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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v4 6/9] livepatch: Add parsing for the symbol+0x<offset>

>>> On 08.09.16 at 11:22, <konrad.wilk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 07, 2016 at 02:10:43AM -0600, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> >>> On 06.09.16 at 21:56, <konrad.wilk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 03:08:01AM -0600, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> >> Overall - are you sure you want to disallow symbol names containing
>> >> + characters? I.e. you don't want to add support for some form of
>> >> quoting?
>> > 
>> > Can you actually have + in a function or object?
>> Why not? The ELF spec, iirc, doesn't put any restrictions on what
>> characters (other than nul of course) can be used in symbol names.
>> gas actually has received full quoting support a year or two ago,
>> to no longer needlessly restrict the character set available here.
> I was thinking of + in the C land. But that is irrelevant to this
> discussion.
> Let me dig in the gas code to find examples of this - but in the
> meantime (and if you recall), you meant something like this:
> "do_domain_pause+something"
> ?


> Which would mean for offset purposes I would need to deal with:
> "do_domain_pause+something"+0x10
> or
> 'do_domain_pause+something'+0x10

Yes. Or, as said - at least queue it up as a work item, as I certainly
agree it's not the highest priority thing to deal with right away.


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