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RE: Xen FuSa meeting tomorrow Tue 17 November

  • To: Francesco Brancati <francesco.brancati@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Piotr Serwa <pserwa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 07:50:15 +0000
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  • Cc: Michał Szczepankiewicz <mszczepankiewicz@xxxxxxxxx>, "fusa-sig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fusa-sig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 07:50:22 +0000
  • List-id: This is a discussion list for members of the Xen Project FuSa SIG <fusa-sig.lists.xenproject.org>
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  • Thread-topic: Xen FuSa meeting tomorrow Tue 17 November

Hi Francesco, David,


I know that Linux is scanned by Coverity as it is open source project, but it is in their cloud and not on linux servers. According to their coverage report they cover MISRA quite well.


I guess you would need to negotiate it with tool vendors if you want it for free on your servers integrated with your CI – but well, Perforce is a project member, right 😊 ?


David, I agree that one should not just on marketing slides and see if there is a checkbox saying that a rule is covered. It is not that it just covers one rule or it does not – especially as directives are not decidable. The certificate or the assessment report can be analyzed too (if available), this typically shows the details of coverage of each rule. A well selected commercial tool, possibly running in parallel with open-source static analysis  (a subset of what you have in powerpoint) would give a sufficient MISRA coverage.


Concerning the on-premise execution (integrated with the CI) – I assume this is provided by most of commercial tools (at least I’ve seen them working that way). Running on cloud (like Coverity for linux) is nice that you have a good dedicated web interface to errors. I don’t know if it is triggered manually or automatically. But I guess you cannot block the build or report within the build that misra violations are found.


Concerning other checks – it is not just misra that you want to verify I guess. Tools from your presentation detect way more, so you need to agree on what you check otherwise you will be overloaded with warnings from those tools that you know that can be ignored (e.g. using of C extensions). After all, if you comply to the agreed rules, you don’t want that any tool reports any issue.


Some of the tools that you listed (like frama-c or klee) are  mainly for detecting runtime errors (like division by 0, buffer overflow), rather than coding gudelines. I think it is also good to use it, alternatively I  would recommend a commercial tool Astree C (which by the way covers both misra and runtime analysis by abstract analysis).








From: Francesco Brancati <francesco.brancati@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 November 2020 12:48
To: Piotr Serwa <pserwa@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Michał Szczepankiewicz <mszczepankiewicz@xxxxxxxxx>; fusa-sig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Xen FuSa meeting tomorrow Tue 17 November


Dear Piotr,

of course commercial tools offer much more features. Do you think their licenses would allow the usage server side to support a community based development?

I guess we were focusing on free tools to overcome this issue.

@Stefano do we have any constraints in adopting a commercial tool?



Il 18/11/2020 11:39, Piotr Serwa ha scritto:

Hi Francesco,


Why not taking a commercial tool, with a full MISRA 2012 support? Free tools are far below the needs, I think. Commercial tools typically come with qualification kits and safety certificates. I would recommend investigating Axivion, Parasoft C test , Helix QAC, LDRA TBvision or Absint rule checker. Maybe you can negotiate a free usage as Xen is open source. Coverity is doing this approach (I mean free scan of Linux code).





From: Fusa-sig <fusa-sig-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Francesco Brancati
Sent: Tuesday, 17 November 2020 15:14
To: fusa-sig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Lorenzo Falai <lorenzo.falai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Xen FuSa meeting tomorrow Tue 17 November


Dear all,

please find attached the result of our investigations on sonarQube and alternatives.

the outcome can be summarized in this way:

SonarQube (sonarcloud) could be a valid tool for our needs because it supports command line and serverside precommit operations and should support inline justification of violations. Unfortunately (as pointed out also by Artem) MirsaC support is really limited.

we provide a list of alternatives (cppcheck is in the list) but support to serverside precommit checks must be further investigated.

talk to you later,

Francesco and Lorenzo.

