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Re: [PATCH] xen/arm64: Default ACPI support enabled

On Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 10:32:22PM +0000, Julien Grall wrote:
> Hi,
> On 06/02/2023 20:30, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 05:07:50PM +0000, Julien Grall wrote:
> >>
> >> On 06/02/2023 16:09, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> >>> On Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 10:38:32AM +0000, Julien Grall wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> On 06/02/2023 07:29, Jan Beulich wrote:
> >>>>> On 22.07.2020 19:43, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> >>>>>> --- a/xen/arch/arm/Kconfig
> >>>>>> +++ b/xen/arch/arm/Kconfig
> >>>>>> @@ -29,13 +29,18 @@ menu "Architecture Features"
> >>>>>>     source "arch/Kconfig"
> >>>>>>     
> >>>>>>     config ACPI
> >>>>>> -      bool "ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support 
> >>>>>> +      bool "ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support 
> >>>>>> (UNSUPPORTED)"
> >>>>
> >>>> The concerns I raised in [1] still stand. Most of the ACPI platform will
> >>>> also have support for IOMMUs. If we have support for IORT in Xen, then I
> >>>> would be a lot more amenable to remove the "UNSUPPORTED". And without
> >>>> that support we are going to do more harm and than good.
> >>>
> >>> Okay, this has been a known issue for *years* and yet remains unresolved
> >>> despite being a major issue.
> >>
> >> Right, the situation hasn't changed much since you last sent your patch
> >>
> >> Unless you fancy working on ACPI, I don't really see the situation
> >> changing soon.
> > 
> > The situation is changing in large entities are pushing ACPI for ARM.  If
> > they succeed (likely) then it will be a case of Xen/ARM MUST support
> > ACPI, or else the project will die. 
> This is quite a bold statement... I can see this ACPI to overtake in 
> server world where ACPI is sort of the de-facto default firmware table. 
> However, in embedded this is probably going to be more mixed because 
> Device-Tree is a lot simpler to use (think of safety certified environment).

Quite true.  Many technologies though tend to slowly flow down from the
high-end server market into lower-end desktop and then embedded markets
(some do go the opposite direction).  Notice the first computers filled
rooms, yet now many doorknobs have computers.  Hypervisors started on
high-end servers, yet now most phones have 95% of the technology.

I don't expect to see ACPI inside cars in the next decade, but I suspect
it may be common on cellphones and routers soon.

> >>>   Might be an abomination, but would it work
> >>> to find the string "IORT" and change it to "iort", "RTIO" or "IOXN" to
> >>> prevent Dom0 from finding it?
> >>
> >> Unfortunately no because there IORT is used to describing mapping for
> >> the GICv3 ITS which is currently working when ACPI is enabled in Xen.
> > 
> > The original advantage of Xen was paravirtualization.  Might this
> > be a case where it is better to have Domain 0 compensate and know the
> > SMMU is unusable with current versions of Xen?
> I believe it would make more difficult to add support for Stage-1 SMMU 
> in dom0. So this would be a short-sighted decision.

Okay.  Use a feature bit?  Perhaps have something passing "iommu=off" to
the Dom0 kernel?

> >>> This ends up turning into a question of what are the cases and which are
> >>> more common?
> >>>
> >>> Case1: DT-only: Unchanged
> >>>
> >>> Case2: Switchable between DT and ACPI, w/o SMMU: Starts working with ACPI
> >>>
> >>> Case3: Switchable between DT and ACPI, w/SMMU: Unchanged, ACPI mode still
> >>> doesn't work, but the failure is different.
> >>>
> >>> Case4: Concurrent DT and ACPI support, w/o SMMU: Unchanged
> >>
> >> So Xen would start using ACPI rather than DT.I think we should default
> >> DT it until we have the ACPI support completed.
> > 
> > Isn't this precisely what the proposed change does?  Are you suggesting,
> > if both DT and ACPI are present, prevent Dom0 from seeing ACPI?
> In the current model Xen and dom0 have to be using the same kind of 
> firmware table. IOW if Xen is using the Device-Tree then dom0 has to.
> We never investigated whether it would be feasible for Dom0 to use ACPI 
> but not Xen.
> >  If
> > you're suggesting doing futher masking, perhaps only if SMMU is present?
> Even if we remove the dependencies on UNSUPPORTED, ACPI will still be in 
> a unsupported state by Xen Project (at least until the missing feature 
> are present).
> This means, if both Device-Tree and ACPI are present then we should boot 
> using Device-Tree so the user is using a supported configuration. If 
> they wish to use ACPI, then they will need to pass "acpi=on" on the Xen 
> command line.

This seems reasonable.

