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[MirageOS-devel] [RE-ANN] From opkg to odig v0.0.1 (was Re: [ANN] opkg v0.0.1 - Documentation access improvements)


Due to concerns over a binary name clash with OpenWRT's package manager [1], 
the opkg project  
was renamed to odig.


If you have installed opkg the way out is:

 opkg cache clear
 opam remove opkg  
 opam update && opam install odig
 odig ocamldoc  
 odig doc  

Thanks to David Kaloper Meršinjak and Peter Zotov for raising
the issue.  

Sorry for the inconvenience and happy doc digging,


P.S. To package devs if there are issues with the way your docs get rendered 
please get in touch on the issue tracker (if that's not due to your package 
install or an ocamldoc issue itself).  

[1] https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/opkg

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