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Re: [Xen-users] Make World Error Code 2

Here is the terminal output with the last two steps of the inverse bisect:

root@carlos:/opt/seabios# git clean -fdqx
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# make defconfig
scripts/kconfig/conf --olddefconfig /opt/seabios/src/Kconfig
# configuration written to /opt/seabios/.config
 Build default config
# configuration written to /opt/seabios/.config
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# make
 Build Kconfig config file
 Compile checking out/src/misc.o
 Compile checking out/src/stacks.o
 Compile checking out/src/output.o
 Compile checking out/src/string.o
 Compile checking out/src/block.o
 Compile checking out/src/cdrom.o
 Compile checking out/src/disk.o
 Compile checking out/src/mouse.o
 Compile checking out/src/kbd.o
 Compile checking out/src/system.o
 Compile checking out/src/serial.o
 Compile checking out/src/clock.o
 Compile checking out/src/resume.o
 Compile checking out/src/pnpbios.o
 Compile checking out/src/vgahooks.o
 Compile checking out/src/pcibios.o
 Compile checking out/src/apm.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/pci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/timer.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/rtc.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/dma.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/pic.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ps2port.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/serialio.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-uhci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-ohci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-ehci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-hid.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-msc.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-uas.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/blockcmd.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/floppy.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ata.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ramdisk.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-ring.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-pci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-blk.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-scsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/lsi-scsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/esp-scsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/megasas.o
 Compile checking out/src/post.o
 Compile checking out/src/memmap.o
 Compile checking out/src/malloc.o
 Compile checking out/src/romfile.o
 Compile checking out/src/x86.o
 Compile checking out/src/optionroms.o
 Compile checking out/src/pmm.o
 Compile checking out/src/font.o
 Compile checking out/src/boot.o
 Compile checking out/src/bootsplash.o
 Compile checking out/src/jpeg.o
 Compile checking out/src/bmp.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ahci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/pvscsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-xhci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-hub.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/coreboot.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/lzmadecode.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/csm.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/biostables.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/paravirt.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/shadow.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/pciinit.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/smm.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/smp.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/mtrr.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/xen.o
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.dsl.i - 474 lines, 19153 bytes, 315 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.aml - 4405 bytes, 159 named objects, 156 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.lst - 143000 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.hex - 41662 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 245 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.dsl.i - 35 lines, 762 bytes, 8 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.aml - 120 bytes, 6 named objects, 2 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.lst - 2653 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.hex - 1460 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.dsl.i - 36 lines, 758 bytes, 5 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.aml - 87 bytes, 5 named objects, 0 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.lst - 2349 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.hex - 1161 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.dsl.i - 101 lines, 2567 bytes, 35 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.aml - 354 bytes, 24 named objects, 11 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.lst - 7658 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.hex - 3711 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 2 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.dsl.i - 514 lines, 28284 bytes, 413 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml - 7344 bytes, 239 named objects, 174 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.lst - 255962 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.hex - 69191 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 445 Optimizations
 Compile checking out/src/fw/acpi.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/mptable.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/pirtable.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/smbios.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/romfile_loader.o
 Compiling whole program out/ccode32flat.o
 Compiling whole program out/code32seg.o
 Compiling whole program out/ccode16.o
 Compiling to assembler out/src/asm-offsets.s
 Generating offset file out/asm-offsets.h
 Compiling (16bit) out/romlayout.o
 Building ld scripts
Version: rel-1.7.5-113-gb7f4a76-20150326_080207-carlos
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "./scripts/layoutrom.py", line 691, in <module>
ÂÂÂ main()
 File "./scripts/layoutrom.py", line 633, in main
ÂÂÂ info16 = parseObjDump(infile16, '16')
 File "./scripts/layoutrom.py", line 548, in parseObjDump
ÂÂÂ relocsection = sectionmap[sectionname]
KeyError: '.text.call32_smm_prep'
Makefile:156: recipe for target 'out/romlayout16.lds' failed
make: *** [out/romlayout16.lds] Error 1
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# git bisect good
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 1 step)
[ca087779edbbc52e364dd901927dbe868ec085fc] floppy: Make sure to yield() during floppy PIO
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# git clean -fdqx
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# make defconfig
scripts/kconfig/conf --olddefconfig /opt/seabios/src/Kconfig
# configuration written to /opt/seabios/.config
 Build default config
# configuration written to /opt/seabios/.config
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# make
 Build Kconfig config file
 Compile checking out/src/misc.o
 Compile checking out/src/stacks.o
 Compile checking out/src/output.o
 Compile checking out/src/string.o
 Compile checking out/src/block.o
 Compile checking out/src/cdrom.o
 Compile checking out/src/disk.o
 Compile checking out/src/mouse.o
 Compile checking out/src/kbd.o
 Compile checking out/src/system.o
 Compile checking out/src/serial.o
 Compile checking out/src/clock.o
 Compile checking out/src/resume.o
 Compile checking out/src/pnpbios.o
 Compile checking out/src/vgahooks.o
 Compile checking out/src/pcibios.o
 Compile checking out/src/apm.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/pci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/timer.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/rtc.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/dma.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/pic.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ps2port.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/serialio.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-uhci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-ohci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-ehci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-hid.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-msc.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-uas.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/blockcmd.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/floppy.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ata.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ramdisk.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-ring.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-pci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-blk.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/virtio-scsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/lsi-scsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/esp-scsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/megasas.o
 Compile checking out/src/post.o
 Compile checking out/src/memmap.o
 Compile checking out/src/malloc.o
 Compile checking out/src/romfile.o
 Compile checking out/src/x86.o
 Compile checking out/src/optionroms.o
 Compile checking out/src/pmm.o
 Compile checking out/src/font.o
 Compile checking out/src/boot.o
 Compile checking out/src/bootsplash.o
 Compile checking out/src/jpeg.o
 Compile checking out/src/bmp.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/ahci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/pvscsi.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-xhci.o
 Compile checking out/src/hw/usb-hub.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/coreboot.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/lzmadecode.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/csm.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/biostables.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/paravirt.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/shadow.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/pciinit.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/smm.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/smp.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/mtrr.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/xen.o
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.dsl.i - 474 lines, 19153 bytes, 315 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.aml - 4405 bytes, 159 named objects, 156 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.lst - 143000 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.hex - 41662 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 245 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.dsl.i - 35 lines, 762 bytes, 8 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.aml - 120 bytes, 6 named objects, 2 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.lst - 2653 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.hex - 1460 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.dsl.i - 36 lines, 758 bytes, 5 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.aml - 87 bytes, 5 named objects, 0 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.lst - 2349 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.hex - 1161 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.dsl.i - 101 lines, 2567 bytes, 35 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.aml - 354 bytes, 24 named objects, 11 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.lst - 7658 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.hex - 3711 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 2 Optimizations
 Compiling IASL out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.hex
ASL Input:ÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.dsl.i - 514 lines, 28284 bytes, 413 keywords
AML Output:ÂÂÂ out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml - 7344 bytes, 239 named objects, 174 executable opcodes
Listing File:Â out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.lst - 255962 bytes
Hex Dump:ÂÂÂÂÂ out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.hex - 69191 bytes

Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 445 Optimizations
 Compile checking out/src/fw/acpi.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/mptable.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/pirtable.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/smbios.o
 Compile checking out/src/fw/romfile_loader.o
 Compiling whole program out/ccode32flat.o
 Compiling whole program out/code32seg.o
 Compiling whole program out/ccode16.o
 Compiling to assembler out/src/asm-offsets.s
 Generating offset file out/asm-offsets.h
 Compiling (16bit) out/romlayout.o
 Building ld scripts
Version: rel-1.7.5-115-gca08777-20150326_080237-carlos
Fixed space: 0xe05b-0x10000Â total: 8101Â slack: 15Â Percent slack: 0.2%
16bit size:ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ 35412
32bit segmented size: 2202
32bit flat size:ÂÂÂÂÂ 23122
32bit flat init size: 68848
Lowmem size:ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ 2176
f-segment var size:ÂÂ 1200
 Linking out/rom16.o
 Stripping out/rom16.strip.o
 Linking out/rom32seg.o
 Stripping out/rom32seg.strip.o
 Linking out/rom.o
 Prepping out/bios.bin.prep
Total size: 136840Â Fixed: 61936Â Free: 125304 (used 52.2% of 256KiB rom)
 Creating out/bios.bin
root@carlos:/opt/seabios# git bisect bad
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps)
[e5f43384be5cf5983f03e3f4c1cb7bbeaba2af3f] build: set LC_ALL=C

And this is the git bisect visualize terminal output:

root@carlos:/opt/seabios# git bisect visualize
commit ca087779edbbc52e364dd901927dbe868ec085fc
Author: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:ÂÂ Sat Nov 29 13:04:46 2014 -0500

ÂÂÂ floppy: Make sure to yield() during floppy PIO
ÂÂÂ The floppy Programmed IO code really should yield while the controller
ÂÂÂ is busy.
ÂÂÂ Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

commit e5f43384be5cf5983f03e3f4c1cb7bbeaba2af3f
Author: Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:ÂÂ Wed Dec 3 15:14:57 2014 +0100

ÂÂÂ build: set LC_ALL=C
ÂÂÂ Avoids tools such as layoutrom stumble over localized messages.
ÂÂÂ Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@xxxxxxxxxx>
ÂÂÂ Tested-By: Patrick Georgi <pgeorgi@xxxxxxxxxx>

2015-03-26 6:53 GMT-03:00 Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>:
On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 14:55 -0300, Carlos Gustavo Ramirez Rodriguez wrote:
> No problems building the upstream SeaBIOS,

Great, that should mean there is a fix in the tree somewhere. I looked
through the logs and it's not obvious to me which it would be.

