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[Xen-users] Status of merging the #xen and ##xen IRC channels?


(Pasi, you're CC'd as you're the only active op I see around in either
of these channels, and I thought you might have some input here.)

I've been hanging out and helping people (I hope) in both ##xen
(unofficial) and #xen (official) on freenode for a few months now. One
thing I have noticed is that the official channel is still there in a
sort of half-migrated limbo.

Upon connecting to ##xen, you get:

16:37 [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [##xen] You've reached
##xen, an unofficial channel. If you joined #xen, you were forwarded
here; please
          join ##xen directly in the future. Thanks!

...but upon connecting to #xen, you get nothing (and you don't get
redirected, either). It seems like the redirect is either set up
incorrectly, or is disabled?

##xen currently has 198 users, and #xen has 77. Of the unique 246
users, only 29 are in both channels. Not exactly huge numbers, but
they still get around 2-5 questions on a weekday, usually by people
just popping in. #xen has been around for at least a year, and I'm not
sure how long the redirect, broken or not, has been around.

I ask because I often see newbies/users asking questions in one of the
channels and not the other. Upon not getting a response (usually in
#xen), they sometimes try asking in the other channel after some time,
or usually just leave outright.

I think the current two-channel situation adds to the confusion that
newbies already have between the Xen hypervisor, XAPI, XenServer, etc.
Is there someone here with the power to enforce the redirect
(presumably in the 'unofficial -> official' direction), or any other

- Matthew (aka 'hypermatt' in IRC)

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