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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Notes from tXen Project - Allnet Meeting, Nov 12th

Paul L. George(Office) writes ("RE: [Wg-test-framework] Notes from tXen Project 
- Allnet Meeting,       Nov 12th"):
> I am away this week until Monday.  I had to go to a convention/training
> session.  The ETA is firming up and I believe we will start to get equipment
> next week, Tuesday 11/25/14.

Are we still on schedule for things being set up and in the rack by
early December ?

>  We have gotten a spec for the replacement of the duplicate server
> and it is currently being run by the HP REP to see if the parts we
> picked are all available.  I should have that by the end of the
> week.

Um.  This is rather odd.  Why are you dealing with HP ?

The `duplicate server' was a Dell PowerEdge r415.  The specification I
provided was from Dell.  Also I'm a bit puzzled when you say you have
`gotten a spec' since I provided a printout from the Dell website.

> Some for the test servers have significant lead time  4 - 6 weeks.  We are
> trying to hurry them along.  Gigabyte is the longest, 6-8 weeks.  I believe
> it is more like 6 week but we can only push so hard before we have a
> negative effect.

I am less worried about lead time for the test servers.  6-8
weeks is rather disappointing, but we can go live with a subset.


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