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RE: [PATCH v2 2/9] xen/x86: Use enumerations to indicate NUMA status

  • To: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • From: Wei Chen <Wei.Chen@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 09:03:59 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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  • Cc: nd <nd@xxxxxxx>, Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>, "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 09:04:38 +0000
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  • Thread-index: AQHYktrASbKlS5xyGUK27wSgSLVuo616tdwAgALfc0A=
  • Thread-topic: [PATCH v2 2/9] xen/x86: Use enumerations to indicate NUMA status

Hi Jan,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
> Sent: 2022年7月12日 20:49
> To: Wei Chen <Wei.Chen@xxxxxxx>
> Cc: nd <nd@xxxxxxx>; Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>; Roger Pau
> Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>; Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>; xen-
> devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 2/9] xen/x86: Use enumerations to indicate NUMA
> status
> On 08.07.2022 16:54, Wei Chen wrote:
> > In current code, x86 is using two variables, numa_off and acpi_numa,
> > to indicate the NUMA status. This is because NUMA is not coupled with
> > ACPI, and ACPI still can work without NUMA on x86. With these two
> > variables' combinations, x86 can have several NUMA status:
> > NUMA swith on,
> > NUMA swith off,
> > NUMA swith on with NUMA emulation,
> > NUMA swith on with no-ACPI,
> > NUMA swith on with ACPI.
> Hmm, with both this and the actual change I'm not able to convince
> myself that you've expressed the prior combinations correctly. May
> I suggest that you make table representing the 6 (I think)
> combinations of original states with their mapping to the new
> enumerators? (It doesn't need to be 6 different enumerators, but
> all 6 existing states need a [proper] representation in the new
> model.)

Sorry for replying later, I paid sometime to check the code again,
and drew a table like below, I ignore two columns when numa_off=true
and acpi_numa=1/-1. Because when numa_off = true, ACPI srat table
will not be parsed:
| original  |  col1   |  col2         |  col3     |  col4      |  col5    |
|numa_off   |true     |false          |false      |false       |false     |
|acpi_numa  |0        |0              |1          |-1          |x         |
|numa_fake  |x        |x              |x          |x           |fake_nodes|
|enum state |numa_off |numa_fw_nodata |numa_fw_ok |numa_fw_bad |numa_emu  |

The following scenarios will make acpi_numa=0:
1. Xen disable ACPI through acpi_disabled = 1.
2. ACPI table doesn't have SRAT, or SRAT doesn't contain CPU and memory
   NUMA affinity information.
3. Emulate numa through "numa=fake" command line parameter. But I found
   that when numa_fake is enabled, current code will not prevent ACPI
   srat parsers to parse NUMA information. So acpi_numa still may be
   changed later. Is there any further reasons that we still need to
   parse NUMA info from SRAT table when numa=fake? Or can we set
   acpi_numa = -1 in nume_setup when "numa=fake" to make srat_disabled
   can prevent ACPI SRAT parsing.

If meet the following conditions, then acpi_numa = 1:
1. Xen enable ACPI through acpi_disabled = 0.
2. ACPI SRAT parser can parse CPU and Memory NUMA affinities successfully
   from SRAT table.
3. Pass the memmory blocks' sanity check and hash computing in

The following scenarios will make acpi_numa=-1:
1. ACPI table is disabled  by "numa=noacpi" command like parameter.
2. Xen enable ACPI through acpi_disabled = 0 but ACPI SRAT parser can not
   parse CPU or Memory NUMA affinities successfully from SRAT table.
3. The memmory blocks' sanity check or hash computing in acpi_scan_nodes
   is failed.

> As an aside - I think you mean "switched" in all five of these
> lines.

Yes, I will fix them in next version.

> > --- a/xen/arch/x86/include/asm/numa.h
> > +++ b/xen/arch/x86/include/asm/numa.h
> > @@ -28,12 +28,22 @@ extern nodeid_t pxm_to_node(unsigned int pxm);
> >  #define VIRTUAL_BUG_ON(x)
> >
> > +/* Enumerations for NUMA status. */
> > +enum numa_mode {
> > +   numa_on = 0,
> > +   numa_off,
> May I suggest to switch these two around, such that "off" becomes
> the meaning of 0, potentially allowing ! to be used in a boolean-
> like fashion here or there? And please omit the "= 0" part - it's
> only non-zero first values which actually need spelling out.


> > +   /* NUMA turns on, but ACPI table is bad or disabled. */
> > +   numa_no_acpi,
> > +   /* NUMA turns on, and ACPI table works well. */
> > +   numa_acpi,
> As to the names of these: In the description you already say that
> you want to re-use the code for non-ACPI cases. Wouldn't you better
> avoid "acpi" in the names then (rather than perhaps renaming these
> another time later on)?
> I'd also like to understand what useful state "numa_no_acpi" is.
> I realize this was a state expressable by the two original
> variables, but does it make sense?

I have updated the new names in above table. And "numa_no_acpi"
is mapping to " numa_fw_bad" enum state.

> > @@ -528,7 +528,8 @@ int __init acpi_scan_nodes(paddr_t start, paddr_t
> end)
> >     for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUMNODES; i++)
> >             cutoff_node(i, start, end);
> >
> > -   if (acpi_numa <= 0)
> > +   /* Only when numa_on with good firmware, we can do numa scan nodes.
> */
> > +   if (!numa_enabled_with_firmware())
> >             return -1;
> Nit: Perhaps drop "do numa" from the comment?

Ok, I will do it in next version.

Wei Chen

> Jan



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