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Re: [Xen-users] how to use eth2 instead of eth0 for bridge

On Mon, Sep 17, 2007 at 05:09:26PM +0200, Artur Linhart - Linux communication 
>       But as far as I know even having 1GBit network card, the
> communication of the guests (at least with HVM guests) will still ahve only
> 100 MBis, is it right? 

Nah, thats just what the model of the emulated network-card has as through-
put, you can do more with HVM as you can see from my small benching at
http://fluxcoil.net/doku.php/xen/docs .

> At least on Xen 3.1.0 this is so.. Does anybody know
> if it is a different situation by the paravirtual hosts? Can be somehow
> improved the network traffic for HVM hosts?
Use paravirtualized drivers if you can get those for the OS you are running
under HVM (my benchmark misses the case HVM/paradrivers thou, since para
is the most interesting method and HVM was just a fun here to look at).

Maybe someone has an explanation for the difference throughput
dom0->domU vs. domU->dom0 .


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