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Re: [Xen-users] unistalling gplpv from win7x64 gives BSOD

Am 28.05.2010 14:36, schrieb James Harper:
>> Am 27.05.2010 11:46, schrieb Florian Manschwetus:
>>> Am 27.05.2010 11:42, schrieb Fajar A. Nugraha:
>>>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Florian Manschwetus
>>>> <florianmanschwetus@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Am 27.05.2010 11:23, schrieb Fajar A. Nugraha:
>>>>>> What I did with 0.11.x:
>>>>>> - get
> http://www.meadowcourt.org/downloads/gplpv_uninstall_bat.zip
>>>>>> - boot with NOGPLPV
>>>>>> - use 0.10.x uninstaller
>>>>>> - reboot
>>>>> Ok, now the system boots without nogplpv, but the net driver
> package
>>>>> still is uninstallable.
>>>> Odd. XenNet should depend on Xen PCI. If there's no driver for
> XenPCI,
>>>> there shouldn't even be a XenNet device. How did you determine that
>>>> it's "uninstallable"? Which NIC does WIndows currently use,
>>>> realtek/QEMU or XenNet?
>>> The net device in devicemanager is gone of course.
>>> But the driverpackage in programs etc is uninstallable (click
> uninstall,
>>> confirm uninstall anyway, nothing happens)
>>> But before installing the newer version I would like to get rid of
> all
>>> of this.
>>> Florian
>> Even more evil, is that I have tried to install the newer version,
>> resulting in having now two ununinstallable xen net driver packages
>> installed. I need some help here, I have no ideas left.
> Did you run the uninstall bat file? That's a measure of last resort but
> it sounds like you are there. If you've already done that it might make
> the driver packages harder to uninstall.
> Windows tries to be smart and prevents you removing a driver that it
> thinks is critical to the system, eg because you booted off it. It can't
> know that if you uninstall GPLPV and reboot then things will still be
> okay.
> Having the driver packages there, while messy, won't actually hurt
> things. You can remove them from the registry directly if you really
> want to.
> James

The problem is that those prevent me from installing a newer version of
the drivers. So removing them completely seems to be the only way, to
get out of it.


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