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Re: [Xen-users] How to check/test network performance?

On Montag, 22. September 2008 James Pifer wrote:
> What's the best way to check the network performance of a domU? I have
> a bunch of pv linux servers, mostly SLES10SP1. When using scp for
> doing copying to and from other machines, either xen or non-xen, I
> typically see only about 1.2 MB/s. It seems very slow. Otherwise
> performance seems fine.

scp uses encryption (over ssh), and for this reason is very CPU 
intensive and not the best to test network performance.

> Any suggestions or tests I could run?

As was said, iperf and netperf, but they are benchmarks. If you prefer 
real world tools, you can setup rsyncd on one machine (configure 
/etc/rsyncd.conf and do /etc/init.d/rsyncd start) and from a remote 
machine do
rsync -aPv * {rsyncserver.domain.name}::{rsyncd-section-name}/
and rsync even displays how quick this is. You can also create a big 
file on the server, e.g.
dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile.dd bs=1024k count=1000
and then copy this from the client:
rsync -aPv * {rsyncserver}::{rsyncd-section-name}/bigfile.dd /tmp

You can also use "iptraf" to watch the network traffic while you do your 
testing, it displays live performance values.

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