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[Xen-users] Malfunctioning bridge

In order to create a -more or less- representative test configuration, I tried to copy a real life situation into a xen-set-up:
-external firewal
-openvpn server
-Internal firewall
-management gateway
-asterisk pabx
-mysql server
To simulate different networks, I created dummy ethernet devices, and connected bridges to it.
All of the bridges are working OK, except ONE: BR2 (for setup, see attachement)
If i ping on the vpn-box (vpn is not setup yet) towards internal firewall or otherway round i see no traffic at all
( => OR =>
Looked at [internal] firewall, at the bridges, routing, but i'm clue-less….
Test i've done sofar:
Any suggestion where to look next?
Kind regards, Hans

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Attachment: virtual-vpn.txt
Description: virtual-vpn.txt

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