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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Updated Linux Testing Project Plan Schedule


I have both main servers in house,  and I set Newcastle up last night just
to smoke test it.  I have it on line and was able to make it work in a
minimal configuration.  The plan is to test the memory, load the correct
Debian configuration and get the Comtrol components up and working. Then it
is off to the COLO.  

I am waiting for PDU Power cords.  I ordered 36 C13 - C14 6; cords and
should see them Monday.  I will see if I can coble together or borrow  4
cords for the main servers and switches.  If I can get the servers installed
sooner than Monday I will, but I think realistically we are looking at
Tuesday or Wednesday.

The consensus between the 3 of us is that we should test the memories for a
day or so before we rack the servers.  I is usually a pretty good stress
test and I can do the testing on both servers off-line simultaneously.  

I will update the project plan with the micro steps now that I understand
what they are.

I have almost all the servers and Comtrol components in house as of
Wednesday 12/3/2014


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jackson [mailto:Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 2:05 PM
To: pgeorge@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Chris Shepherd'; 'Don Slutz'; 'Donald Koch'; 'Donald Koch'; 'Lars
Kurth'; wg-test-framework@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Updated Linux Testing Project Plan Schedule

Paul L. George(Office) writes ("RE: Updated Linux Testing Project Plan
> Once we get the main servers in which I hope will happen today I will 
> bench test them to make sure they are both functioning properly.  I can
move them
> to the COLO sooner that stated in the schedule,   I am still waiting on
> parts

Getting them to the colo ASAP is important, yes, I think.  What parts are
you waiting for ?

> I am going to sit down with Don Slutz and work out a detail schedule 
> similar to the one I sent you explaining the configuration.

Great, thanks.

> If you look at the Plan from "Configuration Testing" it is all 
> testing.  If we move the servers to the COLO sooner, then the whole 
> schedule shrinks.  I was trying to minimize risk in dealing with the shear
amount of hardware.
> DOA or infant mortality does occur.

Right.  I think we do need to do bench testing of the test servers, because
the test system software won't be online soon enough to test most of them.

Getting the test software set up is the critical path I think, and that
depends mostly on the main servers being in the colo.  Can you revise the
schedule to try to prioritise that ?

We also have Ian Campbell's 4U ARM crate to be racked.  We need to plan for
shipping that to you after it has been suitably tested here.


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