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Re: [Xen-users] Openindiana (was Mac OSX How-to)

On Saturday, 13 August 2016, 12:16:22 EDT, PÁSZTOR György wrote:

> Hi,


> "jim burns" <jim_burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> írta 2016-08-12 22:07-kor:

> > Yeah, that's pretty much Boris's method. When I execute the cfg for the

> > installer, I get: (if reading this at home, make sure your email client is

> > reading in html mode)

> >

> > xl create -c oi

> > Parsing config from oi

> > libxl: warning: libxl_bootloader.c:416:bootloader_disk_attached_cb:

> > bootloader='/usr/bin/pygrub' is deprecated; use bootloader='pygrub'

> > instead

> > v4.7.0 chgset ''


> Which xen version did you tried?


As it says above, 4.7.0.


> Maybe something broke in xen during times


That's what I think too. Boris' examples would have been around late xen 3.x, early 4.x, maybe 4.1.


> As I mentioned, I tried this in

> ~2013-2014. What I did not mentioned: I tried that on a stable or oldstable

> debian as dom0 os. In those times debian 6.0 was the oldstable, 7.0 was the

> stable. So the newset out of the box xen version was 4.1. And after a short

> try we gave up on use of the xl toolstack: With xl, if you said reboot in a

> guest system, then it did not rebooted, just become dead somewhere.

> I filled a Debian bug report in their bts. They said, they will not fix it,

> since supporting "xl" toolstack is "experimental".

> I could not win over their stubbornness :(

> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=727100


> Btw.: Did you tried openindiana only? I am not sure, maybe I just dreamed

> that, but I slighlty remember, if I'd read that on omnios-discuss, that

> there is available omnios AMI images in AWS. So, if it is possible, than

> maybe omnios's kernel / other things are fixed to use in a xen environment.


> Cheers,

> Gyu


Not familiar with Omnios. How similar to OS is it?



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