> >>> Case5: Concurrent DT and ACPI support, w/SMMU: Breaks if Dom0 tries to
> >>> use ACPI
> >>>
> >>> Case6: ACPI-only, w/o SMMU: Starts working out-of-box
> >>>
> >>> Case7: ACPI-only, w/SMMU: Unchanged (still broken)
> >>
> >> To clarify, this will boot but then start to break in very subtle way.
> > 
> > Which suggests a need to provide warnings the situation is known to be
> > broken.
> Right. If that's the decision, then this would need to be part of this 
> patch (or a new one patch).

A warning message was part of a previous version.  Yet that was rejected
and the recent suggestion was to send the bare default enable ACPI by

> >>> Ultimately this is more a decision for Xen Project management, than the
> >>> technical side.  Are things in shape where they can be rolled out?
> >>
> >> No. But as I wrote before, I don't believe the gap is very big.
> >>
> >>>   Is
> >>> ACPI support important enough to need rolling out now?
> >>>
> >>> I'm unsure about the former, but the latter seems a distinct "yes" since
> >>> ACPI appears to be the future.
> >>
> >> ACPI is indeed picking up the pace on Arm Server and platform where
> >> Windows on Arm is supported. But that should not only be the reason to
> >> remove UNSUPPORTED.
> > 
> > Well good news is I'm not proposing removing the unsupported marking.
> > I'm proposing to enable ACPI by default.  I think it is reasonable to
> > add more warnings at runtime of the setup not being supported.
>  From my experience warnings tend to be ignore/forgotten. So this could 
> lead to poorer experience when issues are subbtle (think memory corruption).

True enough.  :-(

> >> You are right that enabling ACPI by default will draw more users. But I
> >> also expect those users to be less familiar with Xen and therefore not
> >> very interested to fix bugs. So removing EXPERT/UNSUPPORTED is probably
> >> going to still make them unhappy as I don't think the help (including
> >> writing patch) for ACPI on Arm will change very much in the near future
> >> (from the community call I was under the impression you could not commit
> >> time for it).
> > 
> > The average level of technical competence may be lower, but the larger
> > pool of people should yield enough to get additional problems fixed. >
> >> So I am not convinced this is really making Xen in a better position
> >> right now.
> > 
> > Right now the present situation is *actively* pushing people who want to
> > use Xen on ACPI-only ARM boards away.

> That's interesting because I haven't encountered that many ACPI-only 
> platform outside of the server world.

Perhaps most have been looking up information, finding Xen didn't support
ACPI on ARM and quietly disappearing.

> But, honestly, I think you are blaming a bit too much 
> EXPERT/UNSUPPORTED. Such issue would be really a problem with single 
> contributor. For companies they usually care less and will pick whatever 
> suit them (even it is behind a Kconfig).

Though individuals are valuable since they represent mindshare and
mindshare has a distinct influence on the future.

On Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 04:09:51PM -0800, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> +George
> On Mon, 6 Feb 2023, Julien Grall wrote:
> > On 06/02/2023 20:30, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > > The situation is changing in large entities are pushing ACPI for ARM.  If
> > > they succeed (likely) then it will be a case of Xen/ARM MUST support
> > > ACPI, or else the project will die. 
> We need to be careful when making wide-reaching marketing statements because:
> - it is always extremely hard to make accurate prediction of the future
> - even seasoned experts often make major guessing mistakes
> Bill Gates predicted that OS/2 would take over the world in '87. Many
> people on xen-devel might not even know what OS/2 is.
> I am not aware of any plans by Xilinx (now AMD) to replace Device Tree
> with ACPI. In fact we are investing in Device Tree with System Device
> Tree and other related activites (Lopper, etc.)

True enough.  Though see above about many bits of technology tending to
slowly flow from the server room into smaller systems.

> I suggest to keep the discussion technical and practical. As a
> community, we don't enable experimental/unsupported features by default
> for obvious reasons. In this case, the feature (ACPI) might give a
> chance to Xen to boot on a given platform.

As noted, nested-HVM support is present in default builds of 4.14/x86.

> Do we want to make an exception for ACPI to be enabled by default even
> if experimental/unsupported? If so, we can look into the details of how
> to do that.

As noted, this allows Xen to boot on more devices (whereas without it Xen
won't boot).  So this is what places ACPI support into a different

Classic approach is a warning message with a delay.  Marking as tainted
has been suggested.  I don't have any additional ideas.

> But first, we need a policy decision. Who should be the people making
> this decision? I'll let George as Community Manager decide if the
> decision stands with the ARM maintainers or with the committers.

I think this has gotten into a none of the above category; this is more
of a management/community question.  Does enabling it provide a better
experience by making things simpler for more people?  Does enabling it
provide a worse experience by something not supported escaping?
Management has to make a guess as which is more likely beneficial to the
Xen Project's future.

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