sse,$(1)) -Os 
-DVEC_MAX=$(vec) -DIDX_SIZE=$(idx) -DFLOAT_SIZE=$(flt)")))
 $(foreach flavor,$(SIMD) $(FMA),$(eval $(call simd-defs,$(flavor))))
+$(foreach flavor,$(SG),$(eval $(call simd-sg-defs,$(flavor))))
 $(addsuffix .h,$(TESTCASES)): %.h: %.c testcase.mk Makefile
        rm -f $@.new $*.bin
@@ -78,7 +93,10 @@ $(addsuffix .c,$(SIMD)):
 $(addsuffix .c,$(FMA)):
        ln -sf simd-fma.c $@
-$(addsuffix .o,$(SIMD) $(FMA)): simd.h
+$(addsuffix .c,$(SG)):
+       ln -sf simd-sg.c $@
+$(addsuffix .o,$(SIMD) $(FMA) $(SG)): simd.h
 $(TARGET): x86-emulate.o test_x86_emulator.o
        $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $^
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/tests/x86_emulator/simd-sg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#ifdef INT_SIZE
+                                        : VEC_MAX * ELEM_SIZE / IDX_SIZE)
+#if VEC_SIZE < 16
+# undef VEC_SIZE
+# define VEC_SIZE 16
+#include "simd.h"
+#undef MODE
+#if IDX_SIZE == 4
+# define MODE SI
+#elif IDX_SIZE == 8
+# define MODE DI
+                                         : VEC_MAX * IDX_SIZE / ELEM_SIZE)
+#if IVEC_SIZE < 16
+# undef IVEC_SIZE
+# define IVEC_SIZE 16
+typedef signed int __attribute__((mode(MODE), vector_size(IVEC_SIZE))) idx_t;
+typedef long long __attribute__((vector_size(IVEC_SIZE))) idi_t;
+                    VEC_SIZE / ELEM_SIZE : IVEC_SIZE / IDX_SIZE)
+#if VEC_SIZE == 16
+# define to_bool(cmp) __builtin_ia32_ptestc128(cmp, (vec_t){} == 0)
+# define to_bool(cmp) __builtin_ia32_ptestc256(cmp, (vec_t){} == 0)
+#if defined(__AVX2__)
+# if VEC_MAX == 16
+#  if IDX_SIZE == 4
+#   if INT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather __builtin_ia32_gathersiv4si
+#   elif INT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            (vec_t)(__builtin_ia32_gathersiv2di((vdi_t)(reg), \
+                                                (const void *)(mem), \
+                                                idx, (vdi_t)(msk), scl))
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather __builtin_ia32_gathersiv4sf
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather __builtin_ia32_gathersiv2df
+#   endif
+#  elif IDX_SIZE == 8
+#   if INT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            __builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4si(reg, mem, (vdi_t)(idx), msk, scl)
+#   elif INT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            (vec_t)(__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv2di((vdi_t)(reg), \
+                                                (const void *)(mem), \
+                                                (vdi_t)(idx), (vdi_t)(msk), \
+                                                scl))
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            __builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4sf(reg, mem, (vdi_t)(idx), msk, scl)
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            __builtin_ia32_gatherdiv2df(reg, mem, (vdi_t)(idx), msk, scl)
+#   endif
+#  endif
+# elif VEC_MAX == 32
+#  if IDX_SIZE == 4
+#   if INT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather __builtin_ia32_gathersiv8si
+#   elif INT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            (vec_t)(__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4di((vdi_t)(reg), \
+                                                (const void *)(mem), \
+                                                idx, (vdi_t)(msk), scl))
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather __builtin_ia32_gathersiv8sf
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather __builtin_ia32_gathersiv4df
+#   endif
+#  elif IDX_SIZE == 8
+#   if INT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            __builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4si256(reg, mem, (idi_t)(idx), msk, scl)
+#   elif INT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            (vec_t)(__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4di((vdi_t)(reg), \
