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[PATCH] golang/xenlight: Move to an entirely external repo

  • To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 17:40:00 +0100
  • Authentication-results: esa5.hc3370-68.iphmx.com; dkim=none (message not signed) header.i=none
  • Cc: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>, Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 04 Sep 2020 16:40:47 +0000
  • Ironport-sdr: mFmxPMG+BZGaZAnHurbaFC+iv0rKSQ0cUy/51w47HsHiznva230yawSA7Kg7wxsky6xVm7FbPF F+xOMa5vzuJ37EcN7P9Z5GHpVC9hpXun0SGcLGcDYDNMPlAqT/3/knL3am7ijjcC6bQPLbLMI/ dFnYhXmMnnvR43S4jhYIxHSH06DwFdPsaPJCgcV64eDf12thKCxLv3DCi6P2QBSDG2UoLXkeW1 sy5dOIIvA1sm4FOyiZHk3913BTXD21hjWjCW4Xo9Kdm1HHmEz5tnRvH24Pc3Jj76cVWAJ6Dk39 J9o=
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

Remove all go files and generation targets.

Add a convenience macro to build the package from staging.  This isn't
really meant to be called directly; rather, it's meant to be called
from a corresponding build target inside the external xenlight package

Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
 tools/Makefile                       |    5 +-
 tools/golang/xenlight/LICENSE        |  502 ----
 tools/golang/xenlight/Makefile       |   36 +-
 tools/golang/xenlight/README.md      |   28 -
 tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py  |  738 -----
 tools/golang/xenlight/go.mod         |    3 -
 tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go | 4182 --------------------------
 tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go   | 1194 --------
 tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go    | 1273 --------
 9 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7951 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/LICENSE
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/README.md
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/go.mod
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go
 delete mode 100644 tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go

diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
index 198b239edc..f24d7b6f74 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ endif
 SUBDIRS-y += xenpmd
 SUBDIRS-y += libxl
 SUBDIRS-y += xl
 SUBDIRS-y += helpers
 SUBDIRS-$(CONFIG_X86) += xenpaging
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ endif
 #    Pull to the most recent update (as if you had checked it out for the
 #    first time)
 #  subdir-all-${target}-dir
-#    Do "make all" for ${target}, including all prerequisites (such as 
+#    Do "make all" for ${target}, including all prerequisites (such as
 #    configure)
 #  subdir-install-${target}-dir
 #    Do "make install" for $TARGET
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ endif
 #  ${target}-dir-remote
 #    Where remote repositories are cloned
 #  ${target}
-#    Where a copy of the source files are put when building a source 
+#    Where a copy of the source files are put when building a source
 #    tarball for release
 # Expected variables:
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/LICENSE b/tools/golang/xenlight/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 4362b49151..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-                       Version 2.1, February 1999
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
- as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
- the version number 2.1.]
-                            Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
-  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
-Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
-can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
-this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
-strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
-not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
-you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
-for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
-it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
-it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
-these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
-rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
-you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
-with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
-library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
-  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
-there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
-modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
-that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
-author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
-introduced by others.
-  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
-any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
-effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
-restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
-any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
-consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
-  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
-ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
-General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
-is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
-this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
-libraries into non-free programs.
-  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
-a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
-combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
-General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
-entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
-Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
-the library.
-  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
-does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
-Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
-of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
-are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
-libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
-  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
-encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
-a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
-allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
-library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
-case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
-software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
-  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
-programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
-free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
-non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
-operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
-  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
-users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
-linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
-that program using a modified version of the Library.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
-former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
-be combined with the library in order to run.
-  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
-program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
-other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
-this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
-Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
-  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
-  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
-  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
-  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
-    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
-    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
-    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
-    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
-    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
-    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
-    in the event an application does not supply such function or
-    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
-    its purpose remains meaningful.
-    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
-    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
-    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
-    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
-    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
-    root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
-  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
-  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
-  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
-  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
-  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
-  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
-  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
-  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
-  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
-  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
-of these things:
-    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
-    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
-    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
-    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
-    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
-    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
-    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
-    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
-    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
-    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
-    to use the modified definitions.)
-    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
-    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
-    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
-    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
-    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
-    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
-    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
-    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
-    least three years, to give the same user the materials
-    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
-    than the cost of performing this distribution.
-    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
-    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
-    specified materials from the same place.
-    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
-    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
-  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
-the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
-normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
-  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
-  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
-    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
-    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
-    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
-    Sections above.
-    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
-    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
-    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
-  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
-  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
-this License.
-  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
-  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
-  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
-                            NO WARRANTY
-                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
-           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
-  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
-  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/Makefile b/tools/golang/xenlight/Makefile
index b17095e64b..271cd7f595 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/Makefile
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/Makefile
@@ -1,43 +1,23 @@
 include $(XEN_ROOT)/tools/Rules.mk
-# Standing boldly against convention, we insist on installing the
-# package source under $(prefix)/share/gocode
-GOCODE_DIR ?= $(prefix)/share/gocode/
 GO ?= go
-LIBXL_SRC_DIR = ../../libxl
-.PHONY: all
 all: build
-GOXL_GEN_FILES = types.gen.go helpers.gen.go
-%.gen.go: gengotypes.py $(LIBXL_SRC_DIR)/libxl_types.idl 
-       XEN_ROOT=$(XEN_ROOT) $(PYTHON) gengotypes.py 
-# Go will do its own dependency checking, and not actuall go through
-# with the build if none of the input files have changed.
-# NB that because the users of this library need to be able to
-# recompile the library from source, it needs to include '-lxenlight'
-# in the LDFLAGS; and thus we need to add -L$(XEN_libxenlight) here
-# so that it can find the actual library.
 .PHONY: build
-build: xenlight.go $(GOXL_GEN_FILES)
-       CGO_CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_libxenlight) $(CFLAGS_libxentoollog)" 
CGO_LDFLAGS="$(LDLIBS_libxenlight) $(LDLIBS_libxentoollog) -L$(XEN_libxenlight) 
-L$(XEN_libxentoollog)" $(GO) build -x
+       if test -z "$(XENLIGHT_PKG_DIR)" ; then \
+               echo Please set XENLIGHT_PKG_DIR to the directory containing 
xenlight package files ; \
+               false ; \
+       fi
+       cd $(XENLIGHT_PKG_DIR) && CGO_CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_libxenlight) 
$(CFLAGS_libxentoollog)" CGO_LDFLAGS="$(LDLIBS_libxenlight) 
$(LDLIBS_libxentoollog) -L$(XEN_libxenlight) -L$(XEN_libxentoollog)" $(GO) 
build -x
 .PHONY: install
-install: build
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) xenlight.go $(DESTDIR)$(GOXL_INSTALL_DIR)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) types.gen.go $(DESTDIR)$(GOXL_INSTALL_DIR)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) helpers.gen.go $(DESTDIR)$(GOXL_INSTALL_DIR)
 .PHONY: uninstall
-       rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(GOXL_INSTALL_DIR)
 .PHONY: clean
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/README.md b/tools/golang/xenlight/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a423a5600a..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# xenlight
-## About
-The xenlight package provides Go bindings to Xen's libxl C library via cgo.
-The package is currently in an unstable "experimental" state. This means
-the package is ready for initial use and evaluation, but is not yet fully
-functional. Namely, only a subset of libxl's API is implemented, and
-breaking changes may occur in future package versions.
-Much of the package is generated using the libxl IDL. Changes to the
-generated code can be made by modifying `tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py`
-in the xen.git tree.
-## Getting Started
-import (
-        "xenbits.xenproject.org/git-http/xen.git/tools/golang/xenlight"
-The module is not yet tagged independently of xen.git; if you don’t specify
-the version, you’ll get the most recent development version, which is
-probably not what you want. A better option would be to specify a Xen
-release tag; for instance:
-    go get 
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py 
deleted file mode 100644
index ebec938224..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import idl
-# Go versions of some builtin types.
-# Append the libxl-defined builtins after IDL parsing.
-builtin_type_names = {
-    idl.bool.typename: 'bool',
-    idl.string.typename: 'string',
-    idl.integer.typename: 'int',
-    idl.uint8.typename: 'byte',
-    idl.uint16.typename: 'uint16',
-    idl.uint32.typename: 'uint32',
-    idl.uint64.typename: 'uint64',
-# Some go keywords that conflict with field names in libxl structs.
-go_keywords = ['type', 'func']
-go_builtin_types = ['bool', 'string', 'int', 'byte',
-                    'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64']
-# cgo preamble for xenlight_helpers.go, created during type generation and
-# written later.
-cgo_helpers_preamble = []
-def xenlight_golang_generate_types(path = None, types = None, comment = None):
-    """
-    Generate a .go file (types.gen.go by default)
-    that contains a Go type for each type in types.
-    """
-    if path is None:
-        path = 'types.gen.go'
-    with open(path, 'w') as f:
-        if comment is not None:
-            f.write(comment)
-        f.write('package xenlight\n\n')
-        for ty in types:
-            (tdef, extras) = xenlight_golang_type_define(ty)
-            f.write(tdef)
-            f.write('\n')
-            # Append extra types
-            for extra in extras:
-                f.write(extra)
-                f.write('\n')
-def xenlight_golang_type_define(ty = None):
-    """
-    Generate the Go type definition of ty.
-    Return a tuple that contains a string with the
-    type definition, and a (potentially empty) list
-    of extra definitions that are associated with
-    this type.
-    """
-    if isinstance(ty, idl.Enumeration):
-        return (xenlight_golang_define_enum(ty), [])
-    elif isinstance(ty, idl.Aggregate):
-        return xenlight_golang_define_struct(ty)
-def xenlight_golang_define_enum(ty = None):
-    s = ''
-    typename = ''
-    if ty.typename is not None:
-        typename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.typename)
-        s += 'type {0} int\n'.format(typename)
-    # Start const block
-    s += 'const(\n'
-    for v in ty.values:
-        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(v.name)
-        s += '{0} {1} = {2}\n'.format(name, typename, v.value)
-    # End const block
-    s += ')\n'
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_define_struct(ty = None, typename = None, nested = False):
-    s = ''
-    extras = []
-    name = ''
-    if typename is not None:
-        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
-    else:
-        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.typename)
-    # Begin struct definition
-    if nested:
-        s += '{0} struct {{\n'.format(name)
-    else:
-        s += 'type {0} struct {{\n'.format(name)
-    # Write struct fields
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        if f.type.typename is not None:
-            if isinstance(f.type, idl.Array):
-                typename = f.type.elem_type.typename
-                typename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
-                name     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(f.name)
-                s += '{0} []{1}\n'.format(name, typename)
-            else:
-                typename = f.type.typename
-                typename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
-                name     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(f.name)
-                s += '{0} {1}\n'.format(name, typename)
-        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.Struct):
-            r = xenlight_golang_define_struct(f.type, typename=f.name, 
-            s += r[0]
-            extras.extend(r[1])
-        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
-            r = xenlight_golang_define_union(f.type, ty.typename, f.name)
-            s += r[0]
-            extras.extend(r[1])
-        else:
-            raise Exception('type {0} not supported'.format(f.type))
-    # End struct definition
-    s += '}\n'
-    return (s,extras)
-def xenlight_golang_define_union(ty = None, struct_name = '', union_name = ''):
-    """
-    Generate the Go translation of a KeyedUnion.
-    Define an unexported interface to be used as
-    the type of the union. Then, define a struct
-    for each field of the union which implements
-    that interface.
-    """
-    s = ''
-    extras = []
-    interface_name = '{0}_{1}_union'.format(struct_name, ty.keyvar.name)
-    interface_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(interface_name, exported=False)
-    s += 'type {0} interface {{\n'.format(interface_name)
-    s += 'is{0}()\n'.format(interface_name)
-    s += '}\n'
-    extras.append(s)
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        if f.type is None:
-            continue
-        # Define struct
-        name = '{0}_{1}_union_{2}'.format(struct_name, ty.keyvar.name, f.name)
-        r = xenlight_golang_define_struct(f.type, typename=name)
-        extras.append(r[0])
-        extras.extend(r[1])
-        # This typeof trick ensures that the fields used in the cgo struct
-        # used for marshaling are the same as the fields of the union in the
-        # actual C type, and avoids re-defining all of those fields.
-        s = 'typedef typeof(((struct {0} *)NULL)->{1}.{2}){3};'
-        s = s.format(struct_name, union_name, f.name, name)
-        cgo_helpers_preamble.append(s)
-        # Define function to implement 'union' interface
-        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name)
-        s = 'func (x {0}) is{1}(){{}}\n'.format(name, interface_name)
-        extras.append(s)
-    fname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.keyvar.name)
-    ftype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.keyvar.type.typename)
-    s = '{0} {1}\n'.format(fname, ftype)
-    fname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name('{0}_union'.format(ty.keyvar.name))
-    s += '{0} {1}\n'.format(fname, interface_name)
-    return (s,extras)
-def xenlight_golang_generate_helpers(path = None, types = None, comment = 
-    """
-    Generate a .go file (helpers.gen.go by default)
-    that contains helper functions for marshaling between
-    C and Go types.
-    """
-    if path is None:
-        path = 'helpers.gen.go'
-    with open(path, 'w') as f:
-        if comment is not None:
-            f.write(comment)
-        f.write('package xenlight\n\n')
-        f.write('import (\n"unsafe"\n"errors"\n"fmt"\n)\n')
-        # Cgo preamble
-        f.write('/*\n')
-        f.write('#cgo LDFLAGS: -lxenlight\n')
-        f.write('#include <stdlib.h>\n')
-        f.write('#include <libxl.h>\n')
-        f.write('\n')
-        for s in cgo_helpers_preamble:
-            f.write(s)
-            f.write('\n')
-        f.write('*/\nimport "C"\n')
-        for ty in types:
-            if not isinstance(ty, idl.Struct):
-                continue
-            f.write(xenlight_golang_define_constructor(ty))
-            f.write('\n')
-            (fdef, extras) = xenlight_golang_define_from_C(ty)
-            f.write(fdef)
-            f.write('\n')
-            for extra in extras:
-                f.write(extra)
-                f.write('\n')
-            f.write(xenlight_golang_define_to_C(ty))
-            f.write('\n')
-def xenlight_golang_define_from_C(ty = None):
-    """
-    Define the fromC marshaling function for the type
-    represented by ty.
-    """
-    func = 'func (x *{0}) fromC(xc *C.{1}) error {{\n {2}\n return nil}}\n'
-    goname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.typename)
-    cname  = ty.typename
-    body = ''
-    extras = []
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        if f.type.typename is not None:
-            if isinstance(f.type, idl.Array):
-                body += xenlight_golang_array_from_C(f)
-                continue
-            body += xenlight_golang_convert_from_C(f)
-        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.Struct):
-            # Go through the fields of the anonymous nested struct.
-            for nf in f.type.fields:
-                body += xenlight_golang_convert_from_C(nf,outer_name=f.name)
-        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
-            r = xenlight_golang_union_from_C(f.type, f.name, ty.typename)
-            body += r[0]
-            extras.extend(r[1])
-        else:
-            raise Exception('type {0} not supported'.format(f.type))
-    return (func.format(goname, cname, body), extras)
-def xenlight_golang_convert_from_C(ty = None, outer_name = None, cvarname = 
-    """
-    Returns a line of Go code that converts the C type represented
-    by ty to its corresponding Go type.
-    If outer_name is set, the type is treated as nested within another field
-    named outer_name.
-    """
-    s = ''
-    # Use 'xc' as the name for the C variable unless otherwise specified
-    if cvarname is None:
-        cvarname = 'xc'
-    gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.type.typename)
-    goname     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.name)
-    cname      = ty.name
-    # In cgo, C names that conflict with Go keywords can be
-    # accessed by prepending an underscore to the name.
-    if cname in go_keywords:
-        cname = '_' + cname
-    # If outer_name is set, treat this as nested.
-    if outer_name is not None:
-        goname = '{0}.{1}'.format(xenlight_golang_fmt_name(outer_name), goname)
-        cname  = '{0}.{1}'.format(outer_name, cname)
-    # Types that satisfy this condition can be easily casted or
-    # converted to a Go builtin type.
-    is_castable = (ty.type.json_parse_type == 'JSON_INTEGER' or
-                   isinstance(ty.type, idl.Enumeration) or
-                   gotypename in go_builtin_types)
-    if not is_castable:
-        # If the type is not castable, we need to call its fromC
-        # function.
-        s += 'if err := x.{0}.fromC(&{1}.{2});'.format(goname,cvarname,cname)
-        s += 'err != nil {{\nreturn fmt.Errorf("converting field {0}: %v", 
-    elif gotypename == 'string':
-        # Use the cgo helper for converting C strings.
-        s += 'x.{0} = C.GoString({1}.{2})\n'.format(goname,cvarname,cname)
-    else:
-        s += 'x.{0} = {1}({2}.{3})\n'.format(goname,gotypename,cvarname,cname)
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_union_from_C(ty = None, union_name = '', struct_name = ''):
-    extras = []
-    keyname   = ty.keyvar.name
-    gokeyname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(keyname)
-    keytype   = ty.keyvar.type.typename
-    gokeytype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(keytype)
-    field_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name('{0}_union'.format(keyname))
-    interface_name = '{0}_{1}_union'.format(struct_name, keyname)
-    interface_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(interface_name, exported=False)
-    cgo_keyname = keyname
-    if cgo_keyname in go_keywords:
-        cgo_keyname = '_' + cgo_keyname
-    cases = {}
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        val = '{0}_{1}'.format(keytype, f.name)
-        val = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(val)
-        # Add to list of cases to make for the switch
-        # statement below.
-        cases[f.name] = (val, f.type)
-        if f.type is None:
-            continue
-        # Define fromC func for 'union' struct.
-        typename   = '{0}_{1}_union_{2}'.format(struct_name,keyname,f.name)
-        gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
-        # Define the function here. The cases for keyed unions are a little
-        # different.
-        s = 'func (x *{0}) fromC(xc *C.{1}) error 
-        s += 'if {0}(xc.{1}) != {2} {{\n'.format(gokeytype,cgo_keyname,val)
-        err_string = '"expected union key {0}"'.format(val)
-        s += 'return errors.New({0})\n'.format(err_string)
-        s += '}\n\n'
-        s += 'tmp := 
-        for nf in f.type.fields:
-            s += xenlight_golang_convert_from_C(nf,cvarname='tmp')
-        s += 'return nil\n'
-        s += '}\n'
-        extras.append(s)
-    s = 'x.{0} = {1}(xc.{2})\n'.format(gokeyname,gokeytype,cgo_keyname)
-    s += 'switch x.{0}{{\n'.format(gokeyname)
-    # Create switch statement to determine which 'union element'
-    # to populate in the Go struct.
-    for case_name, case_tuple in sorted(cases.items()):
-        (case_val, case_type) = case_tuple
-        s += 'case {0}:\n'.format(case_val)
-        if case_type is None:
-            s += "x.{0} = nil\n".format(field_name)
-            continue
-        gotype = '{0}_{1}_union_{2}'.format(struct_name,keyname,case_name)
-        gotype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(gotype)
-        goname = '{0}_{1}'.format(keyname,case_name)
-        goname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(goname,exported=False)
-        s += 'var {0} {1}\n'.format(goname, gotype)
-        s += 'if err := {0}.fromC(xc);'.format(goname)
-        s += 'err != nil {{\n return fmt.Errorf("converting field {0}: %v", 
-        s += 'x.{0} = {1}\n'.format(field_name, goname)
-    # End switch statement
-    s += 'default:\n'
-    err_string = '"invalid union key \'%v\'", x.{0}'.format(gokeyname)
-    s += 'return fmt.Errorf({0})'.format(err_string)
-    s += '}\n'
-    return (s,extras)
-def xenlight_golang_array_from_C(ty = None):
-    """
-    Convert C array to Go slice using the method
-    described here:
-    https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/cgo#turning-c-arrays-into-go-slices
-    """
-    s = ''
-    gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.type.elem_type.typename)
-    goname     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.name)
-    ctypename  = ty.type.elem_type.typename
-    cname      = ty.name
-    cslice     = 'c{0}'.format(goname)
-    clenvar    = ty.type.lenvar.name
-    s += 'x.{0} = nil\n'.format(goname)
-    s += 'if n := int(xc.{0}); n > 0 {{\n'.format(clenvar)
-    s += '{0} := '.format(cslice)
-    s +='(*[1<<28]C.{0})(unsafe.Pointer(xc.{1}))[:n:n]\n'.format(ctypename, 
-    s += 'x.{0} = make([]{1}, n)\n'.format(goname, gotypename)
-    s += 'for i, v := range {0} {{\n'.format(cslice)
-    is_enum = isinstance(ty.type.elem_type,idl.Enumeration)
-    if gotypename in go_builtin_types or is_enum:
-        s += 'x.{0}[i] = {1}(v)\n'.format(goname, gotypename)
-    else:
-        s += 'if err := x.{0}[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {{\n'.format(goname)
-        s += 'return fmt.Errorf("converting field {0}: %v", err) 
-    s += '}\n}\n'
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_define_to_C(ty = None, typename = None, nested = False):
-    """
-    Define the toC marshaling function for the type
-    represented by ty.
-    """
-    func = 'func (x *{0}) toC(xc *C.{1}) (err error){{{2}\n return nil\n }}\n'
-    body = ''
-    if ty.dispose_fn is not None:
-        body += 'defer func(){{\nif err != 
-    goname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.typename)
-    cname  = ty.typename
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        if f.type.typename is not None:
-            if isinstance(f.type, idl.Array):
-                body += xenlight_golang_array_to_C(f)
-                continue
-            body += xenlight_golang_convert_to_C(f)
-        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.Struct):
-            for nf in f.type.fields:
-                body += xenlight_golang_convert_to_C(nf, outer_name=f.name)
-        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
-            body += xenlight_golang_union_to_C(f.type, f.name, ty.typename)
-        else:
-            raise Exception('type {0} not supported'.format(f.type))
-    return func.format(goname, cname, body)
-def xenlight_golang_convert_to_C(ty = None, outer_name = None,
-                                 govarname = None, cvarname = None):
-    """
-    Returns a line of Go code that converts the Go type represented
-    by ty to its corresponding Go type.
-    If outer_name is set, the type is treated as nested within another field
-    named outer_name.
-    """
-    s = ''
-    # Use 'xc' as the name for the C variable unless otherwise specified.
-    if cvarname is None:
-        cvarname = 'xc'
-    # Use 'x' as the name for the Go variable unless otherwise specified.
-    if govarname is None:
-        govarname = 'x'
-    gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.type.typename)
-    ctypename  = ty.type.typename
-    goname     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.name)
-    cname      = ty.name
-    # In cgo, C names that conflict with Go keywords can be
-    # accessed by prepending an underscore to the name.
-    if cname in go_keywords:
-        cname = '_' + cname
-    # If outer_name is set, treat this as nested.
-    if outer_name is not None:
-        goname = '{0}.{1}'.format(xenlight_golang_fmt_name(outer_name), goname)
-        cname  = '{0}.{1}'.format(outer_name, cname)
-    is_castable = (ty.type.json_parse_type == 'JSON_INTEGER' or
-                   isinstance(ty.type, idl.Enumeration) or
-                   gotypename in go_builtin_types)
-    if not is_castable:
-        s += 'if err := {0}.{1}.toC(&{2}.{3}); err != nil 
-        s += 'return fmt.Errorf("converting field {0}: %v", 
-    elif gotypename == 'string':
-        # Use the cgo helper for converting C strings.
-        s += 'if {0}.{1} != "" {{\n'.format(govarname,goname)
-        s += '{0}.{1} = C.CString({2}.{3})}}\n'.format(cvarname,cname,
-                                                   govarname,goname)
-    else:
-        s += '{0}.{1} = C.{2}({3}.{4})\n'.format(cvarname,cname,ctypename,
-                                            govarname,goname)
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_union_to_C(ty = None, union_name = '',
-                               struct_name = ''):
-    keyname   = ty.keyvar.name
-    gokeyname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(keyname)
-    keytype   = ty.keyvar.type.typename
-    gokeytype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(keytype)
-    interface_name = '{0}_{1}_union'.format(struct_name, keyname)
-    interface_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(interface_name, exported=False)
-    cgo_keyname = keyname
-    if cgo_keyname in go_keywords:
-        cgo_keyname = '_' + cgo_keyname
-    s = 'xc.{0} = C.{1}(x.{2})\n'.format(cgo_keyname,keytype,gokeyname)
-    s += 'switch x.{0}{{\n'.format(gokeyname)
-    # Create switch statement to determine how to populate the C union.
