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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v1 1/2] Add new add_maintainers.pl script to optimise the workflow when using git format-patch with get_maintainer.pl

The tool covers step 2 of the following workflow

  Without --overwrite
  Step 1: git format-patch ... -o <patchdir> ...
  Step 2: ./scripts/add_maintainers.pl -d <patchdir>
          This creates *.patchm files in <patchdir>
  Step 3: git send-email -to xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <patchdir>/*.patchm

  With --overwrite
  Step 1: git format-patch ... -o <patchdir> ...
  Step 2: ./scripts/add_maintainers.pl -d <patchdir>
          This overwrites *.patch files in <patchdir> but makes a backup
  Step 3: git send-email -to xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <patchdir>/*.patch

It is not clear to me what the preferred default would be, so
I went for the safer option (ok without --overwrite).

I manually tested all options and the most common combinations
on Mac.

Cc: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: George Dunlap <George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxx>
Cc: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Tim Deegan <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Wei Liu <wei.liu2@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxxxxx>
 scripts/add_maintainers.pl | 252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 252 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/add_maintainers.pl

diff --git a/scripts/add_maintainers.pl b/scripts/add_maintainers.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..27ac74f339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/add_maintainers.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# (c) 2018, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# Add maintainers to patches generated with git format-patch
+# Usage: perl scripts/add_maintainers.pl [OPTIONS] -patchdir <patchdir>
+# Prerequisites: Execute
+#                git format-patch ... -o <patchdir> ...
+#                ./scripts/get_maintainer.pl is present in the tree
+# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
+use File::Basename;
+use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
+# Arguments / Options
+my $tool = $0;
+my $toolversion = "1.0";
+# Arguments / Options
+my $version = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+my $patch_dir = 0;
+my $patch_prefix = "";
+my $get_maintainer_args = "";
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $overwrite = 0;
+my $overwrite_ext = "m";
+# Constants
+my $CC                  = "Cc: "; # Note: git-send-mail requires Cc:
+my $TO                  = "To: ";
+my $AT                  = "@";
+my $cc_insert_before    = "Signed-off-by:";
+my $to_insert_before    = "Date:";
+my $cover_letter        = "0000-cover-letter.patch";
+my $get_maintainer      = "./scripts/get_maintainer.pl";
+my $patch_ext           = ".patch";
+my $mailing_lists       = $AT."lists.";
+my @lists; #Needed for <<EOT
+my $usage = <<EOT;
+USAGE: $tool [options] -patchdir <patchdir>
+VERSION: $toolversion
+  --p|prefix (e.g. --prefix v2)
+    Choose patch files with a specific prefix
+  --a|args
+    Arguments passed on to $get_maintainer
+  --v|verbose
+    Show more output
+  --version
+    Show version
+  --o|overwrite
+    Overwrites *.patch file (but makes a backup), whereas teh default
+    creates a new *.mpatch file
+  --h|help|usage
+    Show this help information
+  This script is intended to be used as part of the following workflow
+  Without --overwrite
+  Step 1: git format-patch ... -o <patchdir> ...
+  Step 2: ./scripts/add_maintainers.pl -d <patchdir>
+          This creates *.patchm files in <patchdir>
+  Step 3: git send-email -to xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <patchdir>/*.patchm
+  With --overwrite
+  Step 1: git format-patch ... -o <patchdir> ...
+  Step 2: ./scripts/add_maintainers.pl -d <patchdir>
+          This overwrites *.patch files in <patchdir> but makes a backup
+  Step 3: git send-email -to xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <patchdir>/*.patch
+if (!GetOptions(
+                'd|patchdir=s' => \$patch_dir,
+                'p|prefix=s'   => \$patch_prefix,
+                'o|overwrite'  => \$overwrite,
+                'a|args=s'     => \$get_maintainer_args,
