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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Project Update part 2 part 1 was submitted over the holidays.

Don Koch writes ("Re: [Wg-test-framework] Project Update part 2 part 1 was 
submitted over the holidays."):
> On Fri, 9 Jan 2015 18:05:38 +0000
> Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Don Koch writes ("Re: [Wg-test-framework] Project Update part 2 part 1 was 
> > submitted over the holidays."):
> > > I still need to allocate the disks and create said VMs. I was waiting
> > > for Ian to confirm/update the disk/memory/CPU sizes/counts for each of
> > > these. (If he did, I missed the mail. I recall seeing notes about a couple
> > > of them.)
> > 
> > I'll do this.  Which of the various files in the git repo should I be
> > looking at ?
> setup-info.ods (or .xls).

I have looked at this again and updated the spreadsheet.

On the 3rd of December I had written an email about this.

> I have looked through setup-info.xls and most of it looks plausible.
> But:
>  * Guest disks absolutely must be LVM volumes in the host.

This seems to have been partially updated in the spreadsheet.  I have
added some xxx notes.

>  * The test runner VM `osstest' needs 4G of RAM.
>  * 1G RAM seems very generous for the ssh gateway and the
>    infrastructure VMs.  I would go with 512.
>  * The webserver probably doesn't need 4 VCPUs because it isn't going
>    to be doing anything complicated.
>  * The webserver needs a ~200G webspace for test outputs and logs.

I have made these adjustments.

>  * I think the database VM is way oversized.  I will try to find out
>    how big the current database is and get back to you.

I still haven't managed to get figures for this.  Please bear with me.

I also noticed that the separate serial concentrator VMs weren't
listed.  I have added them to the spreadsheet.


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