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        key_val = '{0}_{1}'.format(keytype, f.name)
-        key_val = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(key_val)
-        s += 'case {0}:\n'.format(key_val)
-        if f.type is None:
-            s += "break\n"
-            continue
-        cgotype = '{0}_{1}_union_{2}'.format(struct_name,keyname,f.name)
-        gotype  = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(cgotype)
-        field_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name('{0}_union'.format(keyname))
-        s += 'tmp, ok := x.{0}.({1})\n'.format(field_name,gotype)
-        s += 'if !ok {\n'
-        s += 'return errors.New("wrong type for union key 
-        s += '}\n'
-        s += 'var {0} C.{1}\n'.format(f.name,cgotype)
-        for uf in f.type.fields:
-            s += xenlight_golang_convert_to_C(uf,cvarname=f.name,
-                                              govarname='tmp')
-        # The union is still represented as Go []byte.
-        s += '{0}Bytes := 
-        s += 'copy(xc.{0}[:],{1}Bytes)\n'.format(union_name,f.name)
-    # End switch statement
-    s += 'default:\n'
-    err_string = '"invalid union key \'%v\'", x.{0}'.format(gokeyname)
-    s += 'return fmt.Errorf({0})'.format(err_string)
-    s += '}\n'
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_array_to_C(ty = None):
-    s = ''
-    gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.type.elem_type.typename)
-    goname     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.name)
-    ctypename  = ty.type.elem_type.typename
-    cname      = ty.name
-    clenvar    = ty.type.lenvar.name
-    golenvar   = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(clenvar,exported=False)
-    is_enum = isinstance(ty.type.elem_type,idl.Enumeration)
-    if gotypename in go_builtin_types or is_enum:
-        s += 'if {0} := len(x.{1}); {2} > 0 
-        s += 'xc.{0} = 
-        s += 'xc.{0} = C.int({1})\n'.format(clenvar,golenvar)
-        s += 'c{0} := 
-        s += 'for i,v := range x.{0} {{\n'.format(goname)
-        s += 'c{0}[i] = C.{1}(v)\n'.format(goname,ctypename)
-        s += '}\n}\n'
-        return s
-    s += 'if {0} := len(x.{1}); {2} > 0 {{\n'.format(golenvar,goname,golenvar)
-    s += 'xc.{0} = 
-    s += 'xc.{0} = C.int({1})\n'.format(clenvar,golenvar)
-    s += 'c{0} := 
-    s += 'for i,v := range x.{0} {{\n'.format(goname)
-    s += 'if err := v.toC(&c{0}[i]); err != nil {{\n'.format(goname)
-    s += 'return fmt.Errorf("converting field {0}: %v", err)\n'.format(goname)
-    s += '}\n}\n}\n'
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_define_constructor(ty = None):
-    s = ''
-    ctypename  = ty.typename
-    gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ctypename)
-    # Since this func is exported, add a comment as per Go conventions.
-    s += '// New{0} returns an instance of {1}'.format(gotypename,gotypename)
-    s += ' initialized with defaults.\n'
-    # If a struct has a keyed union, an extra argument is
-    # required in the function signature, and an extra _init
-    # call is needed.
-    params   = []
-    init_fns = []
-    # Add call to parent init_fn first.
-    init_fns.append('C.{0}(&xc)'.format(ty.init_fn))
-    for f in ty.fields:
-        if not isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
-            continue
-        param = f.type.keyvar
-        param_ctype  = param.type.typename
-        param_gotype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(param_ctype)
-        param_goname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(param.name,exported=False)
-        # Serveral keyed unions use 'type' as the key variable name. In
-        # that case, prepend the first letter of the Go type name.
-        if param_goname == 'type':
-            param_goname = '{0}type'.format(param_gotype.lower()[0])
-        # Add call to keyed union's init_fn.
-        init_fns.append('C.{0}_{1}(&xc, C.{2}({3}))'.format(ty.init_fn,
-                                                        param.name,
-                                                        param_ctype,
-                                                        param_goname))
-        # Add to params list.
-        params.append('{0} {1}'.format(param_goname, param_gotype))
-    # Define function
-    s += 'func New{0}({1}) (*{2}, error) {{\n'.format(gotypename,
-                                                   ','.join(params),
-                                                   gotypename)
-    # Declare variables.
-    s += 'var (\nx {0}\nxc C.{1})\n\n'.format(gotypename, ctypename)
-    # Write init_fn calls.
-    s += '\n'.join(init_fns)
-    s += '\n'
-    # Make sure dispose_fn get's called when constructor
-    # returns.
-    if ty.dispose_fn is not None:
-        s += 'defer C.{0}(&xc)\n'.format(ty.dispose_fn)
-    s += '\n'
-    # Call fromC to initialize Go type.
-    s += 'if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {\n'
-    s += 'return nil, err }\n\n'
-    s += 'return &x, nil}\n'
-    return s
-def xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name, exported = True):
-    """
-    Take a given type name and return an
-    appropriate Go type name.
-    """
-    if name in builtin_type_names.keys():
-        return builtin_type_names[name]
-    # Name is not a builtin, format it for Go.
-    words = name.split('_')
-    # Remove 'libxl' prefix
-    if words[0].lower() == 'libxl':
-        words.remove(words[0])
-    if exported:
-        return ''.join(x.title() for x in words)
-    return words[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in words[1:])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    idlname = sys.argv[1]
-    (builtins, types) = idl.parse(idlname)
-    for b in builtins:
-        name = b.typename
-        builtin_type_names[name] = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name)
-    header_comment="""// DO NOT EDIT.
-// This file is generated by:
-// {0}
-""".format(' '.join(sys.argv))
-    xenlight_golang_generate_types(types=types,
-                                   comment=header_comment)
-    xenlight_golang_generate_helpers(types=types,
-                                     comment=header_comment)
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/go.mod b/tools/golang/xenlight/go.mod
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dfbd758d1..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/go.mod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module xenbits.xenproject.org/git-http/xen.git/tools/golang/xenlight
-go 1.11
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go 
deleted file mode 100644
index 152c7e8e6b..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4182 +0,0 @@
-// This file is generated by:
-// gengotypes.py ../../libxl/libxl_types.idl
-package xenlight
-import (
-#cgo LDFLAGS: -lxenlight
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <libxl.h>
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_channelinfo 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_domain_build_info 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_domain_build_info 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_domain_build_info 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_device_usbdev 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_device_channel 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_event 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_event 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_event 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_psr_hw_info 
-typedef typeof(((struct libxl_psr_hw_info 
-import "C"
-// NewIoportRange returns an instance of IoportRange initialized with defaults.
-func NewIoportRange() (*IoportRange, error) {
-var (
-x IoportRange
-xc C.libxl_ioport_range)
-defer C.libxl_ioport_range_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *IoportRange) fromC(xc *C.libxl_ioport_range) error {
- x.First = uint32(xc.first)
-x.Number = uint32(xc.number)
- return nil}
-func (x *IoportRange) toC(xc *C.libxl_ioport_range) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.first = C.uint32_t(x.First)
-xc.number = C.uint32_t(x.Number)
- return nil
- }
-// NewIomemRange returns an instance of IomemRange initialized with defaults.
-func NewIomemRange() (*IomemRange, error) {
-var (
-x IomemRange
-xc C.libxl_iomem_range)
-defer C.libxl_iomem_range_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *IomemRange) fromC(xc *C.libxl_iomem_range) error {
- x.Start = uint64(xc.start)
-x.Number = uint64(xc.number)
-x.Gfn = uint64(xc.gfn)
- return nil}
-func (x *IomemRange) toC(xc *C.libxl_iomem_range) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.start = C.uint64_t(x.Start)
-xc.number = C.uint64_t(x.Number)
-xc.gfn = C.uint64_t(x.Gfn)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVgaInterfaceInfo returns an instance of VgaInterfaceInfo initialized 
with defaults.
-func NewVgaInterfaceInfo() (*VgaInterfaceInfo, error) {
-var (
-x VgaInterfaceInfo
-xc C.libxl_vga_interface_info)
-defer C.libxl_vga_interface_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VgaInterfaceInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vga_interface_info) error {
- x.Kind = VgaInterfaceType(xc.kind)
- return nil}
-func (x *VgaInterfaceInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vga_interface_info) (err 
error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.kind = C.libxl_vga_interface_type(x.Kind)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVncInfo returns an instance of VncInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVncInfo() (*VncInfo, error) {
-var (
-x VncInfo
-xc C.libxl_vnc_info)
-defer C.libxl_vnc_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VncInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnc_info) error {
- if err := x.Enable.fromC(&xc.enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Enable: %v", err)
-x.Listen = C.GoString(xc.listen)
-x.Passwd = C.GoString(xc.passwd)
-x.Display = int(xc.display)
-if err := x.Findunused.fromC(&xc.findunused);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Findunused: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *VncInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vnc_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.Enable.toC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Enable: %v", err)
-if x.Listen != "" {
-xc.listen = C.CString(x.Listen)}
-if x.Passwd != "" {
-xc.passwd = C.CString(x.Passwd)}
-xc.display = C.int(x.Display)
-if err := x.Findunused.toC(&xc.findunused); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Findunused: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewSpiceInfo returns an instance of SpiceInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewSpiceInfo() (*SpiceInfo, error) {
-var (
-x SpiceInfo
-xc C.libxl_spice_info)
-defer C.libxl_spice_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *SpiceInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_spice_info) error {
- if err := x.Enable.fromC(&xc.enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Enable: %v", err)
-x.Port = int(xc.port)
-x.TlsPort = int(xc.tls_port)
-x.Host = C.GoString(xc.host)
-if err := x.DisableTicketing.fromC(&xc.disable_ticketing);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DisableTicketing: %v", err)
-x.Passwd = C.GoString(xc.passwd)
-if err := x.AgentMouse.fromC(&xc.agent_mouse);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AgentMouse: %v", err)
-if err := x.Vdagent.fromC(&xc.vdagent);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vdagent: %v", err)
-if err := x.ClipboardSharing.fromC(&xc.clipboard_sharing);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ClipboardSharing: %v", err)
-x.Usbredirection = int(xc.usbredirection)
-x.ImageCompression = C.GoString(xc.image_compression)
-x.StreamingVideo = C.GoString(xc.streaming_video)
- return nil}
-func (x *SpiceInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_spice_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.Enable.toC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Enable: %v", err)
-xc.port = C.int(x.Port)
-xc.tls_port = C.int(x.TlsPort)
-if x.Host != "" {
-xc.host = C.CString(x.Host)}
-if err := x.DisableTicketing.toC(&xc.disable_ticketing); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DisableTicketing: %v", err)
-if x.Passwd != "" {
-xc.passwd = C.CString(x.Passwd)}
-if err := x.AgentMouse.toC(&xc.agent_mouse); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AgentMouse: %v", err)
-if err := x.Vdagent.toC(&xc.vdagent); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vdagent: %v", err)
-if err := x.ClipboardSharing.toC(&xc.clipboard_sharing); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ClipboardSharing: %v", err)
-xc.usbredirection = C.int(x.Usbredirection)
-if x.ImageCompression != "" {
-xc.image_compression = C.CString(x.ImageCompression)}
-if x.StreamingVideo != "" {
-xc.streaming_video = C.CString(x.StreamingVideo)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewSdlInfo returns an instance of SdlInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewSdlInfo() (*SdlInfo, error) {
-var (
-x SdlInfo
-xc C.libxl_sdl_info)
-defer C.libxl_sdl_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *SdlInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sdl_info) error {
- if err := x.Enable.fromC(&xc.enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Enable: %v", err)
-if err := x.Opengl.fromC(&xc.opengl);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Opengl: %v", err)
-x.Display = C.GoString(xc.display)
-x.Xauthority = C.GoString(xc.xauthority)
- return nil}
-func (x *SdlInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_sdl_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.Enable.toC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Enable: %v", err)
-if err := x.Opengl.toC(&xc.opengl); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Opengl: %v", err)
-if x.Display != "" {
-xc.display = C.CString(x.Display)}
-if x.Xauthority != "" {
-xc.xauthority = C.CString(x.Xauthority)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDominfo returns an instance of Dominfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewDominfo() (*Dominfo, error) {
-var (
-x Dominfo
-xc C.libxl_dominfo)
-defer C.libxl_dominfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Dominfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_dominfo) error {
- if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
-x.Domid = Domid(xc.domid)
-x.Ssidref = uint32(xc.ssidref)
-x.SsidLabel = C.GoString(xc.ssid_label)
-x.Running = bool(xc.running)
-x.Blocked = bool(xc.blocked)
-x.Paused = bool(xc.paused)
-x.Shutdown = bool(xc.shutdown)
-x.Dying = bool(xc.dying)
-x.NeverStop = bool(xc.never_stop)
-x.ShutdownReason = ShutdownReason(xc.shutdown_reason)
-x.OutstandingMemkb = uint64(xc.outstanding_memkb)
-x.CurrentMemkb = uint64(xc.current_memkb)
-x.SharedMemkb = uint64(xc.shared_memkb)
-x.PagedMemkb = uint64(xc.paged_memkb)
-x.MaxMemkb = uint64(xc.max_memkb)
-x.CpuTime = uint64(xc.cpu_time)
-x.VcpuMaxId = uint32(xc.vcpu_max_id)
-x.VcpuOnline = uint32(xc.vcpu_online)
-x.Cpupool = uint32(xc.cpupool)
-x.DomainType = DomainType(xc.domain_type)
- return nil}
-func (x *Dominfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_dominfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.Uuid.toC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
-xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
-xc.ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.Ssidref)
-if x.SsidLabel != "" {
-xc.ssid_label = C.CString(x.SsidLabel)}
-xc.running = C.bool(x.Running)
-xc.blocked = C.bool(x.Blocked)
-xc.paused = C.bool(x.Paused)
-xc.shutdown = C.bool(x.Shutdown)
-xc.dying = C.bool(x.Dying)
-xc.never_stop = C.bool(x.NeverStop)
-xc.shutdown_reason = C.libxl_shutdown_reason(x.ShutdownReason)
-xc.outstanding_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.OutstandingMemkb)
-xc.current_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.CurrentMemkb)
-xc.shared_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.SharedMemkb)
-xc.paged_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.PagedMemkb)
-xc.max_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.MaxMemkb)
-xc.cpu_time = C.uint64_t(x.CpuTime)
-xc.vcpu_max_id = C.uint32_t(x.VcpuMaxId)
-xc.vcpu_online = C.uint32_t(x.VcpuOnline)
-xc.cpupool = C.uint32_t(x.Cpupool)
-xc.domain_type = C.libxl_domain_type(x.DomainType)
- return nil
- }
-// NewCpupoolinfo returns an instance of Cpupoolinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewCpupoolinfo() (*Cpupoolinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Cpupoolinfo
-xc C.libxl_cpupoolinfo)
-defer C.libxl_cpupoolinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Cpupoolinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) error {
- x.Poolid = uint32(xc.poolid)
-x.PoolName = C.GoString(xc.pool_name)
-x.Sched = Scheduler(xc.sched)
-x.NDom = uint32(xc.n_dom)
-if err := x.Cpumap.fromC(&xc.cpumap);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpumap: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *Cpupoolinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.poolid = C.uint32_t(x.Poolid)
-if x.PoolName != "" {
-xc.pool_name = C.CString(x.PoolName)}
-xc.sched = C.libxl_scheduler(x.Sched)
-xc.n_dom = C.uint32_t(x.NDom)
-if err := x.Cpumap.toC(&xc.cpumap); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpumap: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewChannelinfo returns an instance of Channelinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewChannelinfo(connection ChannelConnection) (*Channelinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Channelinfo
-xc C.libxl_channelinfo)
-defer C.libxl_channelinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Channelinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_channelinfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Evtch = int(xc.evtch)
-x.Rref = int(xc.rref)
-x.Connection = ChannelConnection(xc.connection)
-switch x.Connection{
-case ChannelConnectionPty:
-var connectionPty ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty
-if err := connectionPty.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field connectionPty: %v", err)
-x.ConnectionUnion = connectionPty
-case ChannelConnectionSocket:
-x.ConnectionUnion = nil
-case ChannelConnectionUnknown:
-x.ConnectionUnion = nil
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Connection)}
- return nil}
-func (x *ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty) fromC(xc *C.libxl_channelinfo) error {
-if ChannelConnection(xc.connection) != ChannelConnectionPty {
-return errors.New("expected union key ChannelConnectionPty")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_channelinfo_connection_union_pty)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.Path = C.GoString(tmp.path)
-return nil
-func (x *Channelinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_channelinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
-xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
-xc.connection = C.libxl_channel_connection(x.Connection)
-switch x.Connection{
-case ChannelConnectionUnknown:
-case ChannelConnectionPty:
-tmp, ok := x.ConnectionUnion.(ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key connection")
-var pty C.libxl_channelinfo_connection_union_pty
-if tmp.Path != "" {
-pty.path = C.CString(tmp.Path)}
-ptyBytes := 
-case ChannelConnectionSocket:
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Connection)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewVminfo returns an instance of Vminfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVminfo() (*Vminfo, error) {
-var (
-x Vminfo
-xc C.libxl_vminfo)
-defer C.libxl_vminfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Vminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vminfo) error {
- if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
-x.Domid = Domid(xc.domid)
- return nil}
-func (x *Vminfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vminfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.Uuid.toC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
-xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVersionInfo returns an instance of VersionInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVersionInfo() (*VersionInfo, error) {
-var (
-x VersionInfo
-xc C.libxl_version_info)
-defer C.libxl_version_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VersionInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_version_info) error {
- x.XenVersionMajor = int(xc.xen_version_major)
-x.XenVersionMinor = int(xc.xen_version_minor)
-x.XenVersionExtra = C.GoString(xc.xen_version_extra)
-x.Compiler = C.GoString(xc.compiler)
-x.CompileBy = C.GoString(xc.compile_by)
-x.CompileDomain = C.GoString(xc.compile_domain)
-x.CompileDate = C.GoString(xc.compile_date)
-x.Capabilities = C.GoString(xc.capabilities)
-x.Changeset = C.GoString(xc.changeset)
-x.VirtStart = uint64(xc.virt_start)
-x.Pagesize = int(xc.pagesize)
-x.Commandline = C.GoString(xc.commandline)
-x.BuildId = C.GoString(xc.build_id)
- return nil}
-func (x *VersionInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_version_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.xen_version_major = C.int(x.XenVersionMajor)
-xc.xen_version_minor = C.int(x.XenVersionMinor)
-if x.XenVersionExtra != "" {
-xc.xen_version_extra = C.CString(x.XenVersionExtra)}
-if x.Compiler != "" {
-xc.compiler = C.CString(x.Compiler)}
-if x.CompileBy != "" {
-xc.compile_by = C.CString(x.CompileBy)}
-if x.CompileDomain != "" {
-xc.compile_domain = C.CString(x.CompileDomain)}
-if x.CompileDate != "" {
-xc.compile_date = C.CString(x.CompileDate)}
-if x.Capabilities != "" {
-xc.capabilities = C.CString(x.Capabilities)}
-if x.Changeset != "" {
-xc.changeset = C.CString(x.Changeset)}
-xc.virt_start = C.uint64_t(x.VirtStart)
-xc.pagesize = C.int(x.Pagesize)
-if x.Commandline != "" {
-xc.commandline = C.CString(x.Commandline)}
-if x.BuildId != "" {
-xc.build_id = C.CString(x.BuildId)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDomainCreateInfo returns an instance of DomainCreateInfo initialized 
with defaults.
-func NewDomainCreateInfo() (*DomainCreateInfo, error) {
-var (
-x DomainCreateInfo
-xc C.libxl_domain_create_info)
-defer C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DomainCreateInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_create_info) error {
- x.Type = DomainType(xc._type)
-if err := x.Hap.fromC(&xc.hap);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Hap: %v", err)
-if err := x.Oos.fromC(&xc.oos);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Oos: %v", err)
-x.Ssidref = uint32(xc.ssidref)
-x.SsidLabel = C.GoString(xc.ssid_label)
-x.Name = C.GoString(xc.name)
-x.Domid = Domid(xc.domid)
-if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
-if err := x.Xsdata.fromC(&xc.xsdata);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Xsdata: %v", err)
-if err := x.Platformdata.fromC(&xc.platformdata);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Platformdata: %v", err)
-x.Poolid = uint32(xc.poolid)
-x.PoolName = C.GoString(xc.pool_name)
-if err := x.RunHotplugScripts.fromC(&xc.run_hotplug_scripts);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field RunHotplugScripts: %v", err)
-if err := x.DriverDomain.fromC(&xc.driver_domain);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DriverDomain: %v", err)
-x.Passthrough = Passthrough(xc.passthrough)
-if err := x.XendSuspendEvtchnCompat.fromC(&xc.xend_suspend_evtchn_compat);err 
!= nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field XendSuspendEvtchnCompat: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *DomainCreateInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_domain_create_info) (err 
error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc._type = C.libxl_domain_type(x.Type)
-if err := x.Hap.toC(&xc.hap); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Hap: %v", err)
-if err := x.Oos.toC(&xc.oos); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Oos: %v", err)
-xc.ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.Ssidref)
-if x.SsidLabel != "" {
-xc.ssid_label = C.CString(x.SsidLabel)}
-if x.Name != "" {
-xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)}
-xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
-if err := x.Uuid.toC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
-if err := x.Xsdata.toC(&xc.xsdata); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Xsdata: %v", err)
-if err := x.Platformdata.toC(&xc.platformdata); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Platformdata: %v", err)
-xc.poolid = C.uint32_t(x.Poolid)
-if x.PoolName != "" {
-xc.pool_name = C.CString(x.PoolName)}
-if err := x.RunHotplugScripts.toC(&xc.run_hotplug_scripts); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field RunHotplugScripts: %v", err)
-if err := x.DriverDomain.toC(&xc.driver_domain); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DriverDomain: %v", err)
-xc.passthrough = C.libxl_passthrough(x.Passthrough)
-if err := x.XendSuspendEvtchnCompat.toC(&xc.xend_suspend_evtchn_compat); err 
!= nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field XendSuspendEvtchnCompat: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDomainRestoreParams returns an instance of DomainRestoreParams 
initialized with defaults.
-func NewDomainRestoreParams() (*DomainRestoreParams, error) {
-var (
-x DomainRestoreParams
-xc C.libxl_domain_restore_params)
-defer C.libxl_domain_restore_params_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DomainRestoreParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_restore_params) error {
- x.CheckpointedStream = int(xc.checkpointed_stream)
-x.StreamVersion = uint32(xc.stream_version)
-x.ColoProxyScript = C.GoString(xc.colo_proxy_script)
-if err := x.UserspaceColoProxy.fromC(&xc.userspace_colo_proxy);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field UserspaceColoProxy: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *DomainRestoreParams) toC(xc *C.libxl_domain_restore_params) (err 
error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.checkpointed_stream = C.int(x.CheckpointedStream)
-xc.stream_version = C.uint32_t(x.StreamVersion)
-if x.ColoProxyScript != "" {
-xc.colo_proxy_script = C.CString(x.ColoProxyScript)}
-if err := x.UserspaceColoProxy.toC(&xc.userspace_colo_proxy); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field UserspaceColoProxy: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewSchedParams returns an instance of SchedParams initialized with defaults.
-func NewSchedParams() (*SchedParams, error) {
-var (
-x SchedParams
-xc C.libxl_sched_params)
-defer C.libxl_sched_params_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *SchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_params) error {
- x.Vcpuid = int(xc.vcpuid)
-x.Weight = int(xc.weight)
-x.Cap = int(xc.cap)
-x.Period = int(xc.period)
-x.Extratime = int(xc.extratime)
-x.Budget = int(xc.budget)
- return nil}
-func (x *SchedParams) toC(xc *C.libxl_sched_params) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.vcpuid = C.int(x.Vcpuid)
-xc.weight = C.int(x.Weight)
-xc.cap = C.int(x.Cap)
-xc.period = C.int(x.Period)
-xc.extratime = C.int(x.Extratime)
-xc.budget = C.int(x.Budget)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVcpuSchedParams returns an instance of VcpuSchedParams initialized with 
-func NewVcpuSchedParams() (*VcpuSchedParams, error) {
-var (
-x VcpuSchedParams
-xc C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params)
-defer C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VcpuSchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params) error {
- x.Sched = Scheduler(xc.sched)
-x.Vcpus = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vcpus); n > 0 {
-cVcpus := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_sched_params)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.vcpus))[:n:n]
-x.Vcpus = make([]SchedParams, n)
-for i, v := range cVcpus {
-if err := x.Vcpus[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vcpus: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *VcpuSchedParams) toC(xc *C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-xc.sched = C.libxl_scheduler(x.Sched)
-if numVcpus := len(x.Vcpus); numVcpus > 0 {
-xc.vcpus = 
-xc.num_vcpus = C.int(numVcpus)
-cVcpus := 
-for i,v := range x.Vcpus {
-if err := v.toC(&cVcpus[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vcpus: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDomainSchedParams returns an instance of DomainSchedParams initialized 
with defaults.