+                                                (const void *)(mem), \
+                                                (vdi_t)(idx), (vdi_t)(msk), \
+                                                scl))
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 4
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            __builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4sf256(reg, mem, (idi_t)(idx), msk, scl)
+#   elif FLOAT_SIZE == 8
+#    define gather(reg, mem, idx, msk, scl) \
+            __builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4df(reg, mem, (vdi_t)(idx), msk, scl)
+#   endif
+#  endif
+# endif
+#define GLUE_(x, y) x ## y
+#define GLUE(x, y) GLUE_(x, y)
+#define PUT2(n)      (n),        (n) +  1
+#define PUT4(n)  PUT2(n),   PUT2((n) +  2)
+#define PUT8(n)  PUT4(n),   PUT4((n) +  4)
+#define PUT16(n) PUT8(n),   PUT8((n) +  8)
+#define PUT32(n) PUT16(n), PUT16((n) + 16)
+const typeof((vec_t){}[0]) array[] = {
+    GLUE(PUT, VEC_MAX)(1),
+int sg_test(void)
+    unsigned int i;
+    vec_t x, y, full = (vec_t){} == 0;
+    idx_t idx, inv;
+    for ( i = 0; i < IVEC_SIZE / IDX_SIZE; ++i )
+    {
+        idx[i] = i + 1;
+        inv[i] = ITEM_COUNT - i;
+    }
+    touch(idx);
+    touch(inv);
+    x = gather(full, array, (idx_t){}, full, 1);
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] != 1 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+    x = gather(full, array, idx, full, ELEM_SIZE);
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] != i + 2 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+    x = gather(full, array, idx * ELEM_SIZE, full, 2);
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] != i * 2 + 3 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+    x = gather(full, array, inv, full, ELEM_SIZE);
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] != inv[i] + 1 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+    y = gather(full, array + ITEM_COUNT, -idx, full, ELEM_SIZE);
+    if ( !to_bool(y == x - 1) )
+        return __LINE__;
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( y[i] != x[i] - 1 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( y[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+#if ELEM_SIZE > 1
+    x = gather(full, array, inv * 2, full, ELEM_SIZE / 2);
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] != inv[i] + 1 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( x[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+    y = gather(x, array, idx, (idx & inv) != 0, ELEM_SIZE);
+    for ( i = 0; i < ITEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( y[i] != ((i + 1) & (ITEM_COUNT - i) ? idx : inv)[i] + 1 )
+            return __LINE__;
+    for ( ; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i )
+        if ( y[i] )
+            return __LINE__;
+# endif
+    return 0;
--- a/tools/tests/x86_emulator/test_x86_emulator.c
+++ b/tools/tests/x86_emulator/test_x86_emulator.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "fma4.h"
 #include "fma.h"
 #include "avx2.h"
+#include "avx2-sg.h"
 #define verbose false /* Switch to true for far more logging. */
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ static bool simd_check_avx2(void)
     return cpu_has_avx2;
+#define simd_check_avx2_sg simd_check_avx2
 static void simd_set_regs(struct cpu_user_regs *regs)
@@ -173,6 +175,22 @@ static const struct {
     SIMD(AVX2 u32x8,             avx2,      32u4),
     SIMD(AVX2 s64x4,             avx2,      32i8),
