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Re: [Xen-users] Xen configuration file format

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Geert Janssens <info@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> * In xen 3.0.x I had used virt-install to create new domU's. This in turn
> created a config file in /etc/xen. I'm trying to do the same with xen 3.3.1
> and the accompanying virt-install. The domU's are created an run properly, but
> there's no longer a config file in /etc/xen. So how can I tweak the
> configuration after initial setup ?

The configuration is now managed by xend (which is the same thing if
you run "xm new", btw).
Here are some options to change domU config :
- use virt-manager to change some settings
- edit the configuration on the fly (using xm and virsh). For example,
there's "xm block-attach"
- stop, dump, delete, edit, load, start domU. For example, if your
domU name is "test" :
# xm shutdown test
( wait for it to exit)
# xm list -l test > test.sxp
( edit test.sxp using your favorite editor )
# xm delete test
# xm new -F test.sxp
# xm start test

> * The gitco xen seems to keep information on domU's in some internal database.

I believe it's in xenstore.

> I still have some domU's (with config) from before I installed gitco xen. They
> seem to work fine. However 'xm list' will always show all the domU's created
> with gitco's virt-install (I mean whether they are started or stopped), and
> only the domU's created before gitco that are actually running. So if I stop a
> gitco created domU, it still appears in 'xm list' with no state, but if I stop
> a pre-gitco domU, it disappears completely from 'xm list'. I can start it with
> no problems though and it will reappear in 'xm list'.

with /etc/xen/* config files : xm create
with xend-managed domUs : "xm new" and "xm start" (see example above)

You could always dump virt-install/virt-manager altogether and create
domU config files manually.

> * 32bit vs 64bit. I'm still confused about this. What is possible, and what is
> not ? Or better even, what is recommended ? My server has got 8Gb of RAM for
> now. Would 64 bit xen give me better performance ? And should dom0 be 64bit
> then as well ? I think most of my domU's don't have very large memory needs so
> probably these can remain 32bit.

The easy way, have 64bit dom0, use Centos, install Xen 3.3.1 (64bit)
rpms from Gitco.
For domUs, use whatever you need (32 or 64bit)

> But is this possible ? Can I mix 64bit and 32bit xen/dom0/domU's for PV and
> HVM ?

Yes, if you use 64bit hypervisor.



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