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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Notes from Dec 10 meeting with AllNet

On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:00:54 +0000
Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Paul L. George writes ("Re: [Wg-test-framework] Notes from Dec 10 meeting 
> with AllNet"):
> > RJ-45 male to RS-232 female adaptor.  The comptrol 32 port serial patch 
> > panel had been wired for basic RS-232. The Cat5e straight thru cable  has 
> > to be converted to a RS-232 null modem DB9 female.  I ordered a bunch of 
> > adapters but they were wired wrong.  Chris and DonK figured out what the 
> > wiring had to be and we rewired the adapters and tested them.  
> > Unfortunately it killed enough time to screw up the installation this 
> > weekend.  My plan is to get the main servers and PDU's installed tonight.
> Are suitable adapters not available off-the-shelf ?  If we have
> homebuilt adapters we will need to keep documentation for them in case
> we want to make more, or in case they break.

Supposedly there were. I think the vendor got them off the wrong shelf.
I suspect the ones they sent were for a UPS, but that's just speculation.
The pinouts had no basis on any reality I'm unaware of. (One wire was
soldered to the shell.)

These are documented on the Comtrol site. The only difference between
the "standard" ones and the ones that Chris George made are that the
standard ones would require a null modem adaptor. He just swapped the
Txd/Rxd, DSR/DTR and RTS/CTS pins and left DCD out.

> Ian.


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