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[Xen-devel] [PATCH] libxc: elf_kernel loader: Remove check for shstrtab

This was probably useful to load ELF Note, but now ELF notes
"should live in a PT_NOTE segment" (elfnote.h).

With notes living in segment, there are no need for sections, so there
is nothing to be stored in the shstrtab.

This patch would allow to write a simpler ELF header for an OVMF blob
(which isn't an ELF) and allow it to be loaded as a PVH kernel. The
header only needs to declare two program segments:
- one to tell an ELF loader where to put the blob,
- one for a Xen ELFNOTE.

The ELFNOTE is to comply to the pvh design which wants the
XEN_ELFNOTE_PHYS32_ENTRY to declare a blob as compaptible with the PVH
boot ABI.

Note that without the ELFNOTE, libxc will load an ELF but with
the plain ELF loader, which doesn't check for shstrtab.

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <anthony.perard@xxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/libxc/xc_dom_elfloader.c | 9 ---------
 1 file changed, 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/libxc/xc_dom_elfloader.c b/tools/libxc/xc_dom_elfloader.c
index 82b5f2ee79..b327db219d 100644
--- a/tools/libxc/xc_dom_elfloader.c
+++ b/tools/libxc/xc_dom_elfloader.c
@@ -165,15 +165,6 @@ static elf_negerrnoval xc_dom_parse_elf_kernel(struct 
xc_dom_image *dom)
         return rc;
-    /* Find the section-header strings table. */
-    if ( ELF_PTRVAL_INVALID(elf->sec_strtab) )
-    {
-        xc_dom_panic(dom->xch, XC_INVALID_KERNEL, "%s: ELF image"
-                     " has no shstrtab", __FUNCTION__);
-        rc = -EINVAL;
-        goto out;
-    }
     /* parse binary and get xen meta info */
     if ( elf_xen_parse(elf, &dom->parms) != 0 )
Anthony PERARD

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