-func NewDomainSchedParams() (*DomainSchedParams, error) {
-var (
-x DomainSchedParams
-xc C.libxl_domain_sched_params)
-defer C.libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DomainSchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_sched_params) error {
- x.Sched = Scheduler(xc.sched)
-x.Weight = int(xc.weight)
-x.Cap = int(xc.cap)
-x.Period = int(xc.period)
-x.Budget = int(xc.budget)
-x.Extratime = int(xc.extratime)
-x.Slice = int(xc.slice)
-x.Latency = int(xc.latency)
- return nil}
-func (x *DomainSchedParams) toC(xc *C.libxl_domain_sched_params) (err 
error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.sched = C.libxl_scheduler(x.Sched)
-xc.weight = C.int(x.Weight)
-xc.cap = C.int(x.Cap)
-xc.period = C.int(x.Period)
-xc.budget = C.int(x.Budget)
-xc.extratime = C.int(x.Extratime)
-xc.slice = C.int(x.Slice)
-xc.latency = C.int(x.Latency)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVnodeInfo returns an instance of VnodeInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVnodeInfo() (*VnodeInfo, error) {
-var (
-x VnodeInfo
-xc C.libxl_vnode_info)
-defer C.libxl_vnode_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VnodeInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnode_info) error {
- x.Memkb = uint64(xc.memkb)
-x.Distances = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_distances); n > 0 {
-cDistances := (*[1<<28]C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.distances))[:n:n]
-x.Distances = make([]uint32, n)
-for i, v := range cDistances {
-x.Distances[i] = uint32(v)
-x.Pnode = uint32(xc.pnode)
-if err := x.Vcpus.fromC(&xc.vcpus);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vcpus: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *VnodeInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vnode_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.memkb = C.uint64_t(x.Memkb)
-if numDistances := len(x.Distances); numDistances > 0 {
-xc.distances = (*C.uint32_t)(C.malloc(C.size_t(numDistances*numDistances)))
-xc.num_distances = C.int(numDistances)
-cDistances := 
-for i,v := range x.Distances {
-cDistances[i] = C.uint32_t(v)
-xc.pnode = C.uint32_t(x.Pnode)
-if err := x.Vcpus.toC(&xc.vcpus); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vcpus: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewRdmReserve returns an instance of RdmReserve initialized with defaults.
-func NewRdmReserve() (*RdmReserve, error) {
-var (
-x RdmReserve
-xc C.libxl_rdm_reserve)
-defer C.libxl_rdm_reserve_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *RdmReserve) fromC(xc *C.libxl_rdm_reserve) error {
- x.Strategy = RdmReserveStrategy(xc.strategy)
-x.Policy = RdmReservePolicy(xc.policy)
- return nil}
-func (x *RdmReserve) toC(xc *C.libxl_rdm_reserve) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.strategy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_strategy(x.Strategy)
-xc.policy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_policy(x.Policy)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDomainBuildInfo returns an instance of DomainBuildInfo initialized with 
-func NewDomainBuildInfo(dtype DomainType) (*DomainBuildInfo, error) {
-var (
-x DomainBuildInfo
-xc C.libxl_domain_build_info)
-C.libxl_domain_build_info_init_type(&xc, C.libxl_domain_type(dtype))
-defer C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DomainBuildInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_build_info) error {
- x.MaxVcpus = int(xc.max_vcpus)
-if err := x.AvailVcpus.fromC(&xc.avail_vcpus);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AvailVcpus: %v", err)
-if err := x.Cpumap.fromC(&xc.cpumap);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpumap: %v", err)
-if err := x.Nodemap.fromC(&xc.nodemap);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nodemap: %v", err)
-x.VcpuHardAffinity = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vcpu_hard_affinity); n > 0 {
-cVcpuHardAffinity := 
-x.VcpuHardAffinity = make([]Bitmap, n)
-for i, v := range cVcpuHardAffinity {
-if err := x.VcpuHardAffinity[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VcpuHardAffinity: %v", err) }
-x.VcpuSoftAffinity = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vcpu_soft_affinity); n > 0 {
-cVcpuSoftAffinity := 
-x.VcpuSoftAffinity = make([]Bitmap, n)
-for i, v := range cVcpuSoftAffinity {
-if err := x.VcpuSoftAffinity[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VcpuSoftAffinity: %v", err) }
-if err := x.NumaPlacement.fromC(&xc.numa_placement);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field NumaPlacement: %v", err)
-x.TscMode = TscMode(xc.tsc_mode)
-x.MaxMemkb = uint64(xc.max_memkb)
-x.TargetMemkb = uint64(xc.target_memkb)
-x.VideoMemkb = uint64(xc.video_memkb)
-x.ShadowMemkb = uint64(xc.shadow_memkb)
-x.IommuMemkb = uint64(xc.iommu_memkb)
-x.RtcTimeoffset = uint32(xc.rtc_timeoffset)
-x.ExecSsidref = uint32(xc.exec_ssidref)
-x.ExecSsidLabel = C.GoString(xc.exec_ssid_label)
-if err := x.Localtime.fromC(&xc.localtime);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Localtime: %v", err)
-if err := x.DisableMigrate.fromC(&xc.disable_migrate);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DisableMigrate: %v", err)
-if err := x.Cpuid.fromC(&xc.cpuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpuid: %v", err)
-x.BlkdevStart = C.GoString(xc.blkdev_start)
-x.VnumaNodes = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vnuma_nodes); n > 0 {
-cVnumaNodes := 
-x.VnumaNodes = make([]VnodeInfo, n)
-for i, v := range cVnumaNodes {
-if err := x.VnumaNodes[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VnumaNodes: %v", err) }
-x.MaxGrantFrames = uint32(xc.max_grant_frames)
-x.MaxMaptrackFrames = uint32(xc.max_maptrack_frames)
-x.DeviceModelVersion = DeviceModelVersion(xc.device_model_version)
-if err := x.DeviceModelStubdomain.fromC(&xc.device_model_stubdomain);err != 
nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DeviceModelStubdomain: %v", err)
-x.StubdomainMemkb = uint64(xc.stubdomain_memkb)
-x.StubdomainKernel = C.GoString(xc.stubdomain_kernel)
-x.StubdomainRamdisk = C.GoString(xc.stubdomain_ramdisk)
-x.DeviceModel = C.GoString(xc.device_model)
-x.DeviceModelSsidref = uint32(xc.device_model_ssidref)
-x.DeviceModelSsidLabel = C.GoString(xc.device_model_ssid_label)
-x.DeviceModelUser = C.GoString(xc.device_model_user)
-if err := x.Extra.fromC(&xc.extra);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Extra: %v", err)
-if err := x.ExtraPv.fromC(&xc.extra_pv);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ExtraPv: %v", err)
-if err := x.ExtraHvm.fromC(&xc.extra_hvm);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ExtraHvm: %v", err)
-if err := x.SchedParams.fromC(&xc.sched_params);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field SchedParams: %v", err)
-x.Ioports = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_ioports); n > 0 {
-cIoports := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_ioport_range)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.ioports))[:n:n]
-x.Ioports = make([]IoportRange, n)
-for i, v := range cIoports {
-if err := x.Ioports[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Ioports: %v", err) }
-x.Irqs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_irqs); n > 0 {
-cIrqs := (*[1<<28]C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.irqs))[:n:n]
-x.Irqs = make([]uint32, n)
-for i, v := range cIrqs {
-x.Irqs[i] = uint32(v)
-x.Iomem = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_iomem); n > 0 {
-cIomem := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_iomem_range)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.iomem))[:n:n]
-x.Iomem = make([]IomemRange, n)
-for i, v := range cIomem {
-if err := x.Iomem[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Iomem: %v", err) }
-if err := x.ClaimMode.fromC(&xc.claim_mode);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ClaimMode: %v", err)
-x.EventChannels = uint32(xc.event_channels)
-x.Kernel = C.GoString(xc.kernel)
-x.Cmdline = C.GoString(xc.cmdline)
-x.Ramdisk = C.GoString(xc.ramdisk)
-x.DeviceTree = C.GoString(xc.device_tree)
-if err := x.Acpi.fromC(&xc.acpi);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Acpi: %v", err)
-x.Bootloader = C.GoString(xc.bootloader)
-if err := x.BootloaderArgs.fromC(&xc.bootloader_args);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field BootloaderArgs: %v", err)
-x.TimerMode = TimerMode(xc.timer_mode)
-if err := x.NestedHvm.fromC(&xc.nested_hvm);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field NestedHvm: %v", err)
-if err := x.Apic.fromC(&xc.apic);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Apic: %v", err)
-if err := x.DmRestrict.fromC(&xc.dm_restrict);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DmRestrict: %v", err)
-x.Tee = TeeType(xc.tee)
-x.Type = DomainType(xc._type)
-switch x.Type{
-case DomainTypeHvm:
-var typeHvm DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm
-if err := typeHvm.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeHvm: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeHvm
-case DomainTypeInvalid:
-x.TypeUnion = nil
-case DomainTypePv:
-var typePv DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv
-if err := typePv.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typePv: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typePv
-case DomainTypePvh:
-var typePvh DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh
-if err := typePvh.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typePvh: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typePvh
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
-x.ArchArm.GicVersion = GicVersion(xc.arch_arm.gic_version)
-x.ArchArm.Vuart = VuartType(xc.arch_arm.vuart)
-x.Altp2M = Altp2MMode(xc.altp2m)
- return nil}
-func (x *DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_build_info) 
error {
-if DomainType(xc._type) != DomainTypeHvm {
-return errors.New("expected union key DomainTypeHvm")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_hvm)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.Firmware = C.GoString(tmp.firmware)
-x.Bios = BiosType(tmp.bios)
-if err := x.Pae.fromC(&tmp.pae);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pae: %v", err)
-if err := x.Apic.fromC(&tmp.apic);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Apic: %v", err)
-if err := x.Acpi.fromC(&tmp.acpi);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Acpi: %v", err)
-if err := x.AcpiS3.fromC(&tmp.acpi_s3);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AcpiS3: %v", err)
-if err := x.AcpiS4.fromC(&tmp.acpi_s4);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AcpiS4: %v", err)
-if err := x.AcpiLaptopSlate.fromC(&tmp.acpi_laptop_slate);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AcpiLaptopSlate: %v", err)
-if err := x.Nx.fromC(&tmp.nx);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nx: %v", err)
-if err := x.Viridian.fromC(&tmp.viridian);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Viridian: %v", err)
-if err := x.ViridianEnable.fromC(&tmp.viridian_enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ViridianEnable: %v", err)
-if err := x.ViridianDisable.fromC(&tmp.viridian_disable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ViridianDisable: %v", err)
-x.Timeoffset = C.GoString(tmp.timeoffset)
-if err := x.Hpet.fromC(&tmp.hpet);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Hpet: %v", err)
-if err := x.VptAlign.fromC(&tmp.vpt_align);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VptAlign: %v", err)
-x.MmioHoleMemkb = uint64(tmp.mmio_hole_memkb)
-x.TimerMode = TimerMode(tmp.timer_mode)
-if err := x.NestedHvm.fromC(&tmp.nested_hvm);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field NestedHvm: %v", err)
-if err := x.Altp2M.fromC(&tmp.altp2m);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Altp2M: %v", err)
-x.SystemFirmware = C.GoString(tmp.system_firmware)
-x.SmbiosFirmware = C.GoString(tmp.smbios_firmware)
-x.AcpiFirmware = C.GoString(tmp.acpi_firmware)
-x.Hdtype = Hdtype(tmp.hdtype)
-if err := x.Nographic.fromC(&tmp.nographic);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nographic: %v", err)
-if err := x.Vga.fromC(&tmp.vga);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vga: %v", err)
-if err := x.Vnc.fromC(&tmp.vnc);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vnc: %v", err)
-x.Keymap = C.GoString(tmp.keymap)
-if err := x.Sdl.fromC(&tmp.sdl);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Sdl: %v", err)
-if err := x.Spice.fromC(&tmp.spice);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Spice: %v", err)
-if err := x.GfxPassthru.fromC(&tmp.gfx_passthru);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field GfxPassthru: %v", err)
-x.GfxPassthruKind = GfxPassthruKind(tmp.gfx_passthru_kind)
-x.Serial = C.GoString(tmp.serial)
-x.Boot = C.GoString(tmp.boot)
-if err := x.Usb.fromC(&tmp.usb);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Usb: %v", err)
-x.Usbversion = int(tmp.usbversion)
-x.Usbdevice = C.GoString(tmp.usbdevice)
-if err := x.VkbDevice.fromC(&tmp.vkb_device);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VkbDevice: %v", err)
-x.Soundhw = C.GoString(tmp.soundhw)
-if err := x.XenPlatformPci.fromC(&tmp.xen_platform_pci);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field XenPlatformPci: %v", err)
-if err := x.UsbdeviceList.fromC(&tmp.usbdevice_list);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field UsbdeviceList: %v", err)
-x.VendorDevice = VendorDevice(tmp.vendor_device)
-if err := x.MsVmGenid.fromC(&tmp.ms_vm_genid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field MsVmGenid: %v", err)
-if err := x.SerialList.fromC(&tmp.serial_list);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field SerialList: %v", err)
-if err := x.Rdm.fromC(&tmp.rdm);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Rdm: %v", err)
-x.RdmMemBoundaryMemkb = uint64(tmp.rdm_mem_boundary_memkb)
-x.McaCaps = uint64(tmp.mca_caps)
-return nil
-func (x *DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_build_info) 
error {
-if DomainType(xc._type) != DomainTypePv {
-return errors.New("expected union key DomainTypePv")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_pv)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.Kernel = C.GoString(tmp.kernel)
-x.SlackMemkb = uint64(tmp.slack_memkb)
-x.Bootloader = C.GoString(tmp.bootloader)
-if err := x.BootloaderArgs.fromC(&tmp.bootloader_args);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field BootloaderArgs: %v", err)
-x.Cmdline = C.GoString(tmp.cmdline)
-x.Ramdisk = C.GoString(tmp.ramdisk)
-x.Features = C.GoString(tmp.features)
-if err := x.E820Host.fromC(&tmp.e820_host);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field E820Host: %v", err)
-return nil
-func (x *DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_build_info) 
error {
-if DomainType(xc._type) != DomainTypePvh {
-return errors.New("expected union key DomainTypePvh")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_pvh)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-if err := x.Pvshim.fromC(&tmp.pvshim);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pvshim: %v", err)
-x.PvshimPath = C.GoString(tmp.pvshim_path)
-x.PvshimCmdline = C.GoString(tmp.pvshim_cmdline)
-x.PvshimExtra = C.GoString(tmp.pvshim_extra)
-return nil
-func (x *DomainBuildInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_domain_build_info) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-xc.max_vcpus = C.int(x.MaxVcpus)
-if err := x.AvailVcpus.toC(&xc.avail_vcpus); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AvailVcpus: %v", err)
-if err := x.Cpumap.toC(&xc.cpumap); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpumap: %v", err)
-if err := x.Nodemap.toC(&xc.nodemap); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nodemap: %v", err)
-if numVcpuHardAffinity := len(x.VcpuHardAffinity); numVcpuHardAffinity > 0 {
-xc.vcpu_hard_affinity = 
-xc.num_vcpu_hard_affinity = C.int(numVcpuHardAffinity)
-cVcpuHardAffinity := 
-for i,v := range x.VcpuHardAffinity {
-if err := v.toC(&cVcpuHardAffinity[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VcpuHardAffinity: %v", err)
-if numVcpuSoftAffinity := len(x.VcpuSoftAffinity); numVcpuSoftAffinity > 0 {
-xc.vcpu_soft_affinity = 
-xc.num_vcpu_soft_affinity = C.int(numVcpuSoftAffinity)
-cVcpuSoftAffinity := 
-for i,v := range x.VcpuSoftAffinity {
-if err := v.toC(&cVcpuSoftAffinity[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VcpuSoftAffinity: %v", err)
-if err := x.NumaPlacement.toC(&xc.numa_placement); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field NumaPlacement: %v", err)
-xc.tsc_mode = C.libxl_tsc_mode(x.TscMode)
-xc.max_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.MaxMemkb)
-xc.target_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.TargetMemkb)
-xc.video_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.VideoMemkb)
-xc.shadow_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.ShadowMemkb)
-xc.iommu_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.IommuMemkb)
-xc.rtc_timeoffset = C.uint32_t(x.RtcTimeoffset)
-xc.exec_ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.ExecSsidref)
-if x.ExecSsidLabel != "" {
-xc.exec_ssid_label = C.CString(x.ExecSsidLabel)}
-if err := x.Localtime.toC(&xc.localtime); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Localtime: %v", err)
-if err := x.DisableMigrate.toC(&xc.disable_migrate); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DisableMigrate: %v", err)
-if err := x.Cpuid.toC(&xc.cpuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpuid: %v", err)
-if x.BlkdevStart != "" {
-xc.blkdev_start = C.CString(x.BlkdevStart)}
-if numVnumaNodes := len(x.VnumaNodes); numVnumaNodes > 0 {
-xc.vnuma_nodes = 
-xc.num_vnuma_nodes = C.int(numVnumaNodes)
-cVnumaNodes := 
-for i,v := range x.VnumaNodes {
-if err := v.toC(&cVnumaNodes[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VnumaNodes: %v", err)
-xc.max_grant_frames = C.uint32_t(x.MaxGrantFrames)
-xc.max_maptrack_frames = C.uint32_t(x.MaxMaptrackFrames)
-xc.device_model_version = C.libxl_device_model_version(x.DeviceModelVersion)
-if err := x.DeviceModelStubdomain.toC(&xc.device_model_stubdomain); err != nil 
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DeviceModelStubdomain: %v", err)
-xc.stubdomain_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.StubdomainMemkb)
-if x.StubdomainKernel != "" {
-xc.stubdomain_kernel = C.CString(x.StubdomainKernel)}
-if x.StubdomainRamdisk != "" {
-xc.stubdomain_ramdisk = C.CString(x.StubdomainRamdisk)}
-if x.DeviceModel != "" {
-xc.device_model = C.CString(x.DeviceModel)}
-xc.device_model_ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.DeviceModelSsidref)
-if x.DeviceModelSsidLabel != "" {
-xc.device_model_ssid_label = C.CString(x.DeviceModelSsidLabel)}
-if x.DeviceModelUser != "" {
-xc.device_model_user = C.CString(x.DeviceModelUser)}
-if err := x.Extra.toC(&xc.extra); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Extra: %v", err)
-if err := x.ExtraPv.toC(&xc.extra_pv); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ExtraPv: %v", err)
-if err := x.ExtraHvm.toC(&xc.extra_hvm); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ExtraHvm: %v", err)
-if err := x.SchedParams.toC(&xc.sched_params); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field SchedParams: %v", err)
-if numIoports := len(x.Ioports); numIoports > 0 {
-xc.ioports = 
-xc.num_ioports = C.int(numIoports)
-cIoports := 
-for i,v := range x.Ioports {
-if err := v.toC(&cIoports[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Ioports: %v", err)
-if numIrqs := len(x.Irqs); numIrqs > 0 {
-xc.irqs = (*C.uint32_t)(C.malloc(C.size_t(numIrqs*numIrqs)))
-xc.num_irqs = C.int(numIrqs)
-cIrqs := (*[1<<28]C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.irqs))[:numIrqs:numIrqs]
-for i,v := range x.Irqs {
-cIrqs[i] = C.uint32_t(v)
-if numIomem := len(x.Iomem); numIomem > 0 {
-xc.iomem = 
-xc.num_iomem = C.int(numIomem)
-cIomem := 
-for i,v := range x.Iomem {
-if err := v.toC(&cIomem[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Iomem: %v", err)
-if err := x.ClaimMode.toC(&xc.claim_mode); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ClaimMode: %v", err)
-xc.event_channels = C.uint32_t(x.EventChannels)
-if x.Kernel != "" {
-xc.kernel = C.CString(x.Kernel)}
-if x.Cmdline != "" {
-xc.cmdline = C.CString(x.Cmdline)}
-if x.Ramdisk != "" {
-xc.ramdisk = C.CString(x.Ramdisk)}
-if x.DeviceTree != "" {
-xc.device_tree = C.CString(x.DeviceTree)}
-if err := x.Acpi.toC(&xc.acpi); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Acpi: %v", err)
-if x.Bootloader != "" {
-xc.bootloader = C.CString(x.Bootloader)}
-if err := x.BootloaderArgs.toC(&xc.bootloader_args); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field BootloaderArgs: %v", err)
-xc.timer_mode = C.libxl_timer_mode(x.TimerMode)
-if err := x.NestedHvm.toC(&xc.nested_hvm); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field NestedHvm: %v", err)
-if err := x.Apic.toC(&xc.apic); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Apic: %v", err)
-if err := x.DmRestrict.toC(&xc.dm_restrict); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DmRestrict: %v", err)
-xc.tee = C.libxl_tee_type(x.Tee)
-xc._type = C.libxl_domain_type(x.Type)
-switch x.Type{
-case DomainTypeHvm:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var hvm C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_hvm
-if tmp.Firmware != "" {
-hvm.firmware = C.CString(tmp.Firmware)}
-hvm.bios = C.libxl_bios_type(tmp.Bios)
-if err := tmp.Pae.toC(&hvm.pae); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pae: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Apic.toC(&hvm.apic); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Apic: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Acpi.toC(&hvm.acpi); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Acpi: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.AcpiS3.toC(&hvm.acpi_s3); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AcpiS3: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.AcpiS4.toC(&hvm.acpi_s4); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AcpiS4: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.AcpiLaptopSlate.toC(&hvm.acpi_laptop_slate); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AcpiLaptopSlate: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Nx.toC(&hvm.nx); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nx: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Viridian.toC(&hvm.viridian); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Viridian: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.ViridianEnable.toC(&hvm.viridian_enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ViridianEnable: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.ViridianDisable.toC(&hvm.viridian_disable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ViridianDisable: %v", err)
-if tmp.Timeoffset != "" {
-hvm.timeoffset = C.CString(tmp.Timeoffset)}
-if err := tmp.Hpet.toC(&hvm.hpet); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Hpet: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.VptAlign.toC(&hvm.vpt_align); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VptAlign: %v", err)
-hvm.mmio_hole_memkb = C.uint64_t(tmp.MmioHoleMemkb)
-hvm.timer_mode = C.libxl_timer_mode(tmp.TimerMode)
-if err := tmp.NestedHvm.toC(&hvm.nested_hvm); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field NestedHvm: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Altp2M.toC(&hvm.altp2m); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Altp2M: %v", err)
-if tmp.SystemFirmware != "" {
-hvm.system_firmware = C.CString(tmp.SystemFirmware)}
-if tmp.SmbiosFirmware != "" {
-hvm.smbios_firmware = C.CString(tmp.SmbiosFirmware)}
-if tmp.AcpiFirmware != "" {
-hvm.acpi_firmware = C.CString(tmp.AcpiFirmware)}
-hvm.hdtype = C.libxl_hdtype(tmp.Hdtype)
-if err := tmp.Nographic.toC(&hvm.nographic); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nographic: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Vga.toC(&hvm.vga); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vga: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Vnc.toC(&hvm.vnc); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vnc: %v", err)
-if tmp.Keymap != "" {
-hvm.keymap = C.CString(tmp.Keymap)}
-if err := tmp.Sdl.toC(&hvm.sdl); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Sdl: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Spice.toC(&hvm.spice); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Spice: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.GfxPassthru.toC(&hvm.gfx_passthru); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field GfxPassthru: %v", err)
-hvm.gfx_passthru_kind = C.libxl_gfx_passthru_kind(tmp.GfxPassthruKind)
-if tmp.Serial != "" {
-hvm.serial = C.CString(tmp.Serial)}
-if tmp.Boot != "" {
-hvm.boot = C.CString(tmp.Boot)}
-if err := tmp.Usb.toC(&hvm.usb); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Usb: %v", err)
-hvm.usbversion = C.int(tmp.Usbversion)
-if tmp.Usbdevice != "" {
-hvm.usbdevice = C.CString(tmp.Usbdevice)}
-if err := tmp.VkbDevice.toC(&hvm.vkb_device); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field VkbDevice: %v", err)
-if tmp.Soundhw != "" {
-hvm.soundhw = C.CString(tmp.Soundhw)}
-if err := tmp.XenPlatformPci.toC(&hvm.xen_platform_pci); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field XenPlatformPci: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.UsbdeviceList.toC(&hvm.usbdevice_list); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field UsbdeviceList: %v", err)
-hvm.vendor_device = C.libxl_vendor_device(tmp.VendorDevice)
-if err := tmp.MsVmGenid.toC(&hvm.ms_vm_genid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field MsVmGenid: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.SerialList.toC(&hvm.serial_list); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field SerialList: %v", err)
-if err := tmp.Rdm.toC(&hvm.rdm); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Rdm: %v", err)
-hvm.rdm_mem_boundary_memkb = C.uint64_t(tmp.RdmMemBoundaryMemkb)
-hvm.mca_caps = C.uint64_t(tmp.McaCaps)
-hvmBytes := 
-case DomainTypePv:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var pv C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_pv
-if tmp.Kernel != "" {
-pv.kernel = C.CString(tmp.Kernel)}
-pv.slack_memkb = C.uint64_t(tmp.SlackMemkb)
-if tmp.Bootloader != "" {
-pv.bootloader = C.CString(tmp.Bootloader)}
-if err := tmp.BootloaderArgs.toC(&pv.bootloader_args); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field BootloaderArgs: %v", err)
-if tmp.Cmdline != "" {
-pv.cmdline = C.CString(tmp.Cmdline)}
-if tmp.Ramdisk != "" {
-pv.ramdisk = C.CString(tmp.Ramdisk)}
-if tmp.Features != "" {
-pv.features = C.CString(tmp.Features)}
-if err := tmp.E820Host.toC(&pv.e820_host); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field E820Host: %v", err)
-pvBytes := 
-case DomainTypePvh:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var pvh C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_pvh
-if err := tmp.Pvshim.toC(&pvh.pvshim); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pvshim: %v", err)
-if tmp.PvshimPath != "" {
-pvh.pvshim_path = C.CString(tmp.PvshimPath)}
-if tmp.PvshimCmdline != "" {
-pvh.pvshim_cmdline = C.CString(tmp.PvshimCmdline)}
-if tmp.PvshimExtra != "" {
-pvh.pvshim_extra = C.CString(tmp.PvshimExtra)}
-pvhBytes := 
-case DomainTypeInvalid:
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
-xc.arch_arm.gic_version = C.libxl_gic_version(x.ArchArm.GicVersion)
-xc.arch_arm.vuart = C.libxl_vuart_type(x.ArchArm.Vuart)
-xc.altp2m = C.libxl_altp2m_mode(x.Altp2M)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceVfb returns an instance of DeviceVfb initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceVfb() (*DeviceVfb, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceVfb
-xc C.libxl_device_vfb)
-defer C.libxl_device_vfb_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceVfb) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vfb) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-if err := x.Vnc.fromC(&xc.vnc);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vnc: %v", err)
-if err := x.Sdl.fromC(&xc.sdl);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Sdl: %v", err)
