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Re: [Xen-devel] help with bugs

Ian Pratt wrote:

I'd like to appeal for some help tracking down a couple of bugs that
we're struggling to reproduce:

BUG62  eth0 -> veth0 in network script can loose network
I've been able to reproduce this problem frequently on SLES 9 SP2 based platforms, x86 and x86_64. It seems that when I first reported the problem it happened very infrequently, and I could not reliably reproduce it. Now, I seems to be happening all the time on my SLES 9 boxes; curiously, it does not seem to happen on my FC/RH boxes.

BUG130 time running fast bug
BUG76  shared irq's fail under high load

These are all pretty serious and it would be good to get fixed before
If you can make them exhibit frequently on your system it would be
useful to know.


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