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[Xen-users] xen 3.3.0 cpufreq usage


I want to use cpufreq feature provided by xen 3.3.0 with PV domUs.

My system is a Dell PE1950 with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5345 with power on demand activated in bios.

I use hypervisor and dom0 kernel from xen-3.3.0.tar.gz compilated with make world.

With cpufreq=xen option in grub kernel line i've this xm dmesg output :
(XEN) xen_pminfo: @acpi_cpufreq_cpu_init,HARDWARE addr space

but cat /proc/cpuinfo  doesn't  show lower CPU MHz and stepping is always at his maximum.

I don't know how to use cpufreq=dom0_kernel  because with xen 3.3.0 i can't compile my own dom0 kernel with cpufreq support:
In menuconfig if i select Privileged Guest (domain 0)  then Cpu frequency scaling is disabled in Power maangement support.

in anyway i can't acces through /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/ to cpufreq.

So how works cpufreq with xen 3.3.0  ?
Is cpufreq=xen only limited to amd processor ?

thanks for answers

Cédric L.

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