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Re: [Xen-users] Windows Server 2003, reboot hangs

>If I run the xm shutdown guest, it does shutdown however.

(not after the server is frozen)

David Riccitelli
skype: ziodave
phone: +39.0658318336

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On 11/set/08, at 20:15, David Riccitelli wrote:

Hello there,

I'm using Xen 3.2 (downloaded from Xen.org (http://www.xen.org/download/index_3.2.0.html) on CentOS 5.
I created a guest with Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 and installed version 0.9.10 of XenWindowsGplPv drivers.
When I try to reboot the guest though, shutdown freezes on Windows background with still pointer. xm top reports 100% CPU utilization and the guest does not shutdown / restart.

If I run the xm shutdown guest, it does shutdown however.

I also tried 0.9.11-pre17 with same results.

How can I fix this problem?

Best regards,
David Riccitelli
David Riccitelli
skype: ziodave
phone: +39.0658318336

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