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Hi, a read about XEN in a linux magazine.
I'm looking to a way to make two virtual machine into a single server to made a machine to use as backend an the other to use as frontend.
I tried to install XEN from binary provided with the magazine.... but....
in my SO (linux SUSE 9.2) i havent istalled gcc...
i istalled from yast RPM...
and then i havent bridge utils....  donwloaded and installed....
the istallation check don't recognyze my bridge utils... so i made a simbolic link into dir /usr/bin that point to the real location of the utils...
the chek was passed...
i aven't be able to install twisted....
i download.. and tried to istall without success...
i haven't python disutils
i downloaded and i tried to install without success....
so i think to renounce to install XEN when....
i upgrading suse 9.2 to 9.3.... and XEN istallation is included into YAST panel control i'm start the istallation on XEN... suse ask what kind of programs istall with XEN....
1Hour of waiting and.... nothing...
the istallation is compleate and i return to my suse desktop.... i restart SO... but grub menu say 'SUSE 9,3' 'FLOPPY' 'SUSE failsafe'....
i see that i have istalled for xample xend and xensv command

i've istalled XEN correctly? i must only configure it?
How install my new virtual domains?
i want to install e slackware domain... and a debian domain too...
how configure it and monitor it too?

i hope somebody can give me an help
thank you

Michele - Italia

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