-x.Keymap = C.GoString(xc.keymap)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceVfb) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_vfb) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-if err := x.Vnc.toC(&xc.vnc); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vnc: %v", err)
-if err := x.Sdl.toC(&xc.sdl); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Sdl: %v", err)
-if x.Keymap != "" {
-xc.keymap = C.CString(x.Keymap)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceVkb returns an instance of DeviceVkb initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceVkb() (*DeviceVkb, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceVkb
-xc C.libxl_device_vkb)
-defer C.libxl_device_vkb_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceVkb) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vkb) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.BackendType = VkbBackend(xc.backend_type)
-x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
-x.FeatureDisableKeyboard = bool(xc.feature_disable_keyboard)
-x.FeatureDisablePointer = bool(xc.feature_disable_pointer)
-x.FeatureAbsPointer = bool(xc.feature_abs_pointer)
-x.FeatureRawPointer = bool(xc.feature_raw_pointer)
-x.FeatureMultiTouch = bool(xc.feature_multi_touch)
-x.Width = uint32(xc.width)
-x.Height = uint32(xc.height)
-x.MultiTouchWidth = uint32(xc.multi_touch_width)
-x.MultiTouchHeight = uint32(xc.multi_touch_height)
-x.MultiTouchNumContacts = uint32(xc.multi_touch_num_contacts)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceVkb) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_vkb) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.backend_type = C.libxl_vkb_backend(x.BackendType)
-if x.UniqueId != "" {
-xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)}
-xc.feature_disable_keyboard = C.bool(x.FeatureDisableKeyboard)
-xc.feature_disable_pointer = C.bool(x.FeatureDisablePointer)
-xc.feature_abs_pointer = C.bool(x.FeatureAbsPointer)
-xc.feature_raw_pointer = C.bool(x.FeatureRawPointer)
-xc.feature_multi_touch = C.bool(x.FeatureMultiTouch)
-xc.width = C.uint32_t(x.Width)
-xc.height = C.uint32_t(x.Height)
-xc.multi_touch_width = C.uint32_t(x.MultiTouchWidth)
-xc.multi_touch_height = C.uint32_t(x.MultiTouchHeight)
-xc.multi_touch_num_contacts = C.uint32_t(x.MultiTouchNumContacts)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceDisk returns an instance of DeviceDisk initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceDisk() (*DeviceDisk, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceDisk
-xc C.libxl_device_disk)
-defer C.libxl_device_disk_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceDisk) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_disk) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.PdevPath = C.GoString(xc.pdev_path)
-x.Vdev = C.GoString(xc.vdev)
-x.Backend = DiskBackend(xc.backend)
-x.Format = DiskFormat(xc.format)
-x.Script = C.GoString(xc.script)
-x.Removable = int(xc.removable)
-x.Readwrite = int(xc.readwrite)
-x.IsCdrom = int(xc.is_cdrom)
-x.DirectIoSafe = bool(xc.direct_io_safe)
-if err := x.DiscardEnable.fromC(&xc.discard_enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DiscardEnable: %v", err)
-if err := x.ColoEnable.fromC(&xc.colo_enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ColoEnable: %v", err)
-if err := x.ColoRestoreEnable.fromC(&xc.colo_restore_enable);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ColoRestoreEnable: %v", err)
-x.ColoHost = C.GoString(xc.colo_host)
-x.ColoPort = int(xc.colo_port)
-x.ColoExport = C.GoString(xc.colo_export)
-x.ActiveDisk = C.GoString(xc.active_disk)
-x.HiddenDisk = C.GoString(xc.hidden_disk)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceDisk) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_disk) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-if x.PdevPath != "" {
-xc.pdev_path = C.CString(x.PdevPath)}
-if x.Vdev != "" {
-xc.vdev = C.CString(x.Vdev)}
-xc.backend = C.libxl_disk_backend(x.Backend)
-xc.format = C.libxl_disk_format(x.Format)
-if x.Script != "" {
-xc.script = C.CString(x.Script)}
-xc.removable = C.int(x.Removable)
-xc.readwrite = C.int(x.Readwrite)
-xc.is_cdrom = C.int(x.IsCdrom)
-xc.direct_io_safe = C.bool(x.DirectIoSafe)
-if err := x.DiscardEnable.toC(&xc.discard_enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field DiscardEnable: %v", err)
-if err := x.ColoEnable.toC(&xc.colo_enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ColoEnable: %v", err)
-if err := x.ColoRestoreEnable.toC(&xc.colo_restore_enable); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field ColoRestoreEnable: %v", err)
-if x.ColoHost != "" {
-xc.colo_host = C.CString(x.ColoHost)}
-xc.colo_port = C.int(x.ColoPort)
-if x.ColoExport != "" {
-xc.colo_export = C.CString(x.ColoExport)}
-if x.ActiveDisk != "" {
-xc.active_disk = C.CString(x.ActiveDisk)}
-if x.HiddenDisk != "" {
-xc.hidden_disk = C.CString(x.HiddenDisk)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceNic returns an instance of DeviceNic initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceNic() (*DeviceNic, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceNic
-xc C.libxl_device_nic)
-defer C.libxl_device_nic_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceNic) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_nic) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.Mtu = int(xc.mtu)
-x.Model = C.GoString(xc.model)
-if err := x.Mac.fromC(&xc.mac);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Mac: %v", err)
-x.Ip = C.GoString(xc.ip)
-x.Bridge = C.GoString(xc.bridge)
-x.Ifname = C.GoString(xc.ifname)
-x.Script = C.GoString(xc.script)
-x.Nictype = NicType(xc.nictype)
-x.RateBytesPerInterval = uint64(xc.rate_bytes_per_interval)
-x.RateIntervalUsecs = uint32(xc.rate_interval_usecs)
-x.Gatewaydev = C.GoString(xc.gatewaydev)
-x.ColoftForwarddev = C.GoString(xc.coloft_forwarddev)
-x.ColoSockMirrorId = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_mirror_id)
-x.ColoSockMirrorIp = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_mirror_ip)
-x.ColoSockMirrorPort = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_mirror_port)
-x.ColoSockComparePriInId = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_id)
-x.ColoSockComparePriInIp = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_ip)
-x.ColoSockComparePriInPort = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_port)
-x.ColoSockCompareSecInId = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_id)
-x.ColoSockCompareSecInIp = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_ip)
-x.ColoSockCompareSecInPort = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_port)
-x.ColoSockCompareNotifyId = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_id)
-x.ColoSockCompareNotifyIp = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_ip)
-x.ColoSockCompareNotifyPort = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_port)
-x.ColoSockRedirector0Id = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector0_id)
-x.ColoSockRedirector0Ip = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector0_ip)
-x.ColoSockRedirector0Port = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector0_port)
-x.ColoSockRedirector1Id = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector1_id)
-x.ColoSockRedirector1Ip = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector1_ip)
-x.ColoSockRedirector1Port = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector1_port)
-x.ColoSockRedirector2Id = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector2_id)
-x.ColoSockRedirector2Ip = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector2_ip)
-x.ColoSockRedirector2Port = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_redirector2_port)
-x.ColoFilterMirrorQueue = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_mirror_queue)
-x.ColoFilterMirrorOutdev = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_mirror_outdev)
-x.ColoFilterRedirector0Queue = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_redirector0_queue)
-x.ColoFilterRedirector0Indev = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_redirector0_indev)
-x.ColoFilterRedirector0Outdev = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_redirector0_outdev)
-x.ColoFilterRedirector1Queue = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_redirector1_queue)
-x.ColoFilterRedirector1Indev = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_redirector1_indev)
-x.ColoFilterRedirector1Outdev = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_redirector1_outdev)
-x.ColoComparePriIn = C.GoString(xc.colo_compare_pri_in)
-x.ColoCompareSecIn = C.GoString(xc.colo_compare_sec_in)
-x.ColoCompareOut = C.GoString(xc.colo_compare_out)
-x.ColoCompareNotifyDev = C.GoString(xc.colo_compare_notify_dev)
-x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Id = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_id)
-x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Ip = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_ip)
-x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Port = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_port)
-x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Id = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_id)
-x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Ip = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_ip)
-x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Port = C.GoString(xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_port)
-x.ColoFilterSecRedirector0Queue = 
-x.ColoFilterSecRedirector0Indev = 
-x.ColoFilterSecRedirector0Outdev = 
-x.ColoFilterSecRedirector1Queue = 
-x.ColoFilterSecRedirector1Indev = 
-x.ColoFilterSecRedirector1Outdev = 
-x.ColoFilterSecRewriter0Queue = C.GoString(xc.colo_filter_sec_rewriter0_queue)
-x.ColoCheckpointHost = C.GoString(xc.colo_checkpoint_host)
-x.ColoCheckpointPort = C.GoString(xc.colo_checkpoint_port)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceNic) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_nic) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.mtu = C.int(x.Mtu)
-if x.Model != "" {
-xc.model = C.CString(x.Model)}
-if err := x.Mac.toC(&xc.mac); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Mac: %v", err)
-if x.Ip != "" {
-xc.ip = C.CString(x.Ip)}
-if x.Bridge != "" {
-xc.bridge = C.CString(x.Bridge)}
-if x.Ifname != "" {
-xc.ifname = C.CString(x.Ifname)}
-if x.Script != "" {
-xc.script = C.CString(x.Script)}
-xc.nictype = C.libxl_nic_type(x.Nictype)
-xc.rate_bytes_per_interval = C.uint64_t(x.RateBytesPerInterval)
-xc.rate_interval_usecs = C.uint32_t(x.RateIntervalUsecs)
-if x.Gatewaydev != "" {
-xc.gatewaydev = C.CString(x.Gatewaydev)}
-if x.ColoftForwarddev != "" {
-xc.coloft_forwarddev = C.CString(x.ColoftForwarddev)}
-if x.ColoSockMirrorId != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_mirror_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockMirrorId)}
-if x.ColoSockMirrorIp != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_mirror_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockMirrorIp)}
-if x.ColoSockMirrorPort != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_mirror_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockMirrorPort)}
-if x.ColoSockComparePriInId != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockComparePriInId)}
-if x.ColoSockComparePriInIp != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockComparePriInIp)}
-if x.ColoSockComparePriInPort != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockComparePriInPort)}
-if x.ColoSockCompareSecInId != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareSecInId)}
-if x.ColoSockCompareSecInIp != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareSecInIp)}
-if x.ColoSockCompareSecInPort != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareSecInPort)}
-if x.ColoSockCompareNotifyId != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareNotifyId)}
-if x.ColoSockCompareNotifyIp != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareNotifyIp)}
-if x.ColoSockCompareNotifyPort != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareNotifyPort)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector0Id != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector0_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector0Id)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector0Ip != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector0_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector0Ip)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector0Port != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector0_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector0Port)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector1Id != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector1_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector1Id)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector1Ip != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector1_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector1Ip)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector1Port != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector1_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector1Port)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector2Id != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector2_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector2Id)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector2Ip != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector2_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector2Ip)}
-if x.ColoSockRedirector2Port != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_redirector2_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector2Port)}
-if x.ColoFilterMirrorQueue != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_mirror_queue = C.CString(x.ColoFilterMirrorQueue)}
-if x.ColoFilterMirrorOutdev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_mirror_outdev = C.CString(x.ColoFilterMirrorOutdev)}
-if x.ColoFilterRedirector0Queue != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_redirector0_queue = C.CString(x.ColoFilterRedirector0Queue)}
-if x.ColoFilterRedirector0Indev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_redirector0_indev = C.CString(x.ColoFilterRedirector0Indev)}
-if x.ColoFilterRedirector0Outdev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_redirector0_outdev = C.CString(x.ColoFilterRedirector0Outdev)}
-if x.ColoFilterRedirector1Queue != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_redirector1_queue = C.CString(x.ColoFilterRedirector1Queue)}
-if x.ColoFilterRedirector1Indev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_redirector1_indev = C.CString(x.ColoFilterRedirector1Indev)}
-if x.ColoFilterRedirector1Outdev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_redirector1_outdev = C.CString(x.ColoFilterRedirector1Outdev)}
-if x.ColoComparePriIn != "" {
-xc.colo_compare_pri_in = C.CString(x.ColoComparePriIn)}
-if x.ColoCompareSecIn != "" {
-xc.colo_compare_sec_in = C.CString(x.ColoCompareSecIn)}
-if x.ColoCompareOut != "" {
-xc.colo_compare_out = C.CString(x.ColoCompareOut)}
-if x.ColoCompareNotifyDev != "" {
-xc.colo_compare_notify_dev = C.CString(x.ColoCompareNotifyDev)}
-if x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Id != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Id)}
-if x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Ip != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Ip)}
-if x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Port != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Port)}
-if x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Id != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Id)}
-if x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Ip != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Ip)}
-if x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Port != "" {
-xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Port)}
-if x.ColoFilterSecRedirector0Queue != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector0_queue = 
-if x.ColoFilterSecRedirector0Indev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector0_indev = 
-if x.ColoFilterSecRedirector0Outdev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector0_outdev = 
-if x.ColoFilterSecRedirector1Queue != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector1_queue = 
-if x.ColoFilterSecRedirector1Indev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector1_indev = 
-if x.ColoFilterSecRedirector1Outdev != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector1_outdev = 
-if x.ColoFilterSecRewriter0Queue != "" {
-xc.colo_filter_sec_rewriter0_queue = C.CString(x.ColoFilterSecRewriter0Queue)}
-if x.ColoCheckpointHost != "" {
-xc.colo_checkpoint_host = C.CString(x.ColoCheckpointHost)}
-if x.ColoCheckpointPort != "" {
-xc.colo_checkpoint_port = C.CString(x.ColoCheckpointPort)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDevicePci returns an instance of DevicePci initialized with defaults.
-func NewDevicePci() (*DevicePci, error) {
-var (
-x DevicePci
-xc C.libxl_device_pci)
-defer C.libxl_device_pci_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DevicePci) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_pci) error {
- x.Func = byte(xc._func)
-x.Dev = byte(xc.dev)
-x.Bus = byte(xc.bus)
-x.Domain = int(xc.domain)
-x.Vdevfn = uint32(xc.vdevfn)
-x.VfuncMask = uint32(xc.vfunc_mask)
-x.Msitranslate = bool(xc.msitranslate)
-x.PowerMgmt = bool(xc.power_mgmt)
-x.Permissive = bool(xc.permissive)
-x.Seize = bool(xc.seize)
-x.RdmPolicy = RdmReservePolicy(xc.rdm_policy)
- return nil}
-func (x *DevicePci) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_pci) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc._func = C.uint8_t(x.Func)
-xc.dev = C.uint8_t(x.Dev)
-xc.bus = C.uint8_t(x.Bus)
-xc.domain = C.int(x.Domain)
-xc.vdevfn = C.uint32_t(x.Vdevfn)
-xc.vfunc_mask = C.uint32_t(x.VfuncMask)
-xc.msitranslate = C.bool(x.Msitranslate)
-xc.power_mgmt = C.bool(x.PowerMgmt)
-xc.permissive = C.bool(x.Permissive)
-xc.seize = C.bool(x.Seize)
-xc.rdm_policy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_policy(x.RdmPolicy)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceRdm returns an instance of DeviceRdm initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceRdm() (*DeviceRdm, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceRdm
-xc C.libxl_device_rdm)
-defer C.libxl_device_rdm_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceRdm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_rdm) error {
- x.Start = uint64(xc.start)
-x.Size = uint64(xc.size)
-x.Policy = RdmReservePolicy(xc.policy)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceRdm) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_rdm) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.start = C.uint64_t(x.Start)
-xc.size = C.uint64_t(x.Size)
-xc.policy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_policy(x.Policy)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceUsbctrl returns an instance of DeviceUsbctrl initialized with 
-func NewDeviceUsbctrl() (*DeviceUsbctrl, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceUsbctrl
-xc C.libxl_device_usbctrl)
-defer C.libxl_device_usbctrl_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceUsbctrl) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbctrl) error {
- x.Type = UsbctrlType(xc._type)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.Version = int(xc.version)
-x.Ports = int(xc.ports)
-x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceUsbctrl) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbctrl) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-xc._type = C.libxl_usbctrl_type(x.Type)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.version = C.int(x.Version)
-xc.ports = C.int(x.Ports)
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceUsbdev returns an instance of DeviceUsbdev initialized with 
-func NewDeviceUsbdev(utype UsbdevType) (*DeviceUsbdev, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceUsbdev
-xc C.libxl_device_usbdev)
-C.libxl_device_usbdev_init_type(&xc, C.libxl_usbdev_type(utype))
-defer C.libxl_device_usbdev_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceUsbdev) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbdev) error {
- x.Ctrl = Devid(xc.ctrl)
-x.Port = int(xc.port)
-x.Type = UsbdevType(xc._type)
-switch x.Type{
-case UsbdevTypeHostdev:
-var typeHostdev DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev
-if err := typeHostdev.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeHostdev: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeHostdev
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbdev) error {
-if UsbdevType(xc._type) != UsbdevTypeHostdev {
-return errors.New("expected union key UsbdevTypeHostdev")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_device_usbdev_type_union_hostdev)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.Hostbus = byte(tmp.hostbus)
-x.Hostaddr = byte(tmp.hostaddr)
-return nil
-func (x *DeviceUsbdev) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbdev) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.ctrl = C.libxl_devid(x.Ctrl)
-xc.port = C.int(x.Port)
-xc._type = C.libxl_usbdev_type(x.Type)
-switch x.Type{
-case UsbdevTypeHostdev:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var hostdev C.libxl_device_usbdev_type_union_hostdev
-hostdev.hostbus = C.uint8_t(tmp.Hostbus)
-hostdev.hostaddr = C.uint8_t(tmp.Hostaddr)
-hostdevBytes := 
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceDtdev returns an instance of DeviceDtdev initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceDtdev() (*DeviceDtdev, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceDtdev
-xc C.libxl_device_dtdev)
-defer C.libxl_device_dtdev_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceDtdev) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_dtdev) error {
- x.Path = C.GoString(xc.path)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceDtdev) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_dtdev) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Path != "" {
-xc.path = C.CString(x.Path)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceVtpm returns an instance of DeviceVtpm initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceVtpm() (*DeviceVtpm, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceVtpm
-xc C.libxl_device_vtpm)
-defer C.libxl_device_vtpm_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceVtpm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vtpm) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceVtpm) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_vtpm) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-if err := x.Uuid.toC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceP9 returns an instance of DeviceP9 initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceP9() (*DeviceP9, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceP9
-xc C.libxl_device_p9)
-defer C.libxl_device_p9_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceP9) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_p9) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Tag = C.GoString(xc.tag)
-x.Path = C.GoString(xc.path)
-x.SecurityModel = C.GoString(xc.security_model)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceP9) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_p9) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-if x.Tag != "" {
-xc.tag = C.CString(x.Tag)}
-if x.Path != "" {
-xc.path = C.CString(x.Path)}
-if x.SecurityModel != "" {
-xc.security_model = C.CString(x.SecurityModel)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDevicePvcallsif returns an instance of DevicePvcallsif initialized with 
-func NewDevicePvcallsif() (*DevicePvcallsif, error) {
-var (
-x DevicePvcallsif
-xc C.libxl_device_pvcallsif)
-defer C.libxl_device_pvcallsif_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DevicePvcallsif) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_pvcallsif) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
- return nil}
-func (x *DevicePvcallsif) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_pvcallsif) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceChannel returns an instance of DeviceChannel initialized with 
-func NewDeviceChannel(connection ChannelConnection) (*DeviceChannel, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceChannel
-xc C.libxl_device_channel)
-defer C.libxl_device_channel_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceChannel) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_channel) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.Name = C.GoString(xc.name)
-x.Connection = ChannelConnection(xc.connection)
-switch x.Connection{
-case ChannelConnectionPty:
-x.ConnectionUnion = nil
-case ChannelConnectionSocket:
-var connectionSocket DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket
-if err := connectionSocket.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field connectionSocket: %v", err)
-x.ConnectionUnion = connectionSocket
-case ChannelConnectionUnknown:
-x.ConnectionUnion = nil
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Connection)}
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_channel) 
error {
-if ChannelConnection(xc.connection) != ChannelConnectionSocket {
-return errors.New("expected union key ChannelConnectionSocket")
-tmp := 
-x.Path = C.GoString(tmp.path)
-return nil
-func (x *DeviceChannel) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_channel) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-if x.Name != "" {
-xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)}
-xc.connection = C.libxl_channel_connection(x.Connection)
-switch x.Connection{
-case ChannelConnectionUnknown:
-case ChannelConnectionPty:
-case ChannelConnectionSocket:
-tmp, ok := x.ConnectionUnion.(DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key connection")
-var socket C.libxl_device_channel_connection_union_socket
-if tmp.Path != "" {
-socket.path = C.CString(tmp.Path)}
-socketBytes := 
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Connection)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewConnectorParam returns an instance of ConnectorParam initialized with 
-func NewConnectorParam() (*ConnectorParam, error) {
-var (
-x ConnectorParam
-xc C.libxl_connector_param)
-defer C.libxl_connector_param_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *ConnectorParam) fromC(xc *C.libxl_connector_param) error {
- x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
-x.Width = uint32(xc.width)
-x.Height = uint32(xc.height)
- return nil}
-func (x *ConnectorParam) toC(xc *C.libxl_connector_param) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-if x.UniqueId != "" {
-xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)}
-xc.width = C.uint32_t(x.Width)
-xc.height = C.uint32_t(x.Height)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceVdispl returns an instance of DeviceVdispl initialized with 
-func NewDeviceVdispl() (*DeviceVdispl, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceVdispl
-xc C.libxl_device_vdispl)
-defer C.libxl_device_vdispl_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceVdispl) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vdispl) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.BeAlloc = bool(xc.be_alloc)
-x.Connectors = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_connectors); n > 0 {
-cConnectors := 
-x.Connectors = make([]ConnectorParam, n)
-for i, v := range cConnectors {
-if err := x.Connectors[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Connectors: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceVdispl) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_vdispl) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.be_alloc = C.bool(x.BeAlloc)
-if numConnectors := len(x.Connectors); numConnectors > 0 {
-xc.connectors = 
-xc.num_connectors = C.int(numConnectors)
-cConnectors := 
-for i,v := range x.Connectors {
-if err := v.toC(&cConnectors[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Connectors: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVsndParams returns an instance of VsndParams initialized with defaults.
