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Re: [Xen-users] FW: [Xen-devel] Zir Blazer's guide to install Arch Linux and Xen - need feedback

On Wed, 2015-04-15 at 00:14 -0300, Zir Blazer wrote:
> New version of the guide. Corrected a lot of things, checked syntax,
> and added what I know so far of IOMMU Groups, with a deep dive in my
> Supermicro X10SAT topology. There are also Passthrough instructions.
> But most important of all - MORE THAN 60 SCREENSHOTS! The next step
> should be to wikify it.
> I still need feedback and at least a tester. If you have computer that
> you want to repurpose for Xen (Doesn't neccesarily needs an IOMMU,
> since that's merely for Passthrough), you can give it a try.

Perhaps you should try the arch linux lists or forums or whatever?

> http://secure-web.cisco.com/1XIePxGT4k2pVYpvfoExDscE7K-N4ta3NYEe8_vOdJt3JlmEo48iELv385Cs-v5NBbmlsyuSUfZsKj8GQ5sJ163bWqP8PoNB4WfMmVBfgMZTwY3pr0uNHd0qGx-L5J59WD08xUv95nfqnA43cOWmjIhnIhl-R_woYqEmOIWHWZ3ouFmPjCCZMP3YLaY1DvPw3/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pastebin.com%2FAfxgyZNq
> Due to Hotmail limit of 50 attached files, I can't upload them all in
> one go. I need to figure out if I can upload them to an album instead.
> Will have that in mind for the next update.

If you are going to rework this then please find some other way to
distribute than sending dozens of images to the list (which is a breach
of netiquette IMHO) and provide a link to something instead.


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