Could you please try two other things. First
    git clean -fdqx
    git checkout rel-
    make defconfig
    make is the latest stable release on the 1.7.x branch (Xen 4.5
included 1.7.4).

Secondly could you maybe do an "inverse bisect"? Inverse because you are
actually looking for a patch which fixes things, rather than breaks
things. It can be a bit confusing so I would recommend adding to either
~/.gitconfig or seabios/.git/config:

    bisect-fixed = bisect bad
    bisect-unfixed = bisect good

Then run "git bisect start".

Then each test step is:
    git clean -fdqx
    make defconfig

And then either "git bisect-fixed" or "git bisect-unfixed" depending on
the result, git will then automatically pick the next version to test.

You'll need to seed it with some starting points e.g. "git checkout
rel-" and "git checkout origin/master" and the test step should
then give it enough to go on.

After not too many steps (effectively log2 of the number of commits) it
should tell you the "bad" commit which in this case is actually the good
commit which fixed things.


>Â but it uses the "Version:
> rel-1.8.0-20-gb458122-20150325_145204-carlos" as you probably already
> knew. Bellow is the terminal output:
> root@carlos:/opt# git clone git://git.seabios.org/seabios.git
> Cloning into 'seabios'...
> cremote: Counting objects: 12497, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6374/6374), done.
> remote: Total 12497 (delta 10018), reused 7491 (delta 6116)
> Receiving objects: 100% (12497/12497), 2.67 MiB | 534.00 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (10018/10018), done.
> Checking connectivity... done.
> root@carlos:/opt# ls
> seabios xen
> root@carlos:/opt# cd seabios/
> root@carlos:/opt/seabios# ls
> COPYING COPYING.LESSER docs Makefile README scripts src vgasrc
> root@carlos:/opt/seabios# make defconfig
> scripts/kconfig/conf --olddefconfig /opt/seabios/src/Kconfig
> #
> # configuration written to /opt/seabios/.config
> #
>Â ÂBuild default config
> #
> # configuration written to /opt/seabios/.config
> #
> root@carlos:/opt/seabios# make
>Â ÂBuild Kconfig config file
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/misc.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/stacks.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/output.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/string.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/block.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/cdrom.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/disk.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/mouse.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/kbd.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/system.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/serial.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/clock.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/resume.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/pnpbios.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/vgahooks.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/pcibios.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/apm.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/pci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/timer.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/rtc.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/dma.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/pic.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/ps2port.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/serialio.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-uhci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-ohci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-ehci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-hid.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-msc.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-uas.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/blockcmd.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/floppy.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/ata.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/ramdisk.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/virtio-ring.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/virtio-pci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/virtio-blk.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/virtio-scsi.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/lsi-scsi.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/esp-scsi.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/megasas.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/post.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/memmap.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/malloc.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/romfile.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/x86.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/optionroms.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/pmm.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/font.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/boot.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/bootsplash.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/jpeg.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/bmp.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/ahci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/pvscsi.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-xhci.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/usb-hub.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/hw/sdcard.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/coreboot.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/lzmadecode.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/csm.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/biostables.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/paravirt.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/shadow.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/pciinit.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/smm.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/smp.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/mtrr.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/xen.o
