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Re: [Xen-users] Convert CentOS system to Xen image?

On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 10:11 -0400, James Pifer wrote:

> Tiago, I've tried installing CentOS 4.5, 4.6, and 5.1 using
> virt-manager, but none of them see a disk to install to once the CentOS
> install process starts. Maybe there's a special way to run these
> installs.

I'm just installing new RHEL5 machines doing this. Takes ~4 minutes.

# virt-install \
--name=myvm \
--ram=1000 \
--file=/dev/Vol_LVM/vm05 \
--network=bridge:virbr0 \
--vnc \
--paravirt \
--location=http://server.com/redhat5as_install/  \
-x ks=http://server.com/redhat5as_install/ks.cfg

- ï/dev/Vol_LVM/vm05 its one LVM device with 20 GB
- ks.cfg:

url --url http://server.com/redhat5as_install/
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard br-abnt2
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname xen.com.br
rootpw --iscrypted (#hash of password#)
firewall --disable
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
selinux --disable
timezone --utc America/Sao_Paulo
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=xvda
clearpart --linux
part / --fstype ext3 --size=100 --grow
part swap --size=3000 --asprimary


Tiago Cruz
Linux User #282636

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