-func NewVsndParams() (*VsndParams, error) {
-var (
-x VsndParams
-xc C.libxl_vsnd_params)
-defer C.libxl_vsnd_params_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VsndParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_params) error {
- x.SampleRates = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_sample_rates); n > 0 {
-cSampleRates := (*[1<<28]C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.sample_rates))[:n:n]
-x.SampleRates = make([]uint32, n)
-for i, v := range cSampleRates {
-x.SampleRates[i] = uint32(v)
-x.SampleFormats = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_sample_formats); n > 0 {
-cSampleFormats := 
-x.SampleFormats = make([]VsndPcmFormat, n)
-for i, v := range cSampleFormats {
-x.SampleFormats[i] = VsndPcmFormat(v)
-x.ChannelsMin = uint32(xc.channels_min)
-x.ChannelsMax = uint32(xc.channels_max)
-x.BufferSize = uint32(xc.buffer_size)
- return nil}
-func (x *VsndParams) toC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_params) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if numSampleRates := len(x.SampleRates); numSampleRates > 0 {
-xc.sample_rates = 
-xc.num_sample_rates = C.int(numSampleRates)
-cSampleRates := 
-for i,v := range x.SampleRates {
-cSampleRates[i] = C.uint32_t(v)
-if numSampleFormats := len(x.SampleFormats); numSampleFormats > 0 {
-xc.sample_formats = 
-xc.num_sample_formats = C.int(numSampleFormats)
-cSampleFormats := 
-for i,v := range x.SampleFormats {
-cSampleFormats[i] = C.libxl_vsnd_pcm_format(v)
-xc.channels_min = C.uint32_t(x.ChannelsMin)
-xc.channels_max = C.uint32_t(x.ChannelsMax)
-xc.buffer_size = C.uint32_t(x.BufferSize)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVsndStream returns an instance of VsndStream initialized with defaults.
-func NewVsndStream() (*VsndStream, error) {
-var (
-x VsndStream
-xc C.libxl_vsnd_stream)
-defer C.libxl_vsnd_stream_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VsndStream) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_stream) error {
- x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
-x.Type = VsndStreamType(xc._type)
-if err := x.Params.fromC(&xc.params);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Params: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *VsndStream) toC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_stream) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.UniqueId != "" {
-xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)}
-xc._type = C.libxl_vsnd_stream_type(x.Type)
-if err := x.Params.toC(&xc.params); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Params: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVsndPcm returns an instance of VsndPcm initialized with defaults.
-func NewVsndPcm() (*VsndPcm, error) {
-var (
-x VsndPcm
-xc C.libxl_vsnd_pcm)
-defer C.libxl_vsnd_pcm_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *VsndPcm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_pcm) error {
- x.Name = C.GoString(xc.name)
-if err := x.Params.fromC(&xc.params);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Params: %v", err)
-x.Streams = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vsnd_streams); n > 0 {
-cStreams := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_vsnd_stream)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.streams))[:n:n]
-x.Streams = make([]VsndStream, n)
-for i, v := range cStreams {
-if err := x.Streams[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Streams: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *VsndPcm) toC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_pcm) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Name != "" {
-xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)}
-if err := x.Params.toC(&xc.params); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Params: %v", err)
-if numVsndStreams := len(x.Streams); numVsndStreams > 0 {
-xc.streams = 
-xc.num_vsnd_streams = C.int(numVsndStreams)
-cStreams := 
-for i,v := range x.Streams {
-if err := v.toC(&cStreams[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Streams: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDeviceVsnd returns an instance of DeviceVsnd initialized with defaults.
-func NewDeviceVsnd() (*DeviceVsnd, error) {
-var (
-x DeviceVsnd
-xc C.libxl_device_vsnd)
-defer C.libxl_device_vsnd_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DeviceVsnd) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vsnd) error {
- x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
-x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.ShortName = C.GoString(xc.short_name)
-x.LongName = C.GoString(xc.long_name)
-if err := x.Params.fromC(&xc.params);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Params: %v", err)
-x.Pcms = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vsnd_pcms); n > 0 {
-cPcms := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_vsnd_pcm)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.pcms))[:n:n]
-x.Pcms = make([]VsndPcm, n)
-for i, v := range cPcms {
-if err := x.Pcms[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pcms: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *DeviceVsnd) toC(xc *C.libxl_device_vsnd) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
-if x.BackendDomname != "" {
-xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)}
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-if x.ShortName != "" {
-xc.short_name = C.CString(x.ShortName)}
-if x.LongName != "" {
-xc.long_name = C.CString(x.LongName)}
-if err := x.Params.toC(&xc.params); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Params: %v", err)
-if numVsndPcms := len(x.Pcms); numVsndPcms > 0 {
-xc.pcms = 
-xc.num_vsnd_pcms = C.int(numVsndPcms)
-cPcms := 
-for i,v := range x.Pcms {
-if err := v.toC(&cPcms[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pcms: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDomainConfig returns an instance of DomainConfig initialized with 
-func NewDomainConfig() (*DomainConfig, error) {
-var (
-x DomainConfig
-xc C.libxl_domain_config)
-defer C.libxl_domain_config_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DomainConfig) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_config) error {
- if err := x.CInfo.fromC(&xc.c_info);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field CInfo: %v", err)
-if err := x.BInfo.fromC(&xc.b_info);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field BInfo: %v", err)
-x.Disks = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_disks); n > 0 {
-cDisks := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_disk)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.disks))[:n:n]
-x.Disks = make([]DeviceDisk, n)
-for i, v := range cDisks {
-if err := x.Disks[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Disks: %v", err) }
-x.Nics = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_nics); n > 0 {
-cNics := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_nic)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.nics))[:n:n]
-x.Nics = make([]DeviceNic, n)
-for i, v := range cNics {
-if err := x.Nics[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nics: %v", err) }
-x.Pcidevs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_pcidevs); n > 0 {
-cPcidevs := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_pci)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.pcidevs))[:n:n]
-x.Pcidevs = make([]DevicePci, n)
-for i, v := range cPcidevs {
-if err := x.Pcidevs[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pcidevs: %v", err) }
-x.Rdms = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_rdms); n > 0 {
-cRdms := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_rdm)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.rdms))[:n:n]
-x.Rdms = make([]DeviceRdm, n)
-for i, v := range cRdms {
-if err := x.Rdms[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Rdms: %v", err) }
-x.Dtdevs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_dtdevs); n > 0 {
-cDtdevs := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_dtdev)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.dtdevs))[:n:n]
-x.Dtdevs = make([]DeviceDtdev, n)
-for i, v := range cDtdevs {
-if err := x.Dtdevs[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Dtdevs: %v", err) }
-x.Vfbs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vfbs); n > 0 {
-cVfbs := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_vfb)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.vfbs))[:n:n]
-x.Vfbs = make([]DeviceVfb, n)
-for i, v := range cVfbs {
-if err := x.Vfbs[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vfbs: %v", err) }
-x.Vkbs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vkbs); n > 0 {
-cVkbs := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_vkb)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.vkbs))[:n:n]
-x.Vkbs = make([]DeviceVkb, n)
-for i, v := range cVkbs {
-if err := x.Vkbs[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vkbs: %v", err) }
-x.Vtpms = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vtpms); n > 0 {
-cVtpms := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_vtpm)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.vtpms))[:n:n]
-x.Vtpms = make([]DeviceVtpm, n)
-for i, v := range cVtpms {
-if err := x.Vtpms[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vtpms: %v", err) }
-x.P9S = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_p9s); n > 0 {
-cP9S := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_p9)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.p9s))[:n:n]
-x.P9S = make([]DeviceP9, n)
-for i, v := range cP9S {
-if err := x.P9S[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field P9S: %v", err) }
-x.Pvcallsifs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_pvcallsifs); n > 0 {
-cPvcallsifs := 
-x.Pvcallsifs = make([]DevicePvcallsif, n)
-for i, v := range cPvcallsifs {
-if err := x.Pvcallsifs[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pvcallsifs: %v", err) }
-x.Vdispls = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vdispls); n > 0 {
-cVdispls := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_vdispl)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.vdispls))[:n:n]
-x.Vdispls = make([]DeviceVdispl, n)
-for i, v := range cVdispls {
-if err := x.Vdispls[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vdispls: %v", err) }
-x.Vsnds = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vsnds); n > 0 {
-cVsnds := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_vsnd)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.vsnds))[:n:n]
-x.Vsnds = make([]DeviceVsnd, n)
-for i, v := range cVsnds {
-if err := x.Vsnds[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vsnds: %v", err) }
-x.Channels = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_channels); n > 0 {
-cChannels := 
-x.Channels = make([]DeviceChannel, n)
-for i, v := range cChannels {
-if err := x.Channels[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Channels: %v", err) }
-x.Usbctrls = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_usbctrls); n > 0 {
-cUsbctrls := 
-x.Usbctrls = make([]DeviceUsbctrl, n)
-for i, v := range cUsbctrls {
-if err := x.Usbctrls[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Usbctrls: %v", err) }
-x.Usbdevs = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_usbdevs); n > 0 {
-cUsbdevs := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_usbdev)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.usbdevs))[:n:n]
-x.Usbdevs = make([]DeviceUsbdev, n)
-for i, v := range cUsbdevs {
-if err := x.Usbdevs[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Usbdevs: %v", err) }
-x.OnPoweroff = ActionOnShutdown(xc.on_poweroff)
-x.OnReboot = ActionOnShutdown(xc.on_reboot)
-x.OnWatchdog = ActionOnShutdown(xc.on_watchdog)
-x.OnCrash = ActionOnShutdown(xc.on_crash)
-x.OnSoftReset = ActionOnShutdown(xc.on_soft_reset)
- return nil}
-func (x *DomainConfig) toC(xc *C.libxl_domain_config) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.CInfo.toC(&xc.c_info); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field CInfo: %v", err)
-if err := x.BInfo.toC(&xc.b_info); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field BInfo: %v", err)
-if numDisks := len(x.Disks); numDisks > 0 {
-xc.disks = 
-xc.num_disks = C.int(numDisks)
-cDisks := 
-for i,v := range x.Disks {
-if err := v.toC(&cDisks[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Disks: %v", err)
-if numNics := len(x.Nics); numNics > 0 {
-xc.nics = 
-xc.num_nics = C.int(numNics)
-cNics := 
-for i,v := range x.Nics {
-if err := v.toC(&cNics[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Nics: %v", err)
-if numPcidevs := len(x.Pcidevs); numPcidevs > 0 {
-xc.pcidevs = 
-xc.num_pcidevs = C.int(numPcidevs)
-cPcidevs := 
-for i,v := range x.Pcidevs {
-if err := v.toC(&cPcidevs[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pcidevs: %v", err)
-if numRdms := len(x.Rdms); numRdms > 0 {
-xc.rdms = 
-xc.num_rdms = C.int(numRdms)
-cRdms := 
-for i,v := range x.Rdms {
-if err := v.toC(&cRdms[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Rdms: %v", err)
-if numDtdevs := len(x.Dtdevs); numDtdevs > 0 {
-xc.dtdevs = 
-xc.num_dtdevs = C.int(numDtdevs)
-cDtdevs := 
-for i,v := range x.Dtdevs {
-if err := v.toC(&cDtdevs[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Dtdevs: %v", err)
-if numVfbs := len(x.Vfbs); numVfbs > 0 {
-xc.vfbs = 
-xc.num_vfbs = C.int(numVfbs)
-cVfbs := 
-for i,v := range x.Vfbs {
-if err := v.toC(&cVfbs[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vfbs: %v", err)
-if numVkbs := len(x.Vkbs); numVkbs > 0 {
-xc.vkbs = 
-xc.num_vkbs = C.int(numVkbs)
-cVkbs := 
-for i,v := range x.Vkbs {
-if err := v.toC(&cVkbs[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vkbs: %v", err)
-if numVtpms := len(x.Vtpms); numVtpms > 0 {
-xc.vtpms = 
-xc.num_vtpms = C.int(numVtpms)
-cVtpms := 
-for i,v := range x.Vtpms {
-if err := v.toC(&cVtpms[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vtpms: %v", err)
-if numP9S := len(x.P9S); numP9S > 0 {
-xc.p9s = 
-xc.num_p9s = C.int(numP9S)
-cP9S := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_device_p9)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.p9s))[:numP9S:numP9S]
-for i,v := range x.P9S {
-if err := v.toC(&cP9S[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field P9S: %v", err)
-if numPvcallsifs := len(x.Pvcallsifs); numPvcallsifs > 0 {
-xc.pvcallsifs = 
-xc.num_pvcallsifs = C.int(numPvcallsifs)
-cPvcallsifs := 
-for i,v := range x.Pvcallsifs {
-if err := v.toC(&cPvcallsifs[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pvcallsifs: %v", err)
-if numVdispls := len(x.Vdispls); numVdispls > 0 {
-xc.vdispls = 
-xc.num_vdispls = C.int(numVdispls)
-cVdispls := 
-for i,v := range x.Vdispls {
-if err := v.toC(&cVdispls[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vdispls: %v", err)
-if numVsnds := len(x.Vsnds); numVsnds > 0 {
-xc.vsnds = 
-xc.num_vsnds = C.int(numVsnds)
-cVsnds := 
-for i,v := range x.Vsnds {
-if err := v.toC(&cVsnds[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Vsnds: %v", err)
-if numChannels := len(x.Channels); numChannels > 0 {
-xc.channels = 
-xc.num_channels = C.int(numChannels)
-cChannels := 
-for i,v := range x.Channels {
-if err := v.toC(&cChannels[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Channels: %v", err)
-if numUsbctrls := len(x.Usbctrls); numUsbctrls > 0 {
-xc.usbctrls = 
-xc.num_usbctrls = C.int(numUsbctrls)
-cUsbctrls := 
-for i,v := range x.Usbctrls {
-if err := v.toC(&cUsbctrls[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Usbctrls: %v", err)
-if numUsbdevs := len(x.Usbdevs); numUsbdevs > 0 {
-xc.usbdevs = 
-xc.num_usbdevs = C.int(numUsbdevs)
-cUsbdevs := 
-for i,v := range x.Usbdevs {
-if err := v.toC(&cUsbdevs[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Usbdevs: %v", err)
-xc.on_poweroff = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnPoweroff)
-xc.on_reboot = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnReboot)
-xc.on_watchdog = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnWatchdog)
-xc.on_crash = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnCrash)
-xc.on_soft_reset = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnSoftReset)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDiskinfo returns an instance of Diskinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewDiskinfo() (*Diskinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Diskinfo
-xc C.libxl_diskinfo)
-defer C.libxl_diskinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Diskinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_diskinfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Evtch = int(xc.evtch)
-x.Rref = int(xc.rref)
- return nil}
-func (x *Diskinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_diskinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
-xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
- return nil
- }
-// NewNicinfo returns an instance of Nicinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewNicinfo() (*Nicinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Nicinfo
-xc C.libxl_nicinfo)
-defer C.libxl_nicinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Nicinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_nicinfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Evtch = int(xc.evtch)
-x.RrefTx = int(xc.rref_tx)
-x.RrefRx = int(xc.rref_rx)
- return nil}
-func (x *Nicinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_nicinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
-xc.rref_tx = C.int(x.RrefTx)
-xc.rref_rx = C.int(x.RrefRx)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVtpminfo returns an instance of Vtpminfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVtpminfo() (*Vtpminfo, error) {
-var (
-x Vtpminfo
-xc C.libxl_vtpminfo)
-defer C.libxl_vtpminfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Vtpminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vtpminfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Evtch = int(xc.evtch)
-x.Rref = int(xc.rref)
-if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *Vtpminfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vtpminfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
-xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
-if err := x.Uuid.toC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Uuid: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewUsbctrlinfo returns an instance of Usbctrlinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewUsbctrlinfo() (*Usbctrlinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Usbctrlinfo
-xc C.libxl_usbctrlinfo)
-defer C.libxl_usbctrlinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Usbctrlinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_usbctrlinfo) error {
- x.Type = UsbctrlType(xc._type)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.Version = int(xc.version)
-x.Ports = int(xc.ports)
-x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Evtch = int(xc.evtch)
-x.RefUrb = int(xc.ref_urb)
-x.RefConn = int(xc.ref_conn)
- return nil}
-func (x *Usbctrlinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_usbctrlinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc._type = C.libxl_usbctrl_type(x.Type)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.version = C.int(x.Version)
-xc.ports = C.int(x.Ports)
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
-xc.ref_urb = C.int(x.RefUrb)
-xc.ref_conn = C.int(x.RefConn)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVcpuinfo returns an instance of Vcpuinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVcpuinfo() (*Vcpuinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Vcpuinfo
-xc C.libxl_vcpuinfo)
-defer C.libxl_vcpuinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Vcpuinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vcpuinfo) error {
- x.Vcpuid = uint32(xc.vcpuid)
-x.Cpu = uint32(xc.cpu)
-x.Online = bool(xc.online)
-x.Blocked = bool(xc.blocked)
-x.Running = bool(xc.running)
-x.VcpuTime = uint64(xc.vcpu_time)
-if err := x.Cpumap.fromC(&xc.cpumap);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpumap: %v", err)
-if err := x.CpumapSoft.fromC(&xc.cpumap_soft);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field CpumapSoft: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *Vcpuinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vcpuinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.vcpuid = C.uint32_t(x.Vcpuid)
-xc.cpu = C.uint32_t(x.Cpu)
-xc.online = C.bool(x.Online)
-xc.blocked = C.bool(x.Blocked)
-xc.running = C.bool(x.Running)
-xc.vcpu_time = C.uint64_t(x.VcpuTime)
-if err := x.Cpumap.toC(&xc.cpumap); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Cpumap: %v", err)
-if err := x.CpumapSoft.toC(&xc.cpumap_soft); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field CpumapSoft: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewPhysinfo returns an instance of Physinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewPhysinfo() (*Physinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Physinfo
-xc C.libxl_physinfo)
-defer C.libxl_physinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Physinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_physinfo) error {
- x.ThreadsPerCore = uint32(xc.threads_per_core)
-x.CoresPerSocket = uint32(xc.cores_per_socket)
-x.MaxCpuId = uint32(xc.max_cpu_id)
-x.NrCpus = uint32(xc.nr_cpus)
-x.CpuKhz = uint32(xc.cpu_khz)
-x.TotalPages = uint64(xc.total_pages)
-x.FreePages = uint64(xc.free_pages)
-x.ScrubPages = uint64(xc.scrub_pages)
-x.OutstandingPages = uint64(xc.outstanding_pages)
-x.SharingFreedPages = uint64(xc.sharing_freed_pages)
-x.SharingUsedFrames = uint64(xc.sharing_used_frames)
-x.MaxPossibleMfn = uint64(xc.max_possible_mfn)
-x.NrNodes = uint32(xc.nr_nodes)
-if err := x.HwCap.fromC(&xc.hw_cap);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field HwCap: %v", err)
-x.CapHvm = bool(xc.cap_hvm)
-x.CapPv = bool(xc.cap_pv)
-x.CapHvmDirectio = bool(xc.cap_hvm_directio)
-x.CapHap = bool(xc.cap_hap)
-x.CapShadow = bool(xc.cap_shadow)
-x.CapIommuHapPtShare = bool(xc.cap_iommu_hap_pt_share)
- return nil}
-func (x *Physinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_physinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.threads_per_core = C.uint32_t(x.ThreadsPerCore)
-xc.cores_per_socket = C.uint32_t(x.CoresPerSocket)
-xc.max_cpu_id = C.uint32_t(x.MaxCpuId)
-xc.nr_cpus = C.uint32_t(x.NrCpus)
-xc.cpu_khz = C.uint32_t(x.CpuKhz)
-xc.total_pages = C.uint64_t(x.TotalPages)
-xc.free_pages = C.uint64_t(x.FreePages)
-xc.scrub_pages = C.uint64_t(x.ScrubPages)
-xc.outstanding_pages = C.uint64_t(x.OutstandingPages)
-xc.sharing_freed_pages = C.uint64_t(x.SharingFreedPages)
-xc.sharing_used_frames = C.uint64_t(x.SharingUsedFrames)
-xc.max_possible_mfn = C.uint64_t(x.MaxPossibleMfn)
-xc.nr_nodes = C.uint32_t(x.NrNodes)
-if err := x.HwCap.toC(&xc.hw_cap); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field HwCap: %v", err)
-xc.cap_hvm = C.bool(x.CapHvm)
-xc.cap_pv = C.bool(x.CapPv)
-xc.cap_hvm_directio = C.bool(x.CapHvmDirectio)
-xc.cap_hap = C.bool(x.CapHap)
-xc.cap_shadow = C.bool(x.CapShadow)
-xc.cap_iommu_hap_pt_share = C.bool(x.CapIommuHapPtShare)
- return nil
- }
-// NewConnectorinfo returns an instance of Connectorinfo initialized with 
-func NewConnectorinfo() (*Connectorinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Connectorinfo
-xc C.libxl_connectorinfo)
-defer C.libxl_connectorinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Connectorinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_connectorinfo) error {
- x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
-x.Width = uint32(xc.width)
-x.Height = uint32(xc.height)
-x.ReqEvtch = int(xc.req_evtch)
-x.ReqRref = int(xc.req_rref)
-x.EvtEvtch = int(xc.evt_evtch)
-x.EvtRref = int(xc.evt_rref)
- return nil}
-func (x *Connectorinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_connectorinfo) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-if x.UniqueId != "" {
-xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)}
-xc.width = C.uint32_t(x.Width)
-xc.height = C.uint32_t(x.Height)
-xc.req_evtch = C.int(x.ReqEvtch)
-xc.req_rref = C.int(x.ReqRref)
-xc.evt_evtch = C.int(x.EvtEvtch)
-xc.evt_rref = C.int(x.EvtRref)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVdisplinfo returns an instance of Vdisplinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVdisplinfo() (*Vdisplinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Vdisplinfo
-xc C.libxl_vdisplinfo)
-defer C.libxl_vdisplinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Vdisplinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vdisplinfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.BeAlloc = bool(xc.be_alloc)
-x.Connectors = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_connectors); n > 0 {
-cConnectors := 
-x.Connectors = make([]Connectorinfo, n)
-for i, v := range cConnectors {
-if err := x.Connectors[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Connectors: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *Vdisplinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vdisplinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.be_alloc = C.bool(x.BeAlloc)
-if numConnectors := len(x.Connectors); numConnectors > 0 {
-xc.connectors = 
-xc.num_connectors = C.int(numConnectors)
-cConnectors := 
-for i,v := range x.Connectors {
-if err := v.toC(&cConnectors[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Connectors: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewStreaminfo returns an instance of Streaminfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewStreaminfo() (*Streaminfo, error) {
-var (
-x Streaminfo
-xc C.libxl_streaminfo)
-defer C.libxl_streaminfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Streaminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_streaminfo) error {
- x.ReqEvtch = int(xc.req_evtch)
-x.ReqRref = int(xc.req_rref)
- return nil}
-func (x *Streaminfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_streaminfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.req_evtch = C.int(x.ReqEvtch)
-xc.req_rref = C.int(x.ReqRref)
- return nil
- }
-// NewPcminfo returns an instance of Pcminfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewPcminfo() (*Pcminfo, error) {
-var (
-x Pcminfo
-xc C.libxl_pcminfo)
-defer C.libxl_pcminfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Pcminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_pcminfo) error {
- x.Streams = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vsnd_streams); n > 0 {
-cStreams := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_streaminfo)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.streams))[:n:n]
-x.Streams = make([]Streaminfo, n)
-for i, v := range cStreams {
-if err := x.Streams[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Streams: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *Pcminfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_pcminfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if numVsndStreams := len(x.Streams); numVsndStreams > 0 {
-xc.streams = 
-xc.num_vsnd_streams = C.int(numVsndStreams)
-cStreams := 
-for i,v := range x.Streams {
-if err := v.toC(&cStreams[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Streams: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVsndinfo returns an instance of Vsndinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVsndinfo() (*Vsndinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Vsndinfo
-xc C.libxl_vsndinfo)
-defer C.libxl_vsndinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Vsndinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsndinfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Pcms = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_vsnd_pcms); n > 0 {
-cPcms := (*[1<<28]C.libxl_pcminfo)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.pcms))[:n:n]
-x.Pcms = make([]Pcminfo, n)
-for i, v := range cPcms {
-if err := x.Pcms[i].fromC(&v); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pcms: %v", err) }
- return nil}
-func (x *Vsndinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vsndinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-if numVsndPcms := len(x.Pcms); numVsndPcms > 0 {
-xc.pcms = 
-xc.num_vsnd_pcms = C.int(numVsndPcms)
-cPcms := 
-for i,v := range x.Pcms {
-if err := v.toC(&cPcms[i]); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Pcms: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewVkbinfo returns an instance of Vkbinfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewVkbinfo() (*Vkbinfo, error) {
-var (
-x Vkbinfo
-xc C.libxl_vkbinfo)
-defer C.libxl_vkbinfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Vkbinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vkbinfo) error {
- x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
-x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
-x.Frontend = C.GoString(xc.frontend)
-x.FrontendId = uint32(xc.frontend_id)
-x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
-x.State = int(xc.state)
-x.Evtch = int(xc.evtch)
-x.Rref = int(xc.rref)
- return nil}
-func (x *Vkbinfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_vkbinfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if x.Backend != "" {
-xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)}
-xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
-if x.Frontend != "" {
-xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)}
-xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
-xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
-xc.state = C.int(x.State)
-xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
-xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
- return nil
- }
-// NewNumainfo returns an instance of Numainfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewNumainfo() (*Numainfo, error) {
-var (
-x Numainfo
-xc C.libxl_numainfo)
-defer C.libxl_numainfo_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Numainfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_numainfo) error {
- x.Size = uint64(xc.size)
-x.Free = uint64(xc.free)
-x.Dists = nil
-if n := int(xc.num_dists); n > 0 {
-cDists := (*[1<<28]C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.dists))[:n:n]
-x.Dists = make([]uint32, n)
-for i, v := range cDists {
-x.Dists[i] = uint32(v)
- return nil}
-func (x *Numainfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_numainfo) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.size = C.uint64_t(x.Size)
-xc.free = C.uint64_t(x.Free)
-if numDists := len(x.Dists); numDists > 0 {
-xc.dists = (*C.uint32_t)(C.malloc(C.size_t(numDists*numDists)))
-xc.num_dists = C.int(numDists)
-cDists := (*[1<<28]C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(xc.dists))[:numDists:numDists]
-for i,v := range x.Dists {
-cDists[i] = C.uint32_t(v)
- return nil
- }
-// NewCputopology returns an instance of Cputopology initialized with defaults.
