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Re: [Xen-users] Error: int argument required

Jarkko Ypäjä wrote:

I've got XEN kernel(2.6.18-5) running nicely on my debian etch box but I've got a problem when adding a new vps client.

After running xm create /etc/xen/xen1.domain.com.cfg I get this error
Error: int argument required

My xen1.domain.com.conf is here: http://paste.servut.us/lnv

I believe that here is the problem:

root = '/dev/md1 ro'

disk = [ 'file:/vserver/domains/xen1.xxxx.com/disk.img,md1,w',
'file:/vserver/domains/xen1.xxxx.com/swap.img,md2,w' ]

First of all, try to use other devices than md1. I think more appropriate is hda, hdb, hdd, hdc,..., sda, sdb, sdd,... Or you can try to load the image disk by mda. And I don't understand why do you need to load root filesystem with 'ro' parametar? In my configurations I use hd{a..z} and it is working. Maybe you can also solve your
problem if you specify the parametar:



Note: The disk.img and swap.img will be recognized as two separate disks, and not like a part of one disk.

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