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Re: [Xen-users] PXE booting XenServer 6.2

On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 10:58:37AM -0500, Alexandre Kouznetsov wrote:
> Hello.

Thanks for the detailed pointers, results of my tests are inline.

> El 09/07/13 08:17, Prasanna Santhanam escribi?:
> >On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 02:24:32PM +0000, Joseph Hom wrote:
> >>Try removing all the extra consoles. Also maybe specify a ramdisk
> >>for root. I usually have something like this for my pxe cmdline and
> >>it installs 6.2.0 without issues.
> >>
> >>   append XENSERVER_6.2.0_64/xen.gz --- XENSERVER_6.2.0_64/vmlinuz
> >>   root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=32758 atexit=shell
> >>   answerfile=http://answerfile install ---
> >>   XENSERVER_6.2.0_64/install.img
> >
> >Thanks, I tried this and it worked for xcp 1.6 and xen 6.0.2 but
> >didn't for xen 6.2. Still stuck on the console line:
> >http://prntscr.com/1eektk
> I'm successfully booting XS 6.2 installation via PXE. So far it
> boots on a VirtualBox VM, but can't get beyond networking detection.
> It seems something is wrong with the dhclient in XS 6.2 initrd. I
> have not tested it on physical hardware yet.
I've got it installed on a virtualbox but not with PXE yet. I will
attempt that next.

> Maybe yours is the same problem, maybe not. This are some points
> worth checking:
> 1. Make sure the option "redirect console after boot" is disabled in
> your BIOS. I'm not sure what this option is intended for, but I find
> it messes up things when playing with serial console. It is not
> needed to be enabled for a serial console setup with Linux.
This was enabled so I disabled it and attempted a PXE boot and the
iDrac console was stuck at the same point. So looks like the option
didn't have any effect.

> 2. When using serial console, on previous versions of Xen, I have
> seen some output to be missed, it was not copied to both, the
> physical and serial console. My solution was to decide which I use
> and not to count on the other one. Since you are using a iDRAC card,
> which gives you a "normal" graphical console, consider dropping the
> serial console and omit it's reference from the boot configuration.
I dropped all console references as Joseph had pointed and that didn't
work for Xen 6.2 but did for previous version.

> 3. Check your serial ports configuration in BIOS. What is mapped as
> com1, the internal port or the external one? If it's external and
> there is something connected to it, it may confuse the console.
com1 is external but not connected to anything. I set to com2 and
attempted booting. No go. Then set to "Remove Access Device" and still
no use.

> 4.Check the debug virtual console (Alt-F2, hope your iDRAC can do
> it). It's possible that something went wrong with your answers file
> or networking detection.
This option doesn't seem to be supported on my iDrac.

> 5. Try booting without answers file first. With answers file, since
> the process is supposed to be unattended, the feedback is poor.
I booted from the CD image and the installation was successful. But
here's my answers file for reference.

The vars ($server, $distro) are replaced by cobbler on boot.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <installation mode="fresh" srtype="lvm">
      <primary-disk gueststorage="yes">sda</primary-disk>
      <source type="url">http://$server/cblr/links/$distro</source>
      <admin-interface name="eth0" proto="dhcp" />

> This is my boot configuration (mostly copied from my XCP 1.6 install setup):
>   append deploy/XenServer-6.2.0-install-cd/boot/xen.gz dom0_mem=752M
> com2=115200,8n1 console=com2,vga ---
> deploy/XenServer-6.2.0-install-cd/boot/vmlinuz console=tty0
> xencons=hvc console=hvc0 ---
> deploy/XenServer-6.2.0-install-cd/install.img

yup I had the same setup working for xen 6.1. I'm still not clear why that
would go wrong for 6.2. Thanks for the help so far.

> For reference, in production I use serial console on com2, mapped to
> my PowerEdge's internal serial port, which I access via IPMI SOL.
> Greetings.
> -- 
> Alexandre Kouznetsov
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