-func NewCputopology() (*Cputopology, error) {
-var (
-x Cputopology
-xc C.libxl_cputopology)
-defer C.libxl_cputopology_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Cputopology) fromC(xc *C.libxl_cputopology) error {
- x.Core = uint32(xc.core)
-x.Socket = uint32(xc.socket)
-x.Node = uint32(xc.node)
- return nil}
-func (x *Cputopology) toC(xc *C.libxl_cputopology) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.core = C.uint32_t(x.Core)
-xc.socket = C.uint32_t(x.Socket)
-xc.node = C.uint32_t(x.Node)
- return nil
- }
-// NewPcitopology returns an instance of Pcitopology initialized with defaults.
-func NewPcitopology() (*Pcitopology, error) {
-var (
-x Pcitopology
-xc C.libxl_pcitopology)
-defer C.libxl_pcitopology_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Pcitopology) fromC(xc *C.libxl_pcitopology) error {
- x.Seg = uint16(xc.seg)
-x.Bus = byte(xc.bus)
-x.Devfn = byte(xc.devfn)
-x.Node = uint32(xc.node)
- return nil}
-func (x *Pcitopology) toC(xc *C.libxl_pcitopology) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.seg = C.uint16_t(x.Seg)
-xc.bus = C.uint8_t(x.Bus)
-xc.devfn = C.uint8_t(x.Devfn)
-xc.node = C.uint32_t(x.Node)
- return nil
- }
-// NewSchedCreditParams returns an instance of SchedCreditParams initialized 
with defaults.
-func NewSchedCreditParams() (*SchedCreditParams, error) {
-var (
-x SchedCreditParams
-xc C.libxl_sched_credit_params)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *SchedCreditParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_credit_params) error {
- x.TsliceMs = int(xc.tslice_ms)
-x.RatelimitUs = int(xc.ratelimit_us)
-x.VcpuMigrDelayUs = int(xc.vcpu_migr_delay_us)
- return nil}
-func (x *SchedCreditParams) toC(xc *C.libxl_sched_credit_params) (err 
error){xc.tslice_ms = C.int(x.TsliceMs)
-xc.ratelimit_us = C.int(x.RatelimitUs)
-xc.vcpu_migr_delay_us = C.int(x.VcpuMigrDelayUs)
- return nil
- }
-// NewSchedCredit2Params returns an instance of SchedCredit2Params initialized 
with defaults.
-func NewSchedCredit2Params() (*SchedCredit2Params, error) {
-var (
-x SchedCredit2Params
-xc C.libxl_sched_credit2_params)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *SchedCredit2Params) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_credit2_params) error {
- x.RatelimitUs = int(xc.ratelimit_us)
- return nil}
-func (x *SchedCredit2Params) toC(xc *C.libxl_sched_credit2_params) (err 
error){xc.ratelimit_us = C.int(x.RatelimitUs)
- return nil
- }
-// NewDomainRemusInfo returns an instance of DomainRemusInfo initialized with 
-func NewDomainRemusInfo() (*DomainRemusInfo, error) {
-var (
-x DomainRemusInfo
-xc C.libxl_domain_remus_info)
-defer C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *DomainRemusInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_remus_info) error {
- x.Interval = int(xc.interval)
-if err := x.AllowUnsafe.fromC(&xc.allow_unsafe);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AllowUnsafe: %v", err)
-if err := x.Blackhole.fromC(&xc.blackhole);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Blackhole: %v", err)
-if err := x.Compression.fromC(&xc.compression);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Compression: %v", err)
-if err := x.Netbuf.fromC(&xc.netbuf);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Netbuf: %v", err)
-x.Netbufscript = C.GoString(xc.netbufscript)
-if err := x.Diskbuf.fromC(&xc.diskbuf);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Diskbuf: %v", err)
-if err := x.Colo.fromC(&xc.colo);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Colo: %v", err)
-if err := x.UserspaceColoProxy.fromC(&xc.userspace_colo_proxy);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field UserspaceColoProxy: %v", err)
- return nil}
-func (x *DomainRemusInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_domain_remus_info) (err error){defer 
-if err != nil{
-xc.interval = C.int(x.Interval)
-if err := x.AllowUnsafe.toC(&xc.allow_unsafe); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field AllowUnsafe: %v", err)
-if err := x.Blackhole.toC(&xc.blackhole); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Blackhole: %v", err)
-if err := x.Compression.toC(&xc.compression); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Compression: %v", err)
-if err := x.Netbuf.toC(&xc.netbuf); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Netbuf: %v", err)
-if x.Netbufscript != "" {
-xc.netbufscript = C.CString(x.Netbufscript)}
-if err := x.Diskbuf.toC(&xc.diskbuf); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Diskbuf: %v", err)
-if err := x.Colo.toC(&xc.colo); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Colo: %v", err)
-if err := x.UserspaceColoProxy.toC(&xc.userspace_colo_proxy); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field UserspaceColoProxy: %v", err)
- return nil
- }
-// NewEvent returns an instance of Event initialized with defaults.
-func NewEvent(etype EventType) (*Event, error) {
-var (
-x Event
-xc C.libxl_event)
-C.libxl_event_init_type(&xc, C.libxl_event_type(etype))
-defer C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *Event) fromC(xc *C.libxl_event) error {
- if err := x.Link.fromC(&xc.link);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Link: %v", err)
-x.Domid = Domid(xc.domid)
-if err := x.Domuuid.fromC(&xc.domuuid);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Domuuid: %v", err)
-x.ForUser = uint64(xc.for_user)
-x.Type = EventType(xc._type)
-switch x.Type{
-case EventTypeDiskEject:
-var typeDiskEject EventTypeUnionDiskEject
-if err := typeDiskEject.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeDiskEject: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeDiskEject
-case EventTypeDomainCreateConsoleAvailable:
-x.TypeUnion = nil
-case EventTypeDomainDeath:
-x.TypeUnion = nil
-case EventTypeDomainShutdown:
-var typeDomainShutdown EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown
-if err := typeDomainShutdown.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeDomainShutdown: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeDomainShutdown
-case EventTypeOperationComplete:
-var typeOperationComplete EventTypeUnionOperationComplete
-if err := typeOperationComplete.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeOperationComplete: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeOperationComplete
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
- return nil}
-func (x *EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown) fromC(xc *C.libxl_event) error {
-if EventType(xc._type) != EventTypeDomainShutdown {
-return errors.New("expected union key EventTypeDomainShutdown")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_event_type_union_domain_shutdown)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.ShutdownReason = byte(tmp.shutdown_reason)
-return nil
-func (x *EventTypeUnionDiskEject) fromC(xc *C.libxl_event) error {
-if EventType(xc._type) != EventTypeDiskEject {
-return errors.New("expected union key EventTypeDiskEject")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_event_type_union_disk_eject)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.Vdev = C.GoString(tmp.vdev)
-if err := x.Disk.fromC(&tmp.disk);err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Disk: %v", err)
-return nil
-func (x *EventTypeUnionOperationComplete) fromC(xc *C.libxl_event) error {
-if EventType(xc._type) != EventTypeOperationComplete {
-return errors.New("expected union key EventTypeOperationComplete")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_event_type_union_operation_complete)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.Rc = int(tmp.rc)
-return nil
-func (x *Event) toC(xc *C.libxl_event) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-if err := x.Link.toC(&xc.link); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Link: %v", err)
-xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
-if err := x.Domuuid.toC(&xc.domuuid); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Domuuid: %v", err)
-xc.for_user = C.uint64_t(x.ForUser)
-xc._type = C.libxl_event_type(x.Type)
-switch x.Type{
-case EventTypeDomainShutdown:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var domain_shutdown C.libxl_event_type_union_domain_shutdown
-domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason = C.uint8_t(tmp.ShutdownReason)
-domain_shutdownBytes := 
-case EventTypeDomainDeath:
-case EventTypeDiskEject:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(EventTypeUnionDiskEject)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var disk_eject C.libxl_event_type_union_disk_eject
-if tmp.Vdev != "" {
-disk_eject.vdev = C.CString(tmp.Vdev)}
-if err := tmp.Disk.toC(&disk_eject.disk); err != nil {
-return fmt.Errorf("converting field Disk: %v", err)
-disk_ejectBytes := 
-case EventTypeOperationComplete:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(EventTypeUnionOperationComplete)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var operation_complete C.libxl_event_type_union_operation_complete
-operation_complete.rc = C.int(tmp.Rc)
-operation_completeBytes := 
-case EventTypeDomainCreateConsoleAvailable:
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
- return nil
- }
-// NewPsrCatInfo returns an instance of PsrCatInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewPsrCatInfo() (*PsrCatInfo, error) {
-var (
-x PsrCatInfo
-xc C.libxl_psr_cat_info)
-defer C.libxl_psr_cat_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *PsrCatInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_cat_info) error {
- x.Id = uint32(xc.id)
-x.CosMax = uint32(xc.cos_max)
-x.CbmLen = uint32(xc.cbm_len)
-x.CdpEnabled = bool(xc.cdp_enabled)
- return nil}
-func (x *PsrCatInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_psr_cat_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.id = C.uint32_t(x.Id)
-xc.cos_max = C.uint32_t(x.CosMax)
-xc.cbm_len = C.uint32_t(x.CbmLen)
-xc.cdp_enabled = C.bool(x.CdpEnabled)
- return nil
- }
-// NewPsrHwInfo returns an instance of PsrHwInfo initialized with defaults.
-func NewPsrHwInfo(ptype PsrFeatType) (*PsrHwInfo, error) {
-var (
-x PsrHwInfo
-xc C.libxl_psr_hw_info)
-C.libxl_psr_hw_info_init_type(&xc, C.libxl_psr_feat_type(ptype))
-defer C.libxl_psr_hw_info_dispose(&xc)
-if err := x.fromC(&xc); err != nil {
-return nil, err }
-return &x, nil}
-func (x *PsrHwInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_hw_info) error {
- x.Id = uint32(xc.id)
-x.Type = PsrFeatType(xc._type)
-switch x.Type{
-case PsrFeatTypeCat:
-var typeCat PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat
-if err := typeCat.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeCat: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeCat
-case PsrFeatTypeMba:
-var typeMba PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba
-if err := typeMba.fromC(xc);err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("converting field typeMba: %v", err)
-x.TypeUnion = typeMba
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
- return nil}
-func (x *PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_hw_info) error {
-if PsrFeatType(xc._type) != PsrFeatTypeCat {
-return errors.New("expected union key PsrFeatTypeCat")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_psr_hw_info_type_union_cat)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.CosMax = uint32(tmp.cos_max)
-x.CbmLen = uint32(tmp.cbm_len)
-x.CdpEnabled = bool(tmp.cdp_enabled)
-return nil
-func (x *PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_hw_info) error {
-if PsrFeatType(xc._type) != PsrFeatTypeMba {
-return errors.New("expected union key PsrFeatTypeMba")
-tmp := (*C.libxl_psr_hw_info_type_union_mba)(unsafe.Pointer(&xc.u[0]))
-x.CosMax = uint32(tmp.cos_max)
-x.ThrtlMax = uint32(tmp.thrtl_max)
-x.Linear = bool(tmp.linear)
-return nil
-func (x *PsrHwInfo) toC(xc *C.libxl_psr_hw_info) (err error){defer func(){
-if err != nil{
-xc.id = C.uint32_t(x.Id)
-xc._type = C.libxl_psr_feat_type(x.Type)
-switch x.Type{
-case PsrFeatTypeCat:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var cat C.libxl_psr_hw_info_type_union_cat
-cat.cos_max = C.uint32_t(tmp.CosMax)
-cat.cbm_len = C.uint32_t(tmp.CbmLen)
-cat.cdp_enabled = C.bool(tmp.CdpEnabled)
-catBytes := 
-case PsrFeatTypeMba:
-tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba)
-if !ok {
-return errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
-var mba C.libxl_psr_hw_info_type_union_mba
-mba.cos_max = C.uint32_t(tmp.CosMax)
-mba.thrtl_max = C.uint32_t(tmp.ThrtlMax)
-mba.linear = C.bool(tmp.Linear)
-mbaBytes := 
-return fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)}
- return nil
- }
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go 
deleted file mode 100644
index 663c1e86b4..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1194 +0,0 @@
-// This file is generated by:
-// gengotypes.py ../../libxl/libxl_types.idl
-package xenlight
-type Error int
-ErrorNonspecific Error = -1
-ErrorVersion Error = -2
-ErrorFail Error = -3
-ErrorNi Error = -4
-ErrorNomem Error = -5
-ErrorInval Error = -6
-ErrorBadfail Error = -7
-ErrorGuestTimedout Error = -8
-ErrorTimedout Error = -9
-ErrorNoparavirt Error = -10
-ErrorNotReady Error = -11
-ErrorOseventRegFail Error = -12
-ErrorBufferfull Error = -13
-ErrorUnknownChild Error = -14
-ErrorLockFail Error = -15
-ErrorJsonConfigEmpty Error = -16
-ErrorDeviceExists Error = -17
-ErrorCheckpointDevopsDoesNotMatch Error = -18
-ErrorCheckpointDeviceNotSupported Error = -19
-ErrorVnumaConfigInvalid Error = -20
-ErrorDomainNotfound Error = -21
-ErrorAborted Error = -22
-ErrorNotfound Error = -23
-ErrorDomainDestroyed Error = -24
-ErrorFeatureRemoved Error = -25
-ErrorProtocolErrorQmp Error = -26
-ErrorUnknownQmpError Error = -27
-ErrorQmpGenericError Error = -28
-ErrorQmpCommandNotFound Error = -29
-ErrorQmpDeviceNotActive Error = -30
-ErrorQmpDeviceNotFound Error = -31
-ErrorQemuApi Error = -32
-type DomainType int
-DomainTypeInvalid DomainType = -1
-DomainTypeHvm DomainType = 1
-DomainTypePv DomainType = 2
-DomainTypePvh DomainType = 3
-type RdmReserveStrategy int
-RdmReserveStrategyIgnore RdmReserveStrategy = 0
-RdmReserveStrategyHost RdmReserveStrategy = 1
-type RdmReservePolicy int
-RdmReservePolicyInvalid RdmReservePolicy = -1
-RdmReservePolicyStrict RdmReservePolicy = 0
-RdmReservePolicyRelaxed RdmReservePolicy = 1
-type ChannelConnection int
-ChannelConnectionUnknown ChannelConnection = 0
-ChannelConnectionPty ChannelConnection = 1
-ChannelConnectionSocket ChannelConnection = 2
-type DeviceModelVersion int
-DeviceModelVersionUnknown DeviceModelVersion = 0
-DeviceModelVersionQemuXenTraditional DeviceModelVersion = 1
-DeviceModelVersionQemuXen DeviceModelVersion = 2
-type ConsoleType int
-ConsoleTypeUnknown ConsoleType = 0
-ConsoleTypeSerial ConsoleType = 1
-ConsoleTypePv ConsoleType = 2
-ConsoleTypeVuart ConsoleType = 3
-type DiskFormat int
-DiskFormatUnknown DiskFormat = 0
-DiskFormatQcow DiskFormat = 1
-DiskFormatQcow2 DiskFormat = 2
-DiskFormatVhd DiskFormat = 3
-DiskFormatRaw DiskFormat = 4
-DiskFormatEmpty DiskFormat = 5
-DiskFormatQed DiskFormat = 6
-type DiskBackend int
-DiskBackendUnknown DiskBackend = 0
-DiskBackendPhy DiskBackend = 1
-DiskBackendTap DiskBackend = 2
-DiskBackendQdisk DiskBackend = 3
-type NicType int
-NicTypeUnknown NicType = 0
-NicTypeVifIoemu NicType = 1
-NicTypeVif NicType = 2
-type ActionOnShutdown int
-ActionOnShutdownDestroy ActionOnShutdown = 1
-ActionOnShutdownRestart ActionOnShutdown = 2
-ActionOnShutdownRestartRename ActionOnShutdown = 3
-ActionOnShutdownPreserve ActionOnShutdown = 4
-ActionOnShutdownCoredumpDestroy ActionOnShutdown = 5
-ActionOnShutdownCoredumpRestart ActionOnShutdown = 6
-ActionOnShutdownSoftReset ActionOnShutdown = 7
-type Trigger int
-TriggerUnknown Trigger = 0
-TriggerPower Trigger = 1
-TriggerSleep Trigger = 2
-TriggerNmi Trigger = 3
-TriggerInit Trigger = 4
-TriggerReset Trigger = 5
-TriggerS3Resume Trigger = 6
-type TscMode int
-TscModeDefault TscMode = 0
-TscModeAlwaysEmulate TscMode = 1
-TscModeNative TscMode = 2
-TscModeNativeParavirt TscMode = 3
-type GfxPassthruKind int
-GfxPassthruKindDefault GfxPassthruKind = 0
-GfxPassthruKindIgd GfxPassthruKind = 1
-type TimerMode int
-TimerModeUnknown TimerMode = -1
-TimerModeDelayForMissedTicks TimerMode = 0
-TimerModeNoDelayForMissedTicks TimerMode = 1
-TimerModeNoMissedTicksPending TimerMode = 2
-TimerModeOneMissedTickPending TimerMode = 3
-type BiosType int
-BiosTypeUnknown BiosType = 0
-BiosTypeRombios BiosType = 1
-BiosTypeSeabios BiosType = 2
-BiosTypeOvmf BiosType = 3
-type Scheduler int
-SchedulerUnknown Scheduler = 0
-SchedulerSedf Scheduler = 4
-SchedulerCredit Scheduler = 5
-SchedulerCredit2 Scheduler = 6
-SchedulerArinc653 Scheduler = 7
-SchedulerRtds Scheduler = 8
-SchedulerNull Scheduler = 9
-type ShutdownReason int
-ShutdownReasonUnknown ShutdownReason = -1
-ShutdownReasonPoweroff ShutdownReason = 0
-ShutdownReasonReboot ShutdownReason = 1
-ShutdownReasonSuspend ShutdownReason = 2
-ShutdownReasonCrash ShutdownReason = 3
-ShutdownReasonWatchdog ShutdownReason = 4
-ShutdownReasonSoftReset ShutdownReason = 5
-type VgaInterfaceType int
-VgaInterfaceTypeUnknown VgaInterfaceType = 0
-VgaInterfaceTypeCirrus VgaInterfaceType = 1
-VgaInterfaceTypeStd VgaInterfaceType = 2
-VgaInterfaceTypeNone VgaInterfaceType = 3
-VgaInterfaceTypeQxl VgaInterfaceType = 4
-type VendorDevice int
-VendorDeviceNone VendorDevice = 0
-VendorDeviceXenserver VendorDevice = 1
-type ViridianEnlightenment int
-ViridianEnlightenmentBase ViridianEnlightenment = 0
-ViridianEnlightenmentFreq ViridianEnlightenment = 1
-ViridianEnlightenmentTimeRefCount ViridianEnlightenment = 2
-ViridianEnlightenmentReferenceTsc ViridianEnlightenment = 3
-ViridianEnlightenmentHcallRemoteTlbFlush ViridianEnlightenment = 4
-ViridianEnlightenmentApicAssist ViridianEnlightenment = 5
-ViridianEnlightenmentCrashCtl ViridianEnlightenment = 6
-ViridianEnlightenmentSynic ViridianEnlightenment = 7
-ViridianEnlightenmentStimer ViridianEnlightenment = 8
-ViridianEnlightenmentHcallIpi ViridianEnlightenment = 9
-type Hdtype int
-HdtypeIde Hdtype = 1
-HdtypeAhci Hdtype = 2
-type CheckpointedStream int
-CheckpointedStreamNone CheckpointedStream = 0
-CheckpointedStreamRemus CheckpointedStream = 1
-CheckpointedStreamColo CheckpointedStream = 2
-type VuartType int
-VuartTypeUnknown VuartType = 0
-VuartTypeSbsaUart VuartType = 1
-type VkbBackend int
-VkbBackendUnknown VkbBackend = 0
-VkbBackendQemu VkbBackend = 1
-VkbBackendLinux VkbBackend = 2
-type Passthrough int
-PassthroughDefault Passthrough = 0
-PassthroughDisabled Passthrough = 1
-PassthroughEnabled Passthrough = 2
-PassthroughSyncPt Passthrough = 3
-PassthroughSharePt Passthrough = 4
-type IoportRange struct {
-First uint32
-Number uint32
-type IomemRange struct {
-Start uint64
-Number uint64
-Gfn uint64
-type VgaInterfaceInfo struct {
-Kind VgaInterfaceType
-type VncInfo struct {
-Enable Defbool
-Listen string
-Passwd string
-Display int
-Findunused Defbool
-type SpiceInfo struct {
-Enable Defbool
-Port int
-TlsPort int
-Host string
-DisableTicketing Defbool
-Passwd string
-AgentMouse Defbool
-Vdagent Defbool
-ClipboardSharing Defbool
-Usbredirection int
-ImageCompression string
-StreamingVideo string
-type SdlInfo struct {
-Enable Defbool
-Opengl Defbool
-Display string
-Xauthority string
-type Dominfo struct {
-Uuid Uuid
-Domid Domid
-Ssidref uint32
-SsidLabel string
-Running bool
-Blocked bool
-Paused bool
-Shutdown bool
-Dying bool
-NeverStop bool
-ShutdownReason ShutdownReason
-OutstandingMemkb uint64
-CurrentMemkb uint64
-SharedMemkb uint64
-PagedMemkb uint64
-MaxMemkb uint64
-CpuTime uint64
-VcpuMaxId uint32
-VcpuOnline uint32
-Cpupool uint32
-DomainType DomainType
-type Cpupoolinfo struct {
-Poolid uint32
-PoolName string
-Sched Scheduler
-NDom uint32
-Cpumap Bitmap
-type Channelinfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-Evtch int
-Rref int
-Connection ChannelConnection
-ConnectionUnion channelinfoConnectionUnion
-type channelinfoConnectionUnion interface {
-type ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty struct {
-Path string
-func (x ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty) ischannelinfoConnectionUnion(){}
-type Vminfo struct {
-Uuid Uuid
-Domid Domid
-type VersionInfo struct {
-XenVersionMajor int
-XenVersionMinor int
-XenVersionExtra string
-Compiler string
-CompileBy string
-CompileDomain string
-CompileDate string
-Capabilities string
-Changeset string
-VirtStart uint64
-Pagesize int
-Commandline string
-BuildId string
-type DomainCreateInfo struct {
-Type DomainType
-Hap Defbool
-Oos Defbool
-Ssidref uint32
-SsidLabel string
-Name string
-Domid Domid
-Uuid Uuid
-Xsdata KeyValueList
-Platformdata KeyValueList
-Poolid uint32
-PoolName string
-RunHotplugScripts Defbool
-DriverDomain Defbool
-Passthrough Passthrough
-XendSuspendEvtchnCompat Defbool
-type DomainRestoreParams struct {
-CheckpointedStream int
-StreamVersion uint32
-ColoProxyScript string
-UserspaceColoProxy Defbool
-type SchedParams struct {
-Vcpuid int
-Weight int
-Cap int
-Period int
-Extratime int
-Budget int
-type VcpuSchedParams struct {
-Sched Scheduler
-Vcpus []SchedParams
-type DomainSchedParams struct {
-Sched Scheduler
-Weight int
-Cap int
-Period int
-Budget int
-Extratime int
-Slice int
-Latency int
-type VnodeInfo struct {
-Memkb uint64
-Distances []uint32
-Pnode uint32
-Vcpus Bitmap
-type GicVersion int
-GicVersionDefault GicVersion = 0
-GicVersionV2 GicVersion = 32
-GicVersionV3 GicVersion = 48
-type TeeType int
-TeeTypeNone TeeType = 0
-TeeTypeOptee TeeType = 1
