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Re: [Xen-users] how to compile a xen kernel (on debian testing)?

On 2005-09-30 12:58, Ralph Passgang wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems so that xen 2.0.7 (don't know about xen-testing or xen-unstable) 
> doesn't compile on debian UNSTABLE (sid) with the errors you saw. Some weeks 
> earlier the same xen version compiled without a problem.
> I can compile xen 2.0.7 on debian testing (etch) and debian stable (sarge)  
> without a problem (same source package).

Well, I'm getting the same errors on debian testing. Could it be that
you have not updated your debian testing recently or not yet removed
some old packages?

At the moment I don't have a debian stable installation available.

> Because I build my packages with some scripts on a special build-host I have 
> a 
> build-log from xen 2.0.7 on debian unstable:
>  http://packages.debianbase.de/sid/i386/xen/xen_2.0.7-2.error

I'm getting the same compile errors.

>From the build-log, it seems you have the debian 2.6.11 kernel packages,
but only locally. You're getting them from packages.debianbase.de,
rather than ftp.debian.de:
Get:1 http://packages.debianbase.de ./ kernel-patch-debian-2.6.11
2.6.11-7 [374kB]
Get:2 http://packages.debianbase.de ./ kernel-source-2.6.11 2.6.11-7

I have thought the debian kernel patch somehow patched the 2.6.11 kernel
to compile with gcc-3.4. I have just downloaded the 2.6.11 kenel-source
and debian patch from you. Will try to build the official debian xen
package (2.0.6) from source again.

Someone on the list said xen testing (2.0.8) should use kernel 2.6.12. I
have just tried and vanilla 2.6.12 compiles on my debian testing. So the
next thing to try out will be this one.

I have seen you have already a debian package for xen 2.0.7. I guess you
have done it yourself, as the official debian package seems to be still
at xen version 2.0.6, right?


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