     SIMD(AVX2 u64x4,             avx2,      32u8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f32[4x32],  avx2_sg,    16x4f4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f64[2x32],  avx2_sg,    16x4f8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f32[2x64],  avx2_sg,    16x8f4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f64[2x64],  avx2_sg,    16x8f8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f32[8x32],  avx2_sg,    32x4f4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f64[4x32],  avx2_sg,    32x4f8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f32[4x64],  avx2_sg,    32x8f4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G f64[4x64],  avx2_sg,    32x8f8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i32[4x32],  avx2_sg,    16x4i4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i64[2x32],  avx2_sg,    16x4i8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i32[2x64],  avx2_sg,    16x8i4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i64[2x64],  avx2_sg,    16x8i8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i32[8x32],  avx2_sg,    32x4i4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i64[4x32],  avx2_sg,    32x4i8),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i32[4x64],  avx2_sg,    32x8i4),
+    SIMD(AVX2 S/G i64[4x64],  avx2_sg,    32x8i8),
 #undef SIMD_
 #undef SIMD
--- a/xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate/x86_emulate.c
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate/x86_emulate.c
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ static const struct {
     [0x78 ... 0x79] = { .simd_size = simd_other, .two_op = 1 },
     [0x8c] = { .simd_size = simd_other },
     [0x8e] = { .simd_size = simd_other, .to_mem = 1 },
+    [0x90 ... 0x93] = { .simd_size = simd_other, .vsib = 1 },
     [0x96 ... 0x9f] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp },
     [0xa6 ... 0xaf] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp },
     [0xb6 ... 0xbf] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp },
@@ -598,6 +599,7 @@ struct x86_emulate_state {
     } ext;
     uint8_t modrm, modrm_mod, modrm_reg, modrm_rm;
+    uint8_t sib_index, sib_scale;
     uint8_t rex_prefix;
     bool lock_prefix;
     bool not_64bit; /* Instruction not available in 64bit. */
@@ -2411,7 +2413,7 @@ x86_decode(
     struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt,
     const struct x86_emulate_ops  *ops)
-    uint8_t b, d, sib, sib_index, sib_base;
+    uint8_t b, d;
     unsigned int def_op_bytes, def_ad_bytes, opcode;
     enum x86_segment override_seg = x86_seg_none;
     bool pc_rel = false;
@@ -2745,6 +2747,7 @@ x86_decode(
         if ( modrm_mod == 3 )
+            generate_exception_if(d & vSIB, EXC_UD);
             modrm_rm |= (rex_prefix & 1) << 3;
             ea.type = OP_REG;
@@ -2805,13 +2808,17 @@ x86_decode(
             ea.type = OP_MEM;
             if ( modrm_rm == 4 )
-                sib = insn_fetch_type(uint8_t);
-                sib_index = ((sib >> 3) & 7) | ((rex_prefix << 2) & 8);
-                sib_base  = (sib & 7) | ((rex_prefix << 3) & 8);
-                if ( sib_index != 4 && !(d & vSIB) )
-                    ea.mem.off = *decode_register(sib_index, state->regs,
-                                                  false);
-                ea.mem.off <<= (sib >> 6) & 3;
+                uint8_t sib = insn_fetch_type(uint8_t);
+                uint8_t sib_base = (sib & 7) | ((rex_prefix << 3) & 8);
+                state->sib_index = ((sib >> 3) & 7) | ((rex_prefix << 2) & 8);
+                state->sib_scale = (sib >> 6) & 3;
+                if ( state->sib_index != 4 && !(d & vSIB) )
+                {
+                    ea.mem.off = *decode_register(state->sib_index,
+                                                  state->regs, false);
+                    ea.mem.off <<= state->sib_scale;
+                }
                 if ( (modrm_mod == 0) && ((sib_base & 7) == 5) )
                     ea.mem.off += insn_fetch_type(int32_t);
                 else if ( sib_base == 4 )
@@ -7472,6 +7479,110 @@ x86_emulate(
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x90): /* vpgatherd{d,q} 
{x,y}mm,mem,{x,y}mm */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x91): /* vpgatherq{d,q} 
{x,y}mm,mem,{x,y}mm */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x92): /* vgatherdp{s,d} 
{x,y}mm,mem,{x,y}mm */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x93): /* vgatherqp{s,d} 
{x,y}mm,mem,{x,y}mm */
+    {
+        unsigned int mask_reg = ~vex.reg & (mode_64bit() ? 0xf : 7);