-type RdmReserve struct {
-Strategy RdmReserveStrategy
-Policy RdmReservePolicy
-type Altp2MMode int
-Altp2MModeDisabled Altp2MMode = 0
-Altp2MModeMixed Altp2MMode = 1
-Altp2MModeExternal Altp2MMode = 2
-Altp2MModeLimited Altp2MMode = 3
-type DomainBuildInfo struct {
-MaxVcpus int
-AvailVcpus Bitmap
-Cpumap Bitmap
-Nodemap Bitmap
-VcpuHardAffinity []Bitmap
-VcpuSoftAffinity []Bitmap
-NumaPlacement Defbool
-TscMode TscMode
-MaxMemkb uint64
-TargetMemkb uint64
-VideoMemkb uint64
-ShadowMemkb uint64
-IommuMemkb uint64
-RtcTimeoffset uint32
-ExecSsidref uint32
-ExecSsidLabel string
-Localtime Defbool
-DisableMigrate Defbool
-Cpuid CpuidPolicyList
-BlkdevStart string
-VnumaNodes []VnodeInfo
-MaxGrantFrames uint32
-MaxMaptrackFrames uint32
-DeviceModelVersion DeviceModelVersion
-DeviceModelStubdomain Defbool
-StubdomainMemkb uint64
-StubdomainKernel string
-StubdomainRamdisk string
-DeviceModel string
-DeviceModelSsidref uint32
-DeviceModelSsidLabel string
-DeviceModelUser string
-Extra StringList
-ExtraPv StringList
-ExtraHvm StringList
-SchedParams DomainSchedParams
-Ioports []IoportRange
-Irqs []uint32
-Iomem []IomemRange
-ClaimMode Defbool
-EventChannels uint32
-Kernel string
-Cmdline string
-Ramdisk string
-DeviceTree string
-Acpi Defbool
-Bootloader string
-BootloaderArgs StringList
-TimerMode TimerMode
-NestedHvm Defbool
-Apic Defbool
-DmRestrict Defbool
-Tee TeeType
-Type DomainType
-TypeUnion domainBuildInfoTypeUnion
-ArchArm struct {
-GicVersion GicVersion
-Vuart VuartType
-Altp2M Altp2MMode
-type domainBuildInfoTypeUnion interface {
-type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm struct {
-Firmware string
-Bios BiosType
-Pae Defbool
-Apic Defbool
-Acpi Defbool
-AcpiS3 Defbool
-AcpiS4 Defbool
-AcpiLaptopSlate Defbool
-Nx Defbool
-Viridian Defbool
-ViridianEnable Bitmap
-ViridianDisable Bitmap
-Timeoffset string
-Hpet Defbool
-VptAlign Defbool
-MmioHoleMemkb uint64
-TimerMode TimerMode
-NestedHvm Defbool
-Altp2M Defbool
-SystemFirmware string
-SmbiosFirmware string
-AcpiFirmware string
-Hdtype Hdtype
-Nographic Defbool
-Vga VgaInterfaceInfo
-Vnc VncInfo
-Keymap string
-Sdl SdlInfo
-Spice SpiceInfo
-GfxPassthru Defbool
-GfxPassthruKind GfxPassthruKind
-Serial string
-Boot string
-Usb Defbool
-Usbversion int
-Usbdevice string
-VkbDevice Defbool
-Soundhw string
-XenPlatformPci Defbool
-UsbdeviceList StringList
-VendorDevice VendorDevice
-MsVmGenid MsVmGenid
-SerialList StringList
-Rdm RdmReserve
-RdmMemBoundaryMemkb uint64
-McaCaps uint64
-func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion(){}
-type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv struct {
-Kernel string
-SlackMemkb uint64
-Bootloader string
-BootloaderArgs StringList
-Cmdline string
-Ramdisk string
-Features string
-E820Host Defbool
-func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion(){}
-type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh struct {
-Pvshim Defbool
-PvshimPath string
-PvshimCmdline string
-PvshimExtra string
-func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion(){}
-type DeviceVfb struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-Vnc VncInfo
-Sdl SdlInfo
-Keymap string
-type DeviceVkb struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-BackendType VkbBackend
-UniqueId string
-FeatureDisableKeyboard bool
-FeatureDisablePointer bool
-FeatureAbsPointer bool
-FeatureRawPointer bool
-FeatureMultiTouch bool
-Width uint32
-Height uint32
-MultiTouchWidth uint32
-MultiTouchHeight uint32
-MultiTouchNumContacts uint32
-type DeviceDisk struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-PdevPath string
-Vdev string
-Backend DiskBackend
-Format DiskFormat
-Script string
-Removable int
-Readwrite int
-IsCdrom int
-DirectIoSafe bool
-DiscardEnable Defbool
-ColoEnable Defbool
-ColoRestoreEnable Defbool
-ColoHost string
-ColoPort int
-ColoExport string
-ActiveDisk string
-HiddenDisk string
-type DeviceNic struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-Mtu int
-Model string
-Mac Mac
-Ip string
-Bridge string
-Ifname string
-Script string
-Nictype NicType
-RateBytesPerInterval uint64
-RateIntervalUsecs uint32
-Gatewaydev string
-ColoftForwarddev string
-ColoSockMirrorId string
-ColoSockMirrorIp string
-ColoSockMirrorPort string
-ColoSockComparePriInId string
-ColoSockComparePriInIp string
-ColoSockComparePriInPort string
-ColoSockCompareSecInId string
-ColoSockCompareSecInIp string
-ColoSockCompareSecInPort string
-ColoSockCompareNotifyId string
-ColoSockCompareNotifyIp string
-ColoSockCompareNotifyPort string
-ColoSockRedirector0Id string
-ColoSockRedirector0Ip string
-ColoSockRedirector0Port string
-ColoSockRedirector1Id string
-ColoSockRedirector1Ip string
-ColoSockRedirector1Port string
-ColoSockRedirector2Id string
-ColoSockRedirector2Ip string
-ColoSockRedirector2Port string
-ColoFilterMirrorQueue string
-ColoFilterMirrorOutdev string
-ColoFilterRedirector0Queue string
-ColoFilterRedirector0Indev string
-ColoFilterRedirector0Outdev string
-ColoFilterRedirector1Queue string
-ColoFilterRedirector1Indev string
-ColoFilterRedirector1Outdev string
-ColoComparePriIn string
-ColoCompareSecIn string
-ColoCompareOut string
-ColoCompareNotifyDev string
-ColoSockSecRedirector0Id string
-ColoSockSecRedirector0Ip string
-ColoSockSecRedirector0Port string
-ColoSockSecRedirector1Id string
-ColoSockSecRedirector1Ip string
-ColoSockSecRedirector1Port string
-ColoFilterSecRedirector0Queue string
-ColoFilterSecRedirector0Indev string
-ColoFilterSecRedirector0Outdev string
-ColoFilterSecRedirector1Queue string
-ColoFilterSecRedirector1Indev string
-ColoFilterSecRedirector1Outdev string
-ColoFilterSecRewriter0Queue string
-ColoCheckpointHost string
-ColoCheckpointPort string
-type DevicePci struct {
-Func byte
-Dev byte
-Bus byte
-Domain int
-Vdevfn uint32
-VfuncMask uint32
-Msitranslate bool
-PowerMgmt bool
-Permissive bool
-Seize bool
-RdmPolicy RdmReservePolicy
-type DeviceRdm struct {
-Start uint64
-Size uint64
-Policy RdmReservePolicy
-type UsbctrlType int
-UsbctrlTypeAuto UsbctrlType = 0
-UsbctrlTypePv UsbctrlType = 1
-UsbctrlTypeDevicemodel UsbctrlType = 2
-UsbctrlTypeQusb UsbctrlType = 3
-type UsbdevType int
-UsbdevTypeHostdev UsbdevType = 1
-type DeviceUsbctrl struct {
-Type UsbctrlType
-Devid Devid
-Version int
-Ports int
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-type DeviceUsbdev struct {
-Ctrl Devid
-Port int
-Type UsbdevType
-TypeUnion deviceUsbdevTypeUnion
-type deviceUsbdevTypeUnion interface {
-type DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev struct {
-Hostbus byte
-Hostaddr byte
-func (x DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev) isdeviceUsbdevTypeUnion(){}
-type DeviceDtdev struct {
-Path string
-type DeviceVtpm struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-Uuid Uuid
-type DeviceP9 struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Tag string
-Path string
-SecurityModel string
-Devid Devid
-type DevicePvcallsif struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-type DeviceChannel struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-Name string
-Connection ChannelConnection
-ConnectionUnion deviceChannelConnectionUnion
-type deviceChannelConnectionUnion interface {
-type DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket struct {
-Path string
-func (x DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket) isdeviceChannelConnectionUnion(){}
-type ConnectorParam struct {
-UniqueId string
-Width uint32
-Height uint32
-type DeviceVdispl struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-BeAlloc bool
-Connectors []ConnectorParam
-type VsndPcmFormat int
-VsndPcmFormatS8 VsndPcmFormat = 1
-VsndPcmFormatU8 VsndPcmFormat = 2
-VsndPcmFormatS16Le VsndPcmFormat = 3
-VsndPcmFormatS16Be VsndPcmFormat = 4
-VsndPcmFormatU16Le VsndPcmFormat = 5
-VsndPcmFormatU16Be VsndPcmFormat = 6
-VsndPcmFormatS24Le VsndPcmFormat = 7
-VsndPcmFormatS24Be VsndPcmFormat = 8
-VsndPcmFormatU24Le VsndPcmFormat = 9
-VsndPcmFormatU24Be VsndPcmFormat = 10
-VsndPcmFormatS32Le VsndPcmFormat = 11
-VsndPcmFormatS32Be VsndPcmFormat = 12
-VsndPcmFormatU32Le VsndPcmFormat = 13
-VsndPcmFormatU32Be VsndPcmFormat = 14
-VsndPcmFormatF32Le VsndPcmFormat = 15
-VsndPcmFormatF32Be VsndPcmFormat = 16
-VsndPcmFormatF64Le VsndPcmFormat = 17
-VsndPcmFormatF64Be VsndPcmFormat = 18
-VsndPcmFormatIec958SubframeLe VsndPcmFormat = 19
-VsndPcmFormatIec958SubframeBe VsndPcmFormat = 20
-VsndPcmFormatMuLaw VsndPcmFormat = 21
-VsndPcmFormatALaw VsndPcmFormat = 22
-VsndPcmFormatImaAdpcm VsndPcmFormat = 23
-VsndPcmFormatMpeg VsndPcmFormat = 24
-VsndPcmFormatGsm VsndPcmFormat = 25
-type VsndParams struct {
-SampleRates []uint32
-SampleFormats []VsndPcmFormat
-ChannelsMin uint32
-ChannelsMax uint32
-BufferSize uint32
-type VsndStreamType int
-VsndStreamTypeP VsndStreamType = 1
-VsndStreamTypeC VsndStreamType = 2
-type VsndStream struct {
-UniqueId string
-Type VsndStreamType
-Params VsndParams
-type VsndPcm struct {
-Name string
-Params VsndParams
-Streams []VsndStream
-type DeviceVsnd struct {
-BackendDomid Domid
-BackendDomname string
-Devid Devid
-ShortName string
-LongName string
-Params VsndParams
-Pcms []VsndPcm
-type DomainConfig struct {
-CInfo DomainCreateInfo
-BInfo DomainBuildInfo
-Disks []DeviceDisk
-Nics []DeviceNic
-Pcidevs []DevicePci
-Rdms []DeviceRdm
-Dtdevs []DeviceDtdev
-Vfbs []DeviceVfb
-Vkbs []DeviceVkb
-Vtpms []DeviceVtpm
-P9S []DeviceP9
-Pvcallsifs []DevicePvcallsif
-Vdispls []DeviceVdispl
-Vsnds []DeviceVsnd
-Channels []DeviceChannel
-Usbctrls []DeviceUsbctrl
-Usbdevs []DeviceUsbdev
-OnPoweroff ActionOnShutdown
-OnReboot ActionOnShutdown
-OnWatchdog ActionOnShutdown
-OnCrash ActionOnShutdown
-OnSoftReset ActionOnShutdown
-type Diskinfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-Evtch int
-Rref int
-type Nicinfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-Evtch int
-RrefTx int
-RrefRx int
-type Vtpminfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-Evtch int
-Rref int
-Uuid Uuid
-type Usbctrlinfo struct {
-Type UsbctrlType
-Devid Devid
-Version int
-Ports int
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-State int
-Evtch int
-RefUrb int
-RefConn int
-type Vcpuinfo struct {
-Vcpuid uint32
-Cpu uint32
-Online bool
-Blocked bool
-Running bool
-VcpuTime uint64
-Cpumap Bitmap
-CpumapSoft Bitmap
-type Physinfo struct {
-ThreadsPerCore uint32
-CoresPerSocket uint32
-MaxCpuId uint32
-NrCpus uint32
-CpuKhz uint32
-TotalPages uint64
-FreePages uint64
-ScrubPages uint64
-OutstandingPages uint64
-SharingFreedPages uint64
-SharingUsedFrames uint64
-MaxPossibleMfn uint64
-NrNodes uint32
-HwCap Hwcap
-CapHvm bool
-CapPv bool
-CapHvmDirectio bool
-CapHap bool
-CapShadow bool
-CapIommuHapPtShare bool
-type Connectorinfo struct {
-UniqueId string
-Width uint32
-Height uint32
-ReqEvtch int
-ReqRref int
-EvtEvtch int
-EvtRref int
-type Vdisplinfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-BeAlloc bool
-Connectors []Connectorinfo
-type Streaminfo struct {
-ReqEvtch int
-ReqRref int
-type Pcminfo struct {
-Streams []Streaminfo
-type Vsndinfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-Pcms []Pcminfo
-type Vkbinfo struct {
-Backend string
-BackendId uint32
-Frontend string
-FrontendId uint32
-Devid Devid
-State int
-Evtch int
-Rref int
-type Numainfo struct {
-Size uint64
-Free uint64
-Dists []uint32
-type Cputopology struct {
-Core uint32
-Socket uint32
-Node uint32
-type Pcitopology struct {
-Seg uint16
-Bus byte
-Devfn byte
-Node uint32
-type SchedCreditParams struct {
-TsliceMs int
-RatelimitUs int
-VcpuMigrDelayUs int
-type SchedCredit2Params struct {
-RatelimitUs int
-type DomainRemusInfo struct {
-Interval int
-AllowUnsafe Defbool
-Blackhole Defbool
-Compression Defbool
-Netbuf Defbool
-Netbufscript string
-Diskbuf Defbool
-Colo Defbool
-UserspaceColoProxy Defbool
-type EventType int
-EventTypeDomainShutdown EventType = 1
-EventTypeDomainDeath EventType = 2
-EventTypeDiskEject EventType = 3
-EventTypeOperationComplete EventType = 4
-EventTypeDomainCreateConsoleAvailable EventType = 5
-type Event struct {
-Link EvLink
-Domid Domid
-Domuuid Uuid
-ForUser uint64
-Type EventType
-TypeUnion eventTypeUnion
-type eventTypeUnion interface {
-type EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown struct {
-ShutdownReason byte
-func (x EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown) iseventTypeUnion(){}
-type EventTypeUnionDiskEject struct {
-Vdev string
-Disk DeviceDisk
-func (x EventTypeUnionDiskEject) iseventTypeUnion(){}
-type EventTypeUnionOperationComplete struct {
-Rc int
-func (x EventTypeUnionOperationComplete) iseventTypeUnion(){}
-type PsrCmtType int
-PsrCmtTypeCacheOccupancy PsrCmtType = 1
-PsrCmtTypeTotalMemCount PsrCmtType = 2
-PsrCmtTypeLocalMemCount PsrCmtType = 3
-type PsrCbmType int
-PsrCbmTypeUnknown PsrCbmType = 0
-PsrCbmTypeL3Cbm PsrCbmType = 1
-PsrCbmTypeL3CbmCode PsrCbmType = 2
-PsrCbmTypeL3CbmData PsrCbmType = 3
-PsrCbmTypeL2Cbm PsrCbmType = 4
-PsrCbmTypeMbaThrtl PsrCbmType = 5
-type PsrCatInfo struct {
-Id uint32
-CosMax uint32
-CbmLen uint32
-CdpEnabled bool
-type PsrFeatType int
-PsrFeatTypeCat PsrFeatType = 1
-PsrFeatTypeMba PsrFeatType = 2
-type PsrHwInfo struct {
-Id uint32
-Type PsrFeatType
-TypeUnion psrHwInfoTypeUnion
-type psrHwInfoTypeUnion interface {
-type PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat struct {
-CosMax uint32
-CbmLen uint32
-CdpEnabled bool
-func (x PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat) ispsrHwInfoTypeUnion(){}
-type PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba struct {
-CosMax uint32
-ThrtlMax uint32
-Linear bool
-func (x PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba) ispsrHwInfoTypeUnion(){}
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go 
deleted file mode 100644
index b9189dec5c..0000000000
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1273 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 George W. Dunlap, Citrix Systems UK Ltd
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-// Package xenlight provides bindings to Xen's libxl C library.
-package xenlight
-#cgo LDFLAGS: -lxenlight -lyajl -lxentoollog
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <libxl.h>
-#include <libxl_utils.h>
-static const libxl_childproc_hooks childproc_hooks = { .chldowner = 
libxl_sigchld_owner_mainloop };
-void xenlight_set_chldproc(libxl_ctx *ctx) {
-       libxl_childproc_setmode(ctx, &childproc_hooks, NULL);
-import "C"
- * Other flags that may be needed at some point:
- *  -lnl-route-3 -lnl-3
- *
- * To get back to static linking:
- * #cgo LDFLAGS: -lxenlight -lyajl_s -lxengnttab -lxenstore -lxenguest 
-lxentoollog -lxenevtchn -lxenctrl -lxenforeignmemory -lxencall -lz -luuid 
- */
-import (
-       "fmt"
-       "os"
-       "os/signal"
-       "syscall"
-       "unsafe"
-var libxlErrors = map[Error]string{
-       ErrorNonspecific:                  "Non-specific error",
-       ErrorVersion:                      "Wrong version",
-       ErrorFail:                         "Failed",
-       ErrorNi:                           "Not Implemented",
-       ErrorNomem:                        "No memory",
-       ErrorInval:                        "Invalid argument",
-       ErrorBadfail:                      "Bad Fail",
-       ErrorGuestTimedout:                "Guest timed out",
-       ErrorTimedout:                     "Timed out",
-       ErrorNoparavirt:                   "No Paravirtualization",
-       ErrorNotReady:                     "Not ready",
-       ErrorOseventRegFail:               "OS event registration failed",
-       ErrorBufferfull:                   "Buffer full",
-       ErrorUnknownChild:                 "Unknown child",
-       ErrorLockFail:                     "Lock failed",
-       ErrorJsonConfigEmpty:              "JSON config empty",
-       ErrorDeviceExists:                 "Device exists",
-       ErrorCheckpointDevopsDoesNotMatch: "Checkpoint devops does not match",
-       ErrorCheckpointDeviceNotSupported: "Checkpoint device not supported",
-       ErrorVnumaConfigInvalid:           "VNUMA config invalid",
-       ErrorDomainNotfound:               "Domain not found",
-       ErrorAborted:                      "Aborted",
-       ErrorNotfound:                     "Not found",
-       ErrorDomainDestroyed:              "Domain destroyed",
-       ErrorFeatureRemoved:               "Feature removed",
-const (
-       DomidInvalid Domid = Domid(C.INVALID_DOMID_TYPED)
-func (e Error) Error() string {
-       if s, ok := libxlErrors[e]; ok {
-               return s
-       }
-       return fmt.Sprintf("libxl error: %d", e)
-// Context represents a libxl_ctx.
-type Context struct {
-       ctx         *C.libxl_ctx
-       logger      *C.xentoollog_logger_stdiostream
-       sigchld     chan os.Signal
-       sigchldDone chan struct{}
-// Golang always unmasks SIGCHLD, and internally has ways of
-// distributing SIGCHLD to multiple recipients.  libxl has provision
-// for this model: just tell it when a SIGCHLD happened, and it will
-// look after its own processes.
-// This should "play nicely" with other users of SIGCHLD as long as
-// they don't reap libxl's processes.
-// Every context needs to be notified on each SIGCHLD; so spin up a
-// new goroutine for each context.  If there are a large number of
-// contexts, this means each context will be woken up looking through
-// its own list of children.
-// The alternate would be to register a fork callback, such that the
-// xenlight package can make a single list of all children, and only
-// notify the specific libxl context(s) that have children woken.  But
-// it's not clear to me this will be much more work than having the
-// xenlight go library do the same thing; doing it in separate go
-// threads has the potential to do it in parallel.  Leave that as an
-// optimization for later if it turns out to be a bottleneck.
-func sigchldHandler(ctx *Context) {
-       for _ = range ctx.sigchld {
-               C.libxl_childproc_sigchld_occurred(ctx.ctx)
-       }
-       close(ctx.sigchldDone)
-// NewContext returns a new Context.
-func NewContext() (ctx *Context, err error) {
-       ctx = &Context{}
-       defer func() {
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.Close()
-                       ctx = nil
-               }
-       }()
-       // Create a logger
-       ctx.logger = C.xtl_createlogger_stdiostream(C.stderr, C.XTL_ERROR, 0)
-       // Allocate a context
-       ret := C.libxl_ctx_alloc(&ctx.ctx, C.LIBXL_VERSION, 0,
-               (*C.xentoollog_logger)(unsafe.Pointer(ctx.logger)))
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return ctx, Error(ret)
-       }
-       // Tell libxl that we'll be dealing with SIGCHLD...
-       C.xenlight_set_chldproc(ctx.ctx)
-       // ...and arrange to keep that promise.
-       ctx.sigchld = make(chan os.Signal, 2)
-       ctx.sigchldDone = make(chan struct{}, 1)
-       signal.Notify(ctx.sigchld, syscall.SIGCHLD)
-       // This goroutine will run until the ctx.sigchld is closed in
-       // ctx.Close(); at which point it will close ctx.sigchldDone.
-       go sigchldHandler(ctx)
-       return ctx, nil
-// Close closes the Context.
-func (ctx *Context) Close() error {
-       // Tell our SIGCHLD notifier to shut down, and wait for it to exit
-       // before we free the context.
-       if ctx.sigchld != nil {
-               signal.Stop(ctx.sigchld)
-               close(ctx.sigchld)
-               <-ctx.sigchldDone
-               ctx.sigchld = nil
-               ctx.sigchldDone = nil
-       }
-       if ctx.ctx != nil {
-               ret := C.libxl_ctx_free(ctx.ctx)
-               if ret != 0 {
-                       return Error(ret)
-               }
-               ctx.ctx = nil
-       }
-       if ctx.logger != nil {
-               ctx.logger = nil
-       }
-       return nil
- * Types: Builtins
- */
-type Domid uint32
-// NameToDomid returns the Domid for a domain, given its name, if it exists.
-// NameToDomid does not guarantee that the domid associated with name at
-// the time NameToDomid is called is the same as the domid associated with
-// name at the time NameToDomid returns.
-func (Ctx *Context) NameToDomid(name string) (Domid, error) {
-       var domid C.uint32_t
-       cname := C.CString(name)
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname))
-       if ret := C.libxl_name_to_domid(Ctx.ctx, cname, &domid); ret != 0 {
-               return DomidInvalid, Error(ret)
-       }
-       return Domid(domid), nil
-// DomidToName returns the name for a domain, given its domid. If there
-// is no domain with the given domid, DomidToName will return the empty
-// string.
-// DomidToName does not guarantee that the name (if any) associated with domid
-// at the time DomidToName is called is the same as the name (if any) 
-// with domid at the time DomidToName returns.
-func (Ctx *Context) DomidToName(domid Domid) string {
-       cname := C.libxl_domid_to_name(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid))
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname))
-       return C.GoString(cname)
-// Devid is a device ID.
-type Devid int
-// Uuid is a domain UUID.
-type Uuid [16]byte
-// String formats a Uuid in the form "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx".
-func (u Uuid) String() string {
-       s := "%x%x%x%x-%x%x-%x%x-%x%x-%x%x%x%x%x%x"
-       opts := make([]interface{}, 16)
-       for i, v := range u {
-               opts[i] = v
-       }
-       return fmt.Sprintf(s, opts...)
-func (u *Uuid) fromC(c *C.libxl_uuid) error {
-       for i := range *u {
-               u[i] = byte(c.uuid[i])
-       }
-       return nil
-func (u *Uuid) toC(cu *C.libxl_uuid) error {
-       for i, v := range u {
-               cu.uuid[i] = C.uint8_t(v)
-       }
-       return nil
-// defboolVal represents a defbool value.
-type defboolVal int
-const (
-       defboolDefault defboolVal = 0
-       defboolFalse   defboolVal = -1
-       defboolTrue    defboolVal = 1
-// Defbool represents a libxl_defbool.
-type Defbool struct {
-       val defboolVal
-func (d Defbool) String() string {
-       switch d.val {
-       case defboolDefault:
-               return "<default>"
-       case defboolFalse:
-               return "False"
-       case defboolTrue:
-               return "True"
-       }
-       return ""
-// Set sets the value of the Defbool.
-func (d *Defbool) Set(b bool) {
-       if b {
-               d.val = defboolTrue
-               return
-       }
-       d.val = defboolFalse
-// Unset resets the Defbool to default value.
-func (d *Defbool) Unset() {
-       d.val = defboolDefault
-// SetIfDefault sets the value of Defbool only if
-// its current value is default.
-func (d *Defbool) SetIfDefault(b bool) {
-       if d.IsDefault() {
-               d.Set(b)
-       }
-// IsDefault returns true if the value of Defbool
-// is default, returns false otherwise.
-func (d *Defbool) IsDefault() bool {
-       return d.val == defboolDefault
-// Val returns the boolean value associated with the
-// Defbool value. An error is returned if the value
-// is default.
-func (d *Defbool) Val() (bool, error) {
-       if d.IsDefault() {
-               return false, fmt.Errorf("%v: cannot take value of default 
defbool", ErrorInval)
-       }
-       return (d.val > 0), nil
-func (d *Defbool) fromC(c *C.libxl_defbool) error {
-       if C.libxl_defbool_is_default(*c) {
-               d.val = defboolDefault
-               return nil
-       }
-       if C.libxl_defbool_val(*c) {
-               d.val = defboolTrue
-               return nil
-       }
-       d.val = defboolFalse
-       return nil
-func (d *Defbool) toC(cd *C.libxl_defbool) error {
-       if !d.IsDefault() {
-               val, _ := d.Val()
-               C.libxl_defbool_set(cd, C.bool(val))
-       }
-       return nil
-// Mac represents a libxl_mac, or simply a MAC address.
-type Mac [6]byte
-// String formats a Mac address to string representation.
-func (mac Mac) String() string {
-       s := "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
-       opts := make([]interface{}, 6)
-       for i, v := range mac {
-               opts[i] = v
-       }
-       return fmt.Sprintf(s, opts...)
-func (mac *Mac) fromC(cmac *C.libxl_mac) error {
-       for i := range *mac {
-               mac[i] = byte(cmac[i])
-       }
-       return nil
-func (mac Mac) toC(cm *C.libxl_mac) error {
-       for i, v := range mac {
-               (*cm)[i] = C.uint8_t(v)
-       }
-       return nil
-// MsVmGenid represents a libxl_ms_vm_genid.
-type MsVmGenid [int(C.LIBXL_MS_VM_GENID_LEN)]byte
-func (mvg *MsVmGenid) fromC(cmvg *C.libxl_ms_vm_genid) error {
-       for i := range *mvg {
-               mvg[i] = byte(cmvg.bytes[i])
-       }
-       return nil
-func (mvg *MsVmGenid) toC(cmvg *C.libxl_ms_vm_genid) error {
-       for i, v := range mvg {
-               cmvg.bytes[i] = C.uint8_t(v)
-       }
-       return nil
-// EvLink represents a libxl_ev_link.
-// Represented as an empty struct for now, as there is no
-// apparent need for the internals of this type to be exposed
-// through the Go package.
-type EvLink struct{}
-func (el *EvLink) fromC(cel *C.libxl_ev_link) error     { return nil }
-func (el *EvLink) toC(cel *C.libxl_ev_link) (err error) { return }
-// CpuidPolicyList represents a libxl_cpuid_policy_list.
-// The value of CpuidPolicyList is honored when used as input to libxl. If
-// a struct contains a field of type CpuidPolicyList, that field will be left
-// empty when it is returned from libxl.
-type CpuidPolicyList string
-func (cpl *CpuidPolicyList) fromC(ccpl *C.libxl_cpuid_policy_list) error { 
*cpl = ""; return nil }
-func (cpl CpuidPolicyList) toC(ccpl *C.libxl_cpuid_policy_list) error {
-       if cpl == "" {
-               *ccpl = nil
-               return nil
-       }
-       s := C.CString(string(cpl))
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s))
-       ret := C.libxl_cpuid_parse_config(ccpl, s)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               C.libxl_cpuid_dispose(ccpl)
-               // libxl_cpuid_parse_config doesn't return a normal libxl error.
-               return ErrorInval
-       }
-       return nil
-// Hwcap represents a libxl_hwcap.
-type Hwcap [8]uint32
-func (hwcap *Hwcap) fromC(chwcap *C.libxl_hwcap) error {
-       for i := range *hwcap {
-               hwcap[i] = uint32(chwcap[i])
-       }
-       return nil
-func (hwcap *Hwcap) toC(chwcap *C.libxl_hwcap) error {
-       for i, v := range hwcap {
-               (*chwcap)[i] = C.uint32_t(v)
-       }
-       return nil
-// KeyValueList represents a libxl_key_value_list.
-// Represented as an empty struct for now, as there is no
-// apparent need for this type to be exposed through the
-// Go package.
-type KeyValueList struct{}
-func (kvl KeyValueList) fromC(ckvl *C.libxl_key_value_list) error     { return 
nil }
-func (kvl KeyValueList) toC(ckvl *C.libxl_key_value_list) (err error) { return 
-// StringList represents a libxl_string_list.
-type StringList []string
-func (sl *StringList) fromC(csl *C.libxl_string_list) error {
-       size := int(C.libxl_string_list_length(csl))
-       list := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(csl))[:size:size]
-       *sl = make([]string, size)
-       for i, v := range list {
-               (*sl)[i] = C.GoString(v)
-       }
-       return nil
-func (sl StringList) toC(csl *C.libxl_string_list) error {
-       var char *C.char
-       size := len(sl)
-       *csl = (C.libxl_string_list)(C.malloc(C.ulong(size) * 
-       clist := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(csl))[:size:size]
-       for i, v := range sl {
-               clist[i] = C.CString(v)
-       }
-       return nil
-// Bitmap represents a libxl_bitmap.
-// Implement the Go bitmap type such that the underlying data can
-// easily be copied in and out.  NB that we still have to do copies
-// both directions, because cgo runtime restrictions forbid passing to
-// a C function a pointer to a Go-allocated structure which contains a
-// pointer.
-type Bitmap struct {
-       // typedef struct {
-       //     uint32_t size;          /* number of bytes in map */
-       //     uint8_t *map;
-       // } libxl_bitmap;
-       bitmap []C.uint8_t
-func (bm *Bitmap) fromC(cbm *C.libxl_bitmap) error {
-       bm.bitmap = nil
-       if size := int(cbm.size); size > 0 {
-               // Alloc a Go slice for the bytes
-               bm.bitmap = make([]C.uint8_t, size)
-               // Make a slice pointing to the C array
-               cs := (*[1 << 
-               // And copy the C array into the Go array
-               copy(bm.bitmap, cs)
-       }
-       return nil
-func (bm *Bitmap) toC(cbm *C.libxl_bitmap) error {
-       size := len(bm.bitmap)
-       cbm.size = C.uint32_t(size)
-       if cbm.size > 0 {
-               cbm._map = (*C.uint8_t)(C.malloc(C.ulong(cbm.size) * 
-               cs := (*[1 << 
-               copy(cs, bm.bitmap)
-       }
-       return nil
-func (sr ShutdownReason) String() (str string) {
-       cstr := C.libxl_shutdown_reason_to_string(C.libxl_shutdown_reason(sr))
-       str = C.GoString(cstr)
-       return
-func (dt DomainType) String() (str string) {
-       cstr := C.libxl_domain_type_to_string(C.libxl_domain_type(dt))
-       str = C.GoString(cstr)
-       return
-// const char *libxl_scheduler_to_string(libxl_scheduler p);
-func (s Scheduler) String() string {
-       cs := C.libxl_scheduler_to_string(C.libxl_scheduler(s))
-       // No need to free const return value
-       return C.GoString(cs)
-// int libxl_scheduler_from_string(const char *s, libxl_scheduler *e);
-func (s *Scheduler) FromString(gstr string) (err error) {
-       *s, err = SchedulerFromString(gstr)
-       return
-func SchedulerFromString(name string) (s Scheduler, err error) {
-       cname := C.CString(name)
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname))
-       var cs C.libxl_scheduler
-       ret := C.libxl_scheduler_from_string(cname, &cs)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       s = Scheduler(cs)
-       return
-// libxl_cpupoolinfo * libxl_list_cpupool(libxl_ctx*, int *nb_pool_out);
-// void libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(libxl_cpupoolinfo *list, int nb_pool);
-func (Ctx *Context) ListCpupool() (list []Cpupoolinfo) {
-       var nbPool C.int
-       c_cpupool_list := C.libxl_list_cpupool(Ctx.ctx, &nbPool)
-       defer C.libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(c_cpupool_list, nbPool)
-       if int(nbPool) == 0 {
-               return
-       }
-       // Magic
-       cpupoolListSlice := (*[1 << 
-       for i := range cpupoolListSlice {
-               var info Cpupoolinfo
-               _ = info.fromC(&cpupoolListSlice[i])
-               list = append(list, info)
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_info(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_cpupoolinfo *info, uint32_t 
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolInfo(Poolid uint32) (pool Cpupoolinfo, err error) {
-       var c_cpupool C.libxl_cpupoolinfo
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_info(Ctx.ctx, &c_cpupool, C.uint32_t(Poolid))
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_cpupoolinfo_dispose(&c_cpupool)
-       err = pool.fromC(&c_cpupool)
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_create(libxl_ctx *ctx, const char *name,
-//                          libxl_scheduler sched,
-//                          libxl_bitmap cpumap, libxl_uuid *uuid,
-//                          uint32_t *poolid);
-// FIXME: uuid
-// FIXME: Setting poolid
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCreate(Name string, Scheduler Scheduler, Cpumap 
Bitmap) (err error, Poolid uint32) {
-       poolid := C.uint32_t(C.LIBXL_CPUPOOL_POOLID_ANY)
-       name := C.CString(Name)
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name))
-       // For now, just do what xl does, and make a new uuid every time we 
create the pool
-       var uuid C.libxl_uuid
-       C.libxl_uuid_generate(&uuid)
-       var cbm C.libxl_bitmap
-       if err = Cpumap.toC(&cbm); err != nil {
-               return
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cbm)
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_create(Ctx.ctx, name, 
-               cbm, &uuid, &poolid)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       Poolid = uint32(poolid)
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_destroy(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolDestroy(Poolid uint32) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_destroy(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid))
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_cpuadd(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, int cpu);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCpuadd(Poolid uint32, Cpu int) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_cpuadd(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), C.int(Cpu))
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_cpumap(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid,
-//                                 const libxl_bitmap *cpumap);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCpuaddCpumap(Poolid uint32, Cpumap Bitmap) (err 
error) {
-       var cbm C.libxl_bitmap
-       if err = Cpumap.toC(&cbm); err != nil {
-               return
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cbm)
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_cpumap(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), &cbm)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_cpuremove(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, int cpu);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCpuremove(Poolid uint32, Cpu int) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_cpuremove(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), 
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_cpumap(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid,
-//                                    const libxl_bitmap *cpumap);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCpuremoveCpumap(Poolid uint32, Cpumap Bitmap) (err 
error) {
-       var cbm C.libxl_bitmap
-       if err = Cpumap.toC(&cbm); err != nil {
-               return
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cbm)
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_cpumap(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), 
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_rename(libxl_ctx *ctx, const char *name, uint32_t poolid);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolRename(Name string, Poolid uint32) (err error) {
-       name := C.CString(Name)
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name))
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_rename(Ctx.ctx, name, C.uint32_t(Poolid))
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_node(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, int node, 
int *cpus);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCpuaddNode(Poolid uint32, Node int) (Cpus int, err 
error) {
-       ccpus := C.int(0)
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_node(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), 
C.int(Node), &ccpus)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       Cpus = int(ccpus)
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_node(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, int node, 
int *cpus);
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolCpuremoveNode(Poolid uint32, Node int) (Cpus int, 
err error) {
-       ccpus := C.int(0)
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_node(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), 
C.int(Node), &ccpus)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       Cpus = int(ccpus)
-       return
-// int libxl_cpupool_movedomain(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t poolid, uint32_t 
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolMovedomain(Poolid uint32, Id Domid) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_cpupool_movedomain(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Poolid), 
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       return
-// Utility functions
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info Cpupoolinfo, found 
bool) {
-       plist := Ctx.ListCpupool()
-       for i := range plist {
-               if plist[i].PoolName == name {
-                       found = true
-                       info = plist[i]
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       return
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolMakeFree(Cpumap Bitmap) (err error) {
-       plist := Ctx.ListCpupool()
-       for i := range plist {
-               var Intersection Bitmap
-               Intersection = Cpumap.And(plist[i].Cpumap)
-               if !Intersection.IsEmpty() {
-                       err = Ctx.CpupoolCpuremoveCpumap(plist[i].Poolid, 
-                       if err != nil {
-                               return
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return
- * Bitmap operations
- */
-func (bm *Bitmap) Test(bit int) bool {
-       ubit := uint(bit)
-       if bit > bm.Max() || bm.bitmap == nil {
-               return false
-       }
-       return (bm.bitmap[bit/8] & (1 << (ubit & 7))) != 0
-func (bm *Bitmap) Set(bit int) {
-       ibit := bit / 8
-       if ibit+1 > len(bm.bitmap) {
-               bm.bitmap = append(bm.bitmap, make([]C.uint8_t, 
-       }
-       bm.bitmap[ibit] |= 1 << (uint(bit) & 7)
-func (bm *Bitmap) SetRange(start int, end int) {
-       for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
-               bm.Set(i)
-       }
-func (bm *Bitmap) Clear(bit int) {
-       ubit := uint(bit)
-       if bit > bm.Max() || bm.bitmap == nil {
-               return
-       }
-       bm.bitmap[bit/8] &= ^(1 << (ubit & 7))
-func (bm *Bitmap) ClearRange(start int, end int) {
-       for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
-               bm.Clear(i)
-       }
-func (bm *Bitmap) Max() int {
-       return len(bm.bitmap)*8 - 1
-func (bm *Bitmap) IsEmpty() bool {
-       for i := 0; i < len(bm.bitmap); i++ {
-               if bm.bitmap[i] != 0 {
-                       return false
-               }
-       }
-       return true
-func (a Bitmap) And(b Bitmap) (c Bitmap) {
-       var max, min int
-       if len(a.bitmap) > len(b.bitmap) {
-               max = len(a.bitmap)
-               min = len(b.bitmap)
-       } else {
-               max = len(b.bitmap)
-               min = len(a.bitmap)
-       }
-       c.bitmap = make([]C.uint8_t, max)
-       for i := 0; i < min; i++ {
-               c.bitmap[i] = a.bitmap[i] & b.bitmap[i]
-       }
-       return
-func (bm Bitmap) String() (s string) {
-       lastOnline := false
-       crange := false
-       printed := false
-       var i int
-       /// --x-xxxxx-x -> 2,4-8,10
-       /// --x-xxxxxxx -> 2,4-10
-       for i = 0; i <= bm.Max(); i++ {
-               if bm.Test(i) {
-                       if !lastOnline {
-                               // Switching offline -> online, print this cpu
-                               if printed {
-                                       s += ","
-                               }
-                               s += fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
-                               printed = true
-                       } else if !crange {
-                               // last was online, but we're not in a range; 
print -
-                               crange = true
-                               s += "-"
-                       } else {
-                               // last was online, we're in a range,  nothing 
else to do
-                       }
-                       lastOnline = true
-               } else {
-                       if lastOnline {
-                               // Switching online->offline; do we need to end 
a range?
-                               if crange {
-                                       s += fmt.Sprintf("%d", i-1)
-                               }
-                       }
-                       lastOnline = false
-                       crange = false
-               }
-       }
-       if lastOnline {
-               // Switching online->offline; do we need to end a range?
-               if crange {
-                       s += fmt.Sprintf("%d", i-1)
-               }
-       }
-       return
-//int libxl_get_max_cpus(libxl_ctx *ctx);
-func (Ctx *Context) GetMaxCpus() (maxCpus int, err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_get_max_cpus(Ctx.ctx)
-       if ret < 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       maxCpus = int(ret)
-       return
-//int libxl_get_online_cpus(libxl_ctx *ctx);
-func (Ctx *Context) GetOnlineCpus() (onCpus int, err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_get_online_cpus(Ctx.ctx)
-       if ret < 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       onCpus = int(ret)
-       return
-//int libxl_get_max_nodes(libxl_ctx *ctx);
-func (Ctx *Context) GetMaxNodes() (maxNodes int, err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_get_max_nodes(Ctx.ctx)
-       if ret < 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       maxNodes = int(ret)
-       return
-//int libxl_get_free_memory(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint64_t *memkb);
-func (Ctx *Context) GetFreeMemory() (memkb uint64, err error) {
-       var cmem C.uint64_t
-       ret := C.libxl_get_free_memory(Ctx.ctx, &cmem)
-       if ret < 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       memkb = uint64(cmem)
-       return
-//int libxl_get_physinfo(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_physinfo *physinfo)
-func (Ctx *Context) GetPhysinfo() (physinfo *Physinfo, err error) {
-       var cphys C.libxl_physinfo
-       C.libxl_physinfo_init(&cphys)
-       defer C.libxl_physinfo_dispose(&cphys)
-       ret := C.libxl_get_physinfo(Ctx.ctx, &cphys)
-       if ret < 0 {
-               err = Error(ret)
-               return
-       }
-       err = physinfo.fromC(&cphys)
-       return
-//const libxl_version_info* libxl_get_version_info(libxl_ctx *ctx);
-func (Ctx *Context) GetVersionInfo() (info *VersionInfo, err error) {
-       var cinfo *C.libxl_version_info
-       cinfo = C.libxl_get_version_info(Ctx.ctx)
-       err = info.fromC(cinfo)
-       return
-func (Ctx *Context) DomainInfo(Id Domid) (di *Dominfo, err error) {
-       var cdi C.libxl_dominfo
-       C.libxl_dominfo_init(&cdi)
-       defer C.libxl_dominfo_dispose(&cdi)
-       ret := C.libxl_domain_info(Ctx.ctx, &cdi, C.uint32_t(Id))
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       err = di.fromC(&cdi)
-       return
-func (Ctx *Context) DomainUnpause(Id Domid) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_domain_unpause(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Id), nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-       }
-       return
-//int libxl_domain_pause(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domain);
-func (Ctx *Context) DomainPause(id Domid) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_domain_pause(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(id), nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-       }
-       return
-//int libxl_domain_shutdown(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid);
-func (Ctx *Context) DomainShutdown(id Domid) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_domain_shutdown(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(id), nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-       }
-       return
-//int libxl_domain_reboot(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid);
-func (Ctx *Context) DomainReboot(id Domid) (err error) {
-       ret := C.libxl_domain_reboot(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(id), nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-       }
-       return
-//libxl_dominfo * libxl_list_domain(libxl_ctx*, int *nb_domain_out);
-//void libxl_dominfo_list_free(libxl_dominfo *list, int nb_domain);
-func (Ctx *Context) ListDomain() (glist []Dominfo) {
-       var nbDomain C.int
-       clist := C.libxl_list_domain(Ctx.ctx, &nbDomain)
-       defer C.libxl_dominfo_list_free(clist, nbDomain)
-       if int(nbDomain) == 0 {
-               return
-       }
-       gslice := (*[1 << 
-       for i := range gslice {
-               var info Dominfo
-               _ = info.fromC(&gslice[i])
-               glist = append(glist, info)
-       }
-       return
-//libxl_vcpuinfo *libxl_list_vcpu(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
-//                             int *nb_vcpu, int *nr_cpus_out);
-//void libxl_vcpuinfo_list_free(libxl_vcpuinfo *, int nr_vcpus);
-func (Ctx *Context) ListVcpu(id Domid) (glist []Vcpuinfo) {
-       var nbVcpu C.int
-       var nrCpu C.int
-       clist := C.libxl_list_vcpu(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(id), &nbVcpu, &nrCpu)
-       defer C.libxl_vcpuinfo_list_free(clist, nbVcpu)
-       if int(nbVcpu) == 0 {
-               return
-       }
-       gslice := (*[1 << 
-       for i := range gslice {
-               var info Vcpuinfo
-               _ = info.fromC(&gslice[i])
-               glist = append(glist, info)
-       }
-       return
-func (ct ConsoleType) String() (str string) {
-       cstr := C.libxl_console_type_to_string(C.libxl_console_type(ct))
-       str = C.GoString(cstr)
-       return
-//int libxl_console_get_tty(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int cons_num,
-//libxl_console_type type, char **path);
-func (Ctx *Context) ConsoleGetTty(id Domid, consNum int, conType ConsoleType) 
(path string, err error) {
-       var cpath *C.char
-       ret := C.libxl_console_get_tty(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(id), C.int(consNum), 
C.libxl_console_type(conType), &cpath)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpath))
-       path = C.GoString(cpath)
-       return
-//int libxl_primary_console_get_tty(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid_vm,
-//                                     char **path);
-func (Ctx *Context) PrimaryConsoleGetTty(domid uint32) (path string, err 
error) {
-       var cpath *C.char
-       ret := C.libxl_primary_console_get_tty(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), 
-       if ret != 0 {
-               err = Error(-ret)
-               return
-       }
-       defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpath))
-       path = C.GoString(cpath)
-       return
-// DeviceNicAdd adds a nic to a domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DeviceNicAdd(domid Domid, nic *DeviceNic) error {
-       var cnic C.libxl_device_nic
-       if err := nic.toC(&cnic); err != nil {
-               return err
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_device_nic_dispose(&cnic)
-       ret := C.libxl_device_nic_add(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), &cnic, nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Error(ret)
-       }
-       return nil
-// DeviceNicRemove removes a nic from a domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DeviceNicRemove(domid Domid, nic *DeviceNic) error {
-       var cnic C.libxl_device_nic
-       if err := nic.toC(&cnic); err != nil {
-               return err
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_device_nic_dispose(&cnic)
-       ret := C.libxl_device_nic_remove(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), &cnic, nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Error(ret)
-       }
-       return nil
-// DevicePciAdd is used to passthrough a PCI device to a domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DevicePciAdd(domid Domid, pci *DevicePci) error {
-       var cpci C.libxl_device_pci
-       if err := pci.toC(&cpci); err != nil {
-               return err
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_device_pci_dispose(&cpci)
-       ret := C.libxl_device_pci_add(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), &cpci, nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Error(ret)
-       }
-       return nil
-// DevicePciRemove removes a PCI device from a domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DevicePciRemove(domid Domid, pci *DevicePci) error {
-       var cpci C.libxl_device_pci
-       if err := pci.toC(&cpci); err != nil {
-               return err
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_device_pci_dispose(&cpci)
-       ret := C.libxl_device_pci_remove(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), &cpci, nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Error(ret)
-       }
-       return nil
-// DeviceUsbdevAdd adds a USB device to a domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DeviceUsbdevAdd(domid Domid, usbdev *DeviceUsbdev) error {
-       var cusbdev C.libxl_device_usbdev
-       if err := usbdev.toC(&cusbdev); err != nil {
-               return err
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_device_usbdev_dispose(&cusbdev)
-       ret := C.libxl_device_usbdev_add(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), &cusbdev, 
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Error(ret)
-       }
-       return nil
-// DeviceUsbdevRemove removes a USB device from a domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DeviceUsbdevRemove(domid Domid, usbdev *DeviceUsbdev) 
error {
-       var cusbdev C.libxl_device_usbdev
-       if err := usbdev.toC(&cusbdev); err != nil {
-               return err
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_device_usbdev_dispose(&cusbdev)
-       ret := C.libxl_device_usbdev_remove(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(domid), 
&cusbdev, nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Error(ret)
-       }
-       return nil
-// DomainCreateNew creates a new domain.
-func (Ctx *Context) DomainCreateNew(config *DomainConfig) (Domid, error) {
-       var cdomid C.uint32_t
-       var cconfig C.libxl_domain_config
-       err := config.toC(&cconfig)
-       if err != nil {
-               return Domid(0), fmt.Errorf("converting domain config to C: 
%v", err)
-       }
-       defer C.libxl_domain_config_dispose(&cconfig)
-       ret := C.libxl_domain_create_new(Ctx.ctx, &cconfig, &cdomid, nil, nil)
-       if ret != 0 {
-               return Domid(0), Error(ret)
-       }
-       return Domid(cdomid), nil



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