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Re: [Xen-devel] [RFC PATCH 1/2] Add Designated Reviewer (R:) to MAINTAINERS file and add support for it in get_maintainer.pl

On 13/04/2018, 18:14, "Ian Jackson" <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Lars Kurth writes ("[RFC PATCH 1/2] Add Designated Reviewer (R:) to 
MAINTAINERS file and add support for it in get_maintainer.pl"):
    > The syntax has been copied from the Linux Maintainers file. I moved the 
following Linux
    > get_maintainer.pl patches to Xen, fixing up some merge issues (and a bug).
    >           'm!' => \$email_maintainer,
    > +        'r!' => \$email_reviewer,
    >           'n!' => \$email_usename,
    Your text editor has some difficulty with the tabs here, resulting in
    misalignment.  Set its tab width to 8 and reindent.

I noticed: will fix.
    > +        } elsif ($ptype eq "R") {
    > +        my ($name, $address) = parse_email($pvalue);
    > +        if ($name eq "") {
    > +            if ($i > 0) {
    > +            my $tv = $typevalue[$i - 1];
    > +            if ($tv =~ m/^([A-Z]):\s*(.*)/) {
    > +                if ($1 eq "P") {
    > +                $name = $2;
    > +                $pvalue = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
    > +                }
    > +            }
    > +            }
    > +        }
    What on earth is all this    if ($name eq "")  stuff doing ?  Is it
    appropriate in this case ?
    If it is actually needed, you should probably not just cut and paste
I don't know whether it is needed. The same code block of code is in Linux and 
  line 1082 onwards


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