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> Hi, a read about XEN in a linux magazine.
> I'm looking to a way to make two virtual machine into a single server to
> made a machine to use as backend an the other to use as frontend.

Great stuff!  You should find Xen fine for this...

> I tried to install XEN from binary provided with the magazine.... but....
> in my SO (linux SUSE 9.2) i havent istalled gcc...
> i istalled from yast RPM...
> and then i havent bridge utils....  donwloaded and installed....
> the istallation check don't recognyze my bridge utils... so i made a
> simbolic link into dir /usr/bin that point to the real location of the
> utils...
> the chek was passed...
> i aven't be able to install twisted....
> i download.. and tried to istall without success...

Yast should have an RPM for twisted you can just install.

> i haven't python disutils
> i downloaded and i tried to install without success....

Ditto - should be called something like python-distutils or python-devel...

> so i think to renounce to install XEN when....
> i upgrading suse 9.2 to 9.3.... and XEN istallation is included into
> YAST panel control
> i'm start the istallation on XEN... suse ask what kind of programs
> istall with XEN....
> 1Hour of waiting and.... nothing...
> the istallation is compleate and i return to my suse desktop.... i
> restart SO... but grub menu say 'SUSE 9,3' 'FLOPPY' 'SUSE failsafe'....
> i see that i have istalled for xample xend and xensv command
> i've istalled XEN correctly? i must only configure it?

You installed a virtual machines from Yast, right?  Have you installed the Xen 
packages using the Yast rpm manager?  Those *should* add a Xen boot option to 
your grub config (and it should take a couple of minutes, not an hour as it 
did to generate a guest filesystem).

> How install my new virtual domains?
> i want to install e slackware domain... and a debian domain too...
> how configure it and monitor it too?

For Debian, install it using "debootstrap" - there's a guide in the Appendix 
of the user manual.  For SuSE virtual machines, create a partition or disk 
file and use Yast to install into a directory.

For many distros, the easiest way to install is to reboot using their install 
CD, install onto a spare partition on your hard drive, then boot back into 
your Xenified dom0 distro and point a domain config file at that partition.


> i hope somebody can give me an help
> thank you
> Michele - Italia
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