>Â ÂCompiling IASL out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.hex
> ASL Input:Â Â Âout/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.dsl.i - 474 lines, 19153 bytes,
> 315 keywords
> AML Output:Â Â out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.aml - 4405 bytes, 159 named
> objects, 156 executable opcodes
> Listing File:Â out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.lst - 143000 bytes
> Hex Dump:Â Â Â out/src/fw/acpi-dsdt.hex - 41662 bytes
> Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 245
> Optimizations
>Â ÂCompiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.hex
> ASL Input:Â Â Âout/src/fw/ssdt-proc.dsl.i - 35 lines, 762 bytes, 8
> keywords
> AML Output:Â Â out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.aml - 120 bytes, 6 named objects,
> 2 executable opcodes
> Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.lst - 2653 bytes
> Hex Dump:Â Â Â out/src/fw/ssdt-proc.hex - 1460 bytes
> Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations
>Â ÂCompiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.hex
> ASL Input:Â Â Âout/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.dsl.i - 36 lines, 758 bytes, 5
> keywords
> AML Output:Â Â out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.aml - 87 bytes, 5 named objects,
> 0 executable opcodes
> Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.lst - 2349 bytes
> Hex Dump:Â Â Â out/src/fw/ssdt-pcihp.hex - 1161 bytes
> Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations
>Â ÂCompiling IASL out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.hex
> ASL Input:Â Â Âout/src/fw/ssdt-misc.dsl.i - 101 lines, 2567 bytes, 35
> keywords
> AML Output:Â Â out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.aml - 354 bytes, 24 named objects,
> 11 executable opcodes
> Listing File:Â out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.lst - 7658 bytes
> Hex Dump:Â Â Â out/src/fw/ssdt-misc.hex - 3711 bytes
> Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 2 Optimizations
>Â ÂCompiling IASL out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.hex
> ASL Input:Â Â Âout/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.dsl.i - 514 lines, 28284
> bytes, 413 keywords
> AML Output:Â Â out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml - 7344 bytes, 239 named
> objects, 174 executable opcodes
> Listing File:Â out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.lst - 255962 bytes
> Hex Dump:Â Â Â out/src/fw/q35-acpi-dsdt.hex - 69191 bytes
> Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 445
> Optimizations
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/acpi.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/mptable.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/pirtable.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/smbios.o
>Â ÂCompile checking out/src/fw/romfile_loader.o
>Â ÂCompiling whole program out/ccode32flat.o
>Â ÂCompiling whole program out/code32seg.o
>Â ÂCompiling whole program out/ccode16.o
>Â ÂCompiling to assembler out/src/asm-offsets.s
>Â ÂGenerating offset file out/asm-offsets.h
>Â ÂCompiling (16bit) out/romlayout.o
>Â ÂBuilding ld scripts
> Version: rel-1.8.0-20-gb458122-20150325_145204-carlos
> Fixed space: 0xe05b-0x10000Â total: 8101Â slack: 14Â Percent slack:
> 0.2%
> 16bit size:Â Â Â Â Â Â35500
> 32bit segmented size: 2202
> 32bit flat size:Â Â Â 26922
> 32bit flat init size: 68432
> Lowmem size:Â Â Â Â Â 2176
> f-segment var size:Â Â1200
>Â ÂLinking out/rom16.o
>Â ÂStripping out/rom16.strip.o
>Â ÂLinking out/rom32seg.o
>Â ÂStripping out/rom32seg.strip.o
>Â ÂLinking out/rom.o
>Â ÂPrepping out/bios.bin.prep
> Total size: 140548Â Fixed: 65824Â Free: 121596 (used 53.6% of 256KiB
> rom)
>Â ÂCreating out/bios.bin
> 2015-03-25 14:50 GMT-03:00 Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>Â Â Â Â ÂOn Wed, 2015-03-25 at 14:36 -0300, Carlos Gustavo Ramirez
>Â Â Â Â ÂRodriguez
>Â Â Â Â Âwrote:
>Â Â Â Â Â> Hello Ian,
>Â Â Â Â Â>
>Â Â Â Â Â>
>Â Â Â Â Â> I tried git clone following that link path and I was able to
>Â Â Â Â Âdownload
>Â Â Â Â Â> and "LC_ALL=C make" the seabios, but that didn't work, after
>Â Â Â Â Âthat, I
>Â Â Â Â Â> tried going to the /tools/firmware/seabios-dir-remote and
>Â Â Â Â Âseabios-dir
>Â Â Â Â Â> both and running the same code "LC_ALL=C make", and still
>Â Â Â Â Âsame error,
>Â Â Â Â Â> after that, I tried the next ideia, /tools/firmware/ and
>Â Â Â Â Â> make -C seabios-dir all" and after returning to the make
>Â Â Â Â Âworld, same
>Â Â Â Â Â> problem.
>Â Â Â Â Â>
>Â Â Â Â Â> Besides going to 4.6 any other workaround?
>Â Â Â Â ÂBuilding the upstream SeaBIOS tree and seeing if it builds
>Â Â Â Â Âwould give us
>Â Â Â Â Âa hint as to whether we needed to look for a patch to backport
>Â Â Â Â Âor if
>Â Â Â Â Âthis was a new bug caused by e.g. the bleeding edge Ubuntu you
>Â Â Â Â Âare
>Â Â Â Â Ârunning (seabios can be a bit sensitive to toolchain changes)
>Â Â Â Â Âwhich
>Â Â Â Â Âneeds to be reported to the upstream list.
>Â Â Â Â ÂSo, please can you try:
>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Âgit clone git://git.seabios.org/seabios.git
>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Âcd seabios.git
>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Âmake defconfig
>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Âmake
>Â Â Â Â Âand see if that also exhibits the issue.
>Â Â Â Â ÂFYI Xen 4.5.x uses the rel-1.7.5 tag by default.
>Â Â Â Â ÂIan.
> --
> AbraÃos
> Gustavo

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