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Re: AW: [Xen-users] Deploying redhat clusters under Xen 3.0.2

On Monday 21 August 2006 7:53 am, Christopher G. Stach II wrote:
> would do differently.  First, don't let dom0 manage any of the storage.
>   Use one of GNBD, iSCSI, AoE, etc. and dedicated private network cards
> for each domain.  I wouldn't even bother bridging vifs.  Second, use the

I see why not using vif-bridging for storage, but why not to manage storage in 
dom0? having there the GNBD, iSCSI, AoE, device(s) and CLVM should work, and 
it seems would be the most manageable setup.

would you share your (bad) experiences with Dom0-managed storage?


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