+        typeof(vex) *pvex;
+        union {
+            int32_t dw[8];
+            int64_t qw[4];
+        } index, mask;
+        ASSERT(ea.type == OP_MEM);
+        generate_exception_if(modrm_reg == state->sib_index ||
+                              modrm_reg == mask_reg ||
+                              state->sib_index == mask_reg, EXC_UD);
+        generate_exception_if(!cpu_has_avx, EXC_UD);
+        vcpu_must_have(avx2);
+        get_fpu(X86EMUL_FPU_ymm, &fic);
+        /* Read destination, index, and mask registers. */
+        opc = init_prefixes(stub);
+        pvex = copy_VEX(opc, vex);
+        pvex->opcx = vex_0f;
+        opc[0] = 0x7f; /* vmovdqa */
+        /* Use (%rax) as destination and modrm_reg as source. */
+        pvex->r = !mode_64bit() || !(modrm_reg & 8);
+        pvex->b = 1;
+        opc[1] = (modrm_reg & 7) << 3;
+        pvex->reg = 0xf;
+        opc[2] = 0xc3;
+        invoke_stub("", "", "=m" (*mmvalp) : "a" (mmvalp));
+        pvex->pfx = vex_f3; /* vmovdqu */
+        /* Switch to sib_index as source. */
+        pvex->r = !mode_64bit() || !(state->sib_index & 8);
+        opc[1] = (state->sib_index & 7) << 3;
+        invoke_stub("", "", "=m" (index) : "a" (&index));
+        /* Switch to mask_reg as source. */
+        pvex->r = !mode_64bit() || !(mask_reg & 8);
+        opc[1] = (mask_reg & 7) << 3;
+        invoke_stub("", "", "=m" (mask) : "a" (&mask));
+        put_stub(stub);
+        /* Clear untouched parts of the destination and mask values. */
+        n = 1 << (2 + vex.l - ((b & 1) | vex.w));
+        op_bytes = 4 << vex.w;
+        memset((void *)mmvalp + n * op_bytes, 0, 32 - n * op_bytes);
+        memset((void *)&mask + n * op_bytes, 0, 32 - n * op_bytes);
+        for ( i = 0; i < n && rc == X86EMUL_OKAY; ++i )
+        {
+            if ( (vex.w ? mask.qw[i] : mask.dw[i]) < 0 )
+            {
+                signed long idx = b & 1 ? index.qw[i] : index.dw[i];
+                rc = ops->read(ea.mem.seg,
+                               ea.mem.off + (idx << state->sib_scale),
+                               (void *)mmvalp + i * op_bytes, op_bytes, ctxt);
+                if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY )
+                    break;
+#ifdef __XEN__
+                if ( i + 1 < n && local_events_need_delivery() )
+                    rc = X86EMUL_RETRY;
+            }
+            if ( vex.w )
+                mask.qw[i] = 0;
+            else
+                mask.dw[i] = 0;
+        }
+        /* Write destination and mask registers. */
+        opc = init_prefixes(stub);
+        pvex = copy_VEX(opc, vex);
+        pvex->opcx = vex_0f;
+        opc[0] = 0x6f; /* vmovdqa */
+        /* Use modrm_reg as destination and (%rax) as source. */
+        pvex->r = !mode_64bit() || !(modrm_reg & 8);
+        pvex->b = 1;
+        opc[1] = (modrm_reg & 7) << 3;
+        pvex->reg = 0xf;
+        opc[2] = 0xc3;
+        invoke_stub("", "", "+m" (*mmvalp) : "a" (mmvalp));
+        pvex->pfx = vex_f3; /* vmovdqu */
+        /* Switch to mask_reg as destination. */
+        pvex->r = !mode_64bit() || !(mask_reg & 8);
+        opc[1] = (mask_reg & 7) << 3;
+        invoke_stub("", "", "+m" (mask) : "a" (&mask));
+        put_stub(stub);
+        state->simd_size = simd_none;
+        break;
+    }
     case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x96): /* vfmaddsub132p{s,d} 
{x,y}mm/mem,{x,y}mm,{x,y}mm */
     case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x97): /* vfmsubadd132p{s,d} 
{x,y}mm/mem,{x,y}mm,{x,y}mm */
     case X86EMUL_OPC_VEX_66(0x0f38, 0x98): /* vfmadd132p{s,d} 
{x,y}mm/mem,{x,y}mm,{x,y}mm */
--- a/xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate.c
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <xen/domain_page.h>
+#include <xen/event.h>
 #include <asm/x86_emulate.h>
 #include <asm/asm_defns.h> /* mark_regs_dirty() */
 #include <asm/processor.h> /* current_cpu_info */

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