Il 17/11/2020 14:17, Bertrand Marquis ha scritto:

Hi Artem,
Here after you will find the current status I got on your tickets.
On 17 Nov 2020, at 11:24, Artem Mygaiev <Artem_Mygaiev@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all
Few notes on my AIs to discuss today:
- Sonar, unfortunately, support a very limited set of MISRA rules (https://rules.sonarsource.com/c/tag/misra-c2012) so it is not suitable for us. OTOH, cppcheck has a full set of MISRA-C-2012 143 rules supported via public plugin (without publishing rules text, only giving an ID) https://github.com/danmar/cppcheck/blob/main/addons/misra.py. I think this should be a great starting point so will try it now.
- We have created a migrated armclang Xen branch on top of current staging, but I cannot check it without license for Arm DS safety compiler, unfortunately. Also I have re-checked Arm Safety Compiler issues after migration to new support system (except one), here's the list:
I am working on that and will keep you informed.
CAS-138402-Y0Y9C3 --- 00195992
This is not considered a bug but a feature request and for now this is considered.
CAS-137352-T7F4V1 --- 00192196
This a known limitation and there is a workaround for it.
CAS-138292-L5S0V0 --- cannot find it yet
There is a workaround for current compiler and this will be fixed in the new compiler scheduled to be released around H2 2021 
CAS-137357-Z7W3B8 --- 00182044
This has been resolved in 6.6.4 version of the compiler.
CAS-137359-V7G6W6 --- 00118170
This is a limitation of the fromelf tool and is considered a feature request. It has not been considered yet.
-- Artem
-----Original Message-----
From: Fusa-sig <fusa-sig-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Stefano Stabellini
Sent: Tuesday, 17 November, 2020 00:49
To: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: fusa-sig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; stefanos@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Xen FuSa meeting tomorrow Tue 17 November
Hi all,
I would like to remind you that tomorrow it is time for our Xen FuSa SIG meeting. There are a number of outstanding actions, see below. Also, David Ward kindly volunteered to present on the subject of the MISRA Compliance 2020 document, which is extremely relevant as it provides a framework to manage deviations.
On Tue, 3 Nov 2020, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
Hi all,
These are the minutes of today's FuSa meeting.  Look for "ACTION" in 
the test to find the ACTION items.
# Build Xen with ARMClang
Bertrand: ARM will internally build Xen with ARMClang to validate 
ARMClang against Xen. It is going to start in the next couple of months.
Artem: I have opened a bunch of issues against ARMClang. What is the 
Bertrand: will check
ACTION(Bertrand): ARM to let us know when issues are going to be fixed 
and in which version of the compiler.
ACTION(Artem): send the ARMClang series for Xen again rebased on 
# Resiltech presentation on MISRAC
First identify set of rules we have to comply to MISRAC. A subset of 
MISRAC, but which one?  Some rules are mandatory, some others are 
Who is responsible for deciding which rules are mandatory (R1)? It is 
important to have the safety experts involved.
Once we identify the R1 rules, let's use static analysis to check for 
violations. For instance SonarCloud.
We need to device who is responsible for fixing the violations, and 
what happens when developers say that the solution is worse than the 
original code.  There is a need for a final pass by a safety expert 
after the developer's analysis. In case the safety expert team 
identifies that the justification cannot be accepted the code has to be fixed.
We need a tool able to process justifications for MISRAC violations 
inline with the code. It is important to maintain MISRAC violation 
justifications in sync with the code. Is there a tool that can do that 
If the tool doesn't support it, we could add scripting to it, so that 
we could extract the justifications from the comments and populate the 
tool's database ourselves.
ACTION(Artem): work with Sonar and see how it handles justifications
ACTION(Francesco): do an analysis on the tools and justification 
ACTION(Stefano): MISRAC justifiaction as incode comments, is it viable
                from a community perspective? Start the discussion.
ACTION(Stefano): Diagram to describe the new contributor process
MISRAC document to provide a framework to manage deviations 
hp?f=241&t=1842__;!!GF_29dbcQIUBPA!lHt1TEb2koDpfOmJwNiV5B-0OQc3sCB429nx6W4sPDUdbXiz2C5WGp3Wh-tSKeddKg$ [misra[.]org[.]uk] ACTION(David Ward): do a presentation on the topic during the next
                   FuSa meeting.


Francesco Brancati
Innovation Manager and SW Solutions Expert
Email: francesco.brancati@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +39 0587 21 24 65 (internal number: 104)
Mobile: +39 333 48 52 041
Skype: francesco.brancati


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Francesco Brancati
Innovation Manager and SW Solutions Expert
Email: francesco.brancati@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +39 0587 21 24 65 (internal number: 104)
Mobile: +39 333 48 52 041
Skype: francesco.brancati


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