+                'v|verbose'    => \$verbose,
+                'version'      => \$version,
+                'h|help|usage' => \$help,
+                )) {
+    die "$tool: invalid argument - use --help if necessary\n";
+if ($help != 0) {
+    print $usage;
+    exit 0;
+if ($version != 0) {
+    print("$tool: version $toolversion\n");
+    exit 0;
+if (! -e $get_maintainer) {
+    die "$tool: The tool requires $get_maintainer\n";
+if (!$patch_dir) {
+    die "$tool: Directory -d|--patchdir not specified\n";
+if (! -e $patch_dir) {
+    die "$tool: Directory $patch_dir does not exist\n";
+if ($overwrite) {
+    $overwrite_ext = "";
+# Get the list of patches
+my $pattern = $patch_dir.'/'.$patch_prefix.'*'.$patch_ext;
+my @patches = glob($pattern);
+my $has_cover_letter = 0;
+my $cover_letter_file;
+if (!scalar @patches) {
+    die "$tool: Directory $patch_dir contains no patches\n";
+# Do the actual processing
+my $file;
+my @combined_to;
+my @combined_cc;
+foreach my $file (@patches){
+    if (index($file, $cover_letter) != -1) {
+        $has_cover_letter = 1;
+        $cover_letter_file = $file;
+    } else {
+        print "Processing: ".basename($file)."\n";
+        my $fh;
+        my $cmd = $get_maintainer." ".$get_maintainer_args." < ".$file;
+        my @to;
+        my @cc;
+        open($fh, "$cmd|")
+            or die "Failed to execute '$cmd'\n";
+        while(<$fh>) {
+            chomp;
+            # Keep lists and CC's separately as we dont want them in
+            # the commit message under a Cc: line
+            if (index($_, $mailing_lists) != -1) {
+                push @to, $TO.$_;
+                push @combined_to, $TO.$_;
+            } else {
+                push @cc, $CC.$_;
+                push @combined_cc, $CC.$_;
+            }
+        }
+        close $fh;
+        my $to = join("\n", uniq @to)."\n";
+        my $cc = join("\n", uniq @cc)."\n";
+        # Insert snippets into files
+        # $cc before "Signed-off-by:"
+        insert_before($file , $cc, $cc_insert_before, 1);
+        # $to before suitable header line
+        insert_before($file , $to, $to_insert_before, 0);
+    }
+# Deal with the cover letter
+if ($has_cover_letter) {
+    my $to = join("\n", uniq @combined_to)."\n";
+    my $cc = join("\n", uniq @combined_cc)."\n";
+    print "Processing: ".basename($cover_letter_file)."\n";
+    # Insert snippets into files
+    # $to and $cc before suitable header line
+    insert_before($cover_letter_file, $to.$cc, $to_insert_before, 1);
+    print "\nDon't forget to add the subject and message to ".
+          $cover_letter_file.$overwrite_ext."\n";
+print "Then perform:\n".
+      "git send-email -to xen-devel".$AT."lists.xenproject.org ".
+      $patch_dir.'/'.$patch_prefix."*.patch".$overwrite_ext."\n";
+exit 1;
+sub readfile {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    my $fh;
+    my $content;
+    open($fh, "<", $file)
+         or die "Could not open file '$file' $!";
+    $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+    close $fh;
+    return $content;
+sub writefile {
+    my ($content, $file) = @_;
+    my $fh;
+    open($fh, ">", $file)
+         or die "Could not open file '$file' $!";
+    print $fh $content;
+    close $fh;
+    return 1;
+sub insert_before {
+    my ($file, $ins, $before, $first) = @_;
+    my $content;
+    # $first must always be set to one for the first
+    # in a series of multiple transformations. This is
+    # a little ugly, but allows us to handle backups
+    # and filename issues correctly.
+    # Also, the different filename handling via
+    # $overwrite is entirely handled in this function.
+    if ($first) {
+        $content = readfile($file);
+        if ($overwrite) {
+            # Make a backup
+            writefile($content, $file."~");
+        }
+    } else {
+        # Read from the previously modified file
+        $content = readfile($file.$overwrite_ext);
+    }
+    # Split the string and generate new content
+    my $i  = index($content, $before);
+    my $p1 = substr $content, 0, $i;
+    my $p2 = substr $content, $i;
+    #
+    writefile($p1.$ins.$p2, $file.$overwrite_ext);
+    if ($verbose) {
+        print "\nInserted into ".basename($file).' before "$before"'.
+              "\n-----\n".$ins."-----\n";
+    }
+    return 1;

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