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Re: Xen-ARM DomUs


On 15/12/2020 02:16, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
Finally getting to the truly productive stages of my project with Xen on

How many of the OSes which function as x86 DomUs for Xen, function as
ARM DomUs?  Getting Linux operational was straightforward, but what of

If you are interested to port an new OS on Xen, I would suggest to read [1].

The available examples seem geared towards Linux DomUs.  I'm looking at a
FreeBSD installation image and it appears to expect an EFI firmware.
Beyond having a bunch of files appearing oriented towards booting on EFI
I can't say much about (booting) FreeBSD/ARM DomUs.

I wrote PoC a few years ago to boot FreeBSD on Xen on Arm (see [2]). I haven't touched it for quite a while, so you may need to use a different branch in that tree.


[1] https://events.static.linuxfound.org/sites/events/files/slides/Porting%20FreeBSD%20on%20Xen%20on%20ARM%20.pdf [2] https://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=people/julieng/freebsd.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/dev-